Caption Contest: The Winners

Bumped for announcement of our winners. First the runners-up:

Leave a quarter… I’m not at my other job either. – andycanuck
Obama’s Telepromter falls on Hard times – dkjones
Ergonomic … ATM …. BETA ….. Model! – Joe Molnar

And the winner is…

Signposts. Doing the jobs that American’s won’t do. -Iowa Jim

Send me an email, I’ll get you fixed up with a book.
(Original post below)
Photo credit, SDA Norm: “three hours before this picture was taken your standard mope was bumming money from motorists exiting I-40 onto Eubank Blvd, Albuquerque, New Mexico. I guess he had better things to do, but wanted to maximize his profit potential by strapping his sign and deposit box to a nearby post to keep the good times rolling.”
I’m stumped for a headline, so here’s your chance at a free book from the expansive SDA free book library. Contest closes Saturday at midnight.

76 Replies to “Caption Contest: The Winners”

  1. Be right back – gone to CNN to be a talking head on the news today, saying everything is the GOP’s fault.

  2. I thought that location looked familiar! I see that guy frequently standing at that corner but never noticed before that he leaves a box when he’s not there.

  3. Edmonton has decided to change its motto. From ‘Home of Champions” to “Home of the homeless”.

  4. I followed one of these moochers, at Tillicum mall intersection in Victoria, “Jobless, have two kids to feed”……..saw him in the mall 5 mintues later, he was in a rush, so I followed. Yup, into the Liquor Store to spend his rewards.
    Saw him again a few weeks later outside StupidStore (Loblaws), and said out of the car, “More booze money, eh?”. “No, no, no”…..phony bast@rd
    Also see groups working the McKenzie/Highway intersection with the same scheme. Of course, here in leftist Victoria, there’s all kinds of self-hating liberals only too happy to give money away, feeling guilty for themselves.

  5. Looks like I’m a bit late to enter but …
    but what if Jesus is a fis-con? 🙁
    (yeah I know it was funnier)

  6. I’m really pissed because that’s my corner and my sign post. That’s what I get for taking time off
    to have a few beers. Whatever money is in that box really belongs to me. I’m to honest to come by
    and take it. I just hope he finds another corner…otherwise we might engage in fisticuffs.
