20 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. Yes.
    But with a good part of our own population using various sanctioned schemes to reduce incomes on paper, we are hardly in a position to laugh and shake our heads.

  2. Yes.
    But with a good part of our own population using various sanctioned schemes to reduce incomes on paper, we are hardly in a position to laugh and shake our heads.

  3. It’s not just granola land that is affected by Obamacare. This same disaster is piling up ruin in everyone’s lap this month and next.
    Outrageous premiums, sky-high deductibles, ridiculous and unnecessary “full coverage” for everyone if they can afford it. All you have to do is tell the government all your darkest medical and financial secrets. And taxes and fines for non-compliance.

  4. So work less in order to beggar your neighbor via the tax system — a perfect government scheme to lift everyone out of poverty. sarc. Why it’s like an individual transfer payments scheme. Typical socialist system: the road to success lies in the ability to demonstrate failure.

  5. So work less in order to beggar your neighbor via the tax system — a perfect government scheme to lift everyone out of poverty. sarc. Why it’s like an individual transfer payments scheme. Typical socialist system: the road to success lies in the ability to demonstrate failure.

  6. Studying the Gaming of the OBAMACARE Health System will be some future University course.
    On the other hand, do socialist / communist countries abide such studies?
    Because that is where the USA is headed under the Obama led Democrats!

  7. “Wow, make even less money and get free healthcare! A little less and you can get free food stamps. A little less: section 8 housing! Man I love where this is headed. No work, free stuff. Just dont tell those evil capitalists about our little plan…somebody has to be the chump in this game. ”
    A smart commentator made that observation in the comment section of the article. No need to add to it, it says it all.

  8. This is what “spreading the wealth” looks like. Its a stealth income cap. Freebies for those under 400% above the (imaginary and moveable) poverty line, no freebies for 401% above. Communism by another path.
    Solution? Load up on freebies and work one less week a year. Or, make so much money that $15k/year for insurance doesn’t dent your bank book. Which is hard for a normal mortal with 50%+ tax rates. (There is a third way, have a “friend” in the insurance biz who cooks your books for you. This is the Soviet Method.)
    For the reason why this scheme is working so well, see the EBT card story this weekend. http://www.ksla.com/story/23679489/walmart-shelves-in-springhill-mansfield-cleared-in-ebt-glitch
    Summary, the food stamp cards (EBT) server had a glitch, so the cards showed no limit to funds available. Every food stamp card holder in LA instantly went to Walmart and loaded their carts. When the glitch got fixed, everybody left the carts and walked away. That’s a lot of frozen food to be sitting in carts in the aisles my friends.
    Net result, Walmart was effectively emptied in a couple of hours.
    All of which was -stolen- food, of course. Most of which I’m sure is going to show up in the garbage over the next few days since the people who -stole- it are too stupid and/or ignorant and/or lazy to preserve it in any way. Imagine what they’d do after being hungry for two days.
    Obviously those same people and others like them will be loading up on all the healthcare services they can get, pretty much all wasted just like the food left in the aisles of Walmart.
    In related news, doctors are making people pay up their deductibles -before- they see them. Cash and carry, visit the pay window at the hospital before they give you your morphine shot and sew you up. Just like in the 1950’s.
    I’m telling you right now, that’s going to be what starts the next US revolution. Food stamp/Obamacare computer glitch, major riot, major starvation, civil war.

  9. A great example of how socialism actually works. If everyone stops working they will not only get welfare and food stamps, but also subsidized health care. The nation can just go to the money tree and all will be well.

  10. Yeah well, we have seen this before….
    The EU is a classic example….black market, black money….is the standard reaction to socialism.

  11. “If they can adjust (their income), they should,” says Karen Pollitz, a senior fellow with the Kaiser Family Foundation. “It’s not cheating, it’s allowed.”
    Gee whiz!!! What a bright and cheery idea! Does “senior fellow” have any meaning,does a person have to have any qualifications to be a SF,or can just any idiot whom the foundation likes become one with that status?
    I assume the Kaiser Foundation was started as a tax dodge by the Kaiser Coal family. How ironic that this and so many Foundations started with good old fashioned capitalist money,have become SO communist.
    One of the great things about B.C. is that there are so many caves in the hills to hide in,if we ever have to.

  12. On a slightly different note, the 400% vs. 401% dilemma is a proverbial trap, because it destroys any incentive to improve your income and get off the subsidies. This is by design, and is the standard practice for all welfare schemes. Similarly, a person on welfare will be penalized on their welfare check for almost every extra dollar they might earn; and, if you manage to get a low paying full time job, you just might get cut-off completely resulting in a net gain income of ‘0’, while now having to put-in the 40 hours.
    This is a “fundamental transformation” of America because now hard working folks making less than 400% of the poverty rate will be ensnared in the welfare trap, as they’ve been effectively forced onto subsidies by monumental increases in the price of health insurance.

  13. Indiana Homes said: “…it destroys any incentive to improve your income and get off the subsidies.”
    Almost. It destroys the incentive to improve your income -legally-.
    Look for the off-the-books labor/service market to simply explode in the next little while. That’s why old European guys always do things in cash. They remember how it was when the taxes took everything and cash transactions were the only way to get paid and keep the money.
    Welcome to Greece.

  14. Growing the permanent underclass that vote the correct way at the expense of the economy. Collapsing the system according to the Cloward and Piven manual. Pimping the mindless into slavery – it’s what progressives do.

  15. Phantom, the cash economy has been alive and well in the interior of BC for some time now. Needed a tree taken down and the cost was $2000 until I asked the guy how much if I paid cash and didn’t need a receipt – $500. Finally got the guy who was supposed to cut my tree down to shut up about the thieves in government when I told him he was preaching to the converted. Only down side was that one of his side deals to do the job that cheap was to provide a winters worth of wood to a guy who needed it and, in exchange, he supplied a couple of helpers for the tree downing job. Still had a few years of wood left over for my shop stove afterwards (it was a very big tree).
    I only deal in cash and I know that makes me suspicious in the eyes of statists. There are so many good cash deals around that it’s by far the best way to go. What I have noticed, at least in N. Florida, is that people seem to be a lot more leery when you ask them what their cash price is for a home reno job. In BC it took the GST to turn the majority of people against the statist swine and I suspect that Obozocare will do the same in the US.
    So it looks like the US will become a part-time economy as everyone drops their income so that Obozocare won’t cost them a huge chunk of their after-tax income. Of course, everyone will be employed full time in the barter economy and even if the statists attempt to eliminate cash, there’s still the ability to trade services. I’ve traded medical services to dentists families for reductions in the price of dental work and doing housecalls often gets me food in return.
    There’s only one problem in this whole system — who’s going to pay the taxes that are supposed to be paying for all this “free” medical care? I doubt that the Chicom’s are going to bankroll a US government whose spending makes drunken sailors appear to be miserly in comparison. The system is simply designed to fail and I suspect that it’s a case of stupidity rather than design as the gang of morons currently making up the US government believes in central planning and totally distrusts the far greater decentralized intelligence of the population. Thus, they will likely be genuinely surprised if the people don’t do as they’re expected to.

  16. The “400% vs. 401%” trap probably doesn’t exist, although I haven’t seen the legislation yet. (Nancy Pelosi promised she’d send me a copy. I’m still waiting..)
    In any properly designed scheme like that, the incentive is reduced as your income climbs so that the proceeds from your next marginal dollar earned are always higher than the value of the incentive. E.g. at 400%, let’s say the after-tax proceeds of a dollar of income are $0.52. You ensure that the value of the subsidy is less than (say) $0.40 TOTAL at that point.
    The key word in the above is “properly”. Homez is probably correct; it will be a mess.
