Reader Tips

Tonight we solve all trouble and strife with a collective, worldwide performance of Double Dream Feet.
How easy was that? Step clap! One more time!
The comments thread, although no longer necessary, will remain open for your Reader Tips.

15 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Re: Double dream feet.
    I danced like that when I found out that Mulroney had wiped out the Liberals!

  2. Neo-AGW PR.
    “In courts today: NextEra is bullying Esther Wrightman – let’s make them stop”
    “Wind bully background: NextEra slammed for suing Esther Wrightman, Canada’s Joan of Arc; freedom of speech, eh”
    “Stray voltage: Cows behaving oddly could mean stray voltage; sources can include solar arrays, industrial wind turbines; can kill, or reduce water consumption”

  3. Geez, EBD, I had no idea that I was dancing DOUBLE DREAM FEET ( well. maybe a variation) at one of my Granddaughters’ Wedding just last August!

  4. Socialism: “and the growing number of people who rely on food banks.”
    “CTV | Winnipeg shelter serves record-breaking 1,125 Thanksgiving meals
    A Winnipeg shelter served a record-breaking 1,125 Thanksgiving meals during its annual holiday dinner on Monday, showcasing the generosity of Canadians — and the growing number of people who rely on food banks.”
    “The Fundamental principles of the Socialist theories: … As a Marxist has maintained, Socialism is in effect nothing but the religion of the stomach.”
    “”Gustave Le Bon: The Psychology of Socialism: Book I Chapter 3 …”

  5. NexTerror Red-Green Report.
    “activists” she said.
    Including “Anti-wind activist Esther Wrightman”.
    >>> “activists” said “Debora Van Brenk, The London Free Press”.
    “Anti-wind activist Esther Wrightman was set to argue that the turbines would pose unacceptable health risks and should be scrapped.
    Sitting in the gallery were about 30 other wind opponents, many of them holding signs.”
    “London hearing on health effects of wind turbines shut down
    due to activists”
    “It was a turbulent beginning to a hearing about the impact of turbines on human and environmental health, as the adjudicator shut down the process after only a few minutes.
    As two protesters refused to turn off their video equipment, hearing chairperson Dirk VanderBent warned they must comply or he would have to adjourn the hearing.
    They didn’t; he did.
    At issue are 37 turbines wind energy giant NextEra Canada plans to build in Adelaide-Metcalfe, west of Strathroy.”

  6. O’s hellth care system:
    A maze, it is, Ulysses.
    “Program that. And program it so that nobody ever winds up in jail.”
    “What the blueprint above asks is whether this ship can ever float in principle. It asks whether the architecture it by itself proof of incompetence; whether it is ipso facto an act of criminal negligence.”

  7. Hildabeast Who? breaks Comments Record.
    “Event: Mrs Clinton was at Chatham House to collect a prize for her contribution to international diplomacy”
    “Comments (1700)”
    “Hillary who? Bloody-minded London traffic warden defies five furious secret service agents to give Hillary Clinton a ticket
    Westminster City Council warden puts penalty notice on her Mercedes
    Clinton was attending an event at Chatham House to pick up an award
    Given £80 fine for failing to buy a ticket while parked in £3.30/hour bay
    Photographer claims he saw one agent flashing his badge to warden
    Councillor: ‘We have to be fair to everyone, regardless of their status'”
