Scratch A Leftist

Passive anti-Semitism at the CBC;

Moderation at the CBC has been considered problematic in the past, anecdotally, and formally. The CBC contends that they deal with over 10,000 comments per day, and despite their precautions, problematic comments can’t completely be eliminated. That sounds like a rational and reasonable response.
Except that, as is clear from the examples above, some comments aren’t subtle. The racist intent can’t be missed if you’re actually reading the comment.

26 Replies to “Scratch A Leftist”

  1. Awww, c’mon now. CBC biased.
    Maybe it’s just “embracing” freedom of expression.
    Ya don’t think so?

  2. At any time on any given day one can go to the CBC’s online website and be totally bombarded with absolutely obscene,ignorant, vitriol hate speech, especially in response to the many CBC daily anti-Conservative skewed so-called news articles. The only “precautions” the CBC actively engages in is their zealous quest to remove as many comments as possible that do not promote or agree with the CBC’s extreme left wing agenda. The CBC actively and overtly panders to the uber radical fringe “haters”, and criminal and terrorist lovers, who make up the vast majority of their fan base. The CBC has morphed into a hate speech promoter and the practices they endorse do not deserve one red cent of taxpayer money. Sadly these facts are lost or fall on deaf ears of those in the majority Conservative Government.

  3. Embracing the CBC right to free expression is the same as embracing Ezra Levant’s right, except my tax dollars do not fund his soapbox.

  4. The CBC, AND their followers are free to say whatever they want! But not on my dime!! Ya got that Mr. Minister? (James Moore, MP). I have withdrawn my support from the Conservative Party until the CBC is operating outside of government. Set it free to survive or die.

  5. sorry there Kate, but friend of mine, Jewish, stated that 90% of Jews are liberal, so scratch a lefty??????
    those such as Ezra and M Coran are the exception, not the rule!

  6. It is not anti-Semitism, just hostility to the concept of Jews defending themselves in a land given to them by God.
    So that is so much better, right?
    Didn’t think so. But honestly, I think it is more like opposition to God than the racialist (neo-Nazi) version of anti-Semitism. It’s really not much different from being pro-abort (“choice” if you’re not unborn of course) and against the Christian pro-life position. Nor do I find it surprising that most who hold those two world views (anti-Israel, pro-choice) are quite often in favour of assisted suicide (once again, ignoring that the source of life and death is a creator God).
    Now all of that might not sit well with some libertarians. But that’s how I see it.

  7. Coren is not Jewish, but rather Christian. Your Jewish friend is also not the final word on the percentage of Jews who are “liberal”.

  8. Reader Tips comment from Plainzdrifter two days ago:

    The headline at CBC.Ca read: “David Suzuki tells U.S. not to trust Harper’s Keystone XL promises.”
    My comment was: “How much has he been paid to defame Canada??”
    My comment was deleted.

    So…numerous, blatantly anti-Semitic comments stay up for days after they’ve been flagged, but criticisms of Saint Suzuki are quickly removed.
    Anyone buying the CBC’s excuse that there’s just too many comments for them to moderate?

  9. To those who watch cbc and who were deprived of Suzuki idiotic remarks take a look at this.
    David Suzuki bombs on Q&A, knows nothing about the climate
    David Suzuki’s performance on Q&A last night was extraordinary. I was knock-me-over amazed that he has not heard of UAH, GISS, HADcrut and RSS, and knew nothing of the pause in global surface temperatures that even the UK Met Office and IPCC lead author climate scientists like Hans von Storch are discussing.
    How afraid is Suzuki about man-made global warming? So afraid, it doesn’t occur to him to check the data, incredibly he doesn’t even know what the data is. Tony Jones had to rephrase the questions to explain them to Suzuki, who doesn’t even understand them.
    How much is his reputation as a scientist worth when he doesn’t even bother to check the evidence for a cause he stakes his reputation on?

  10. Coren AND Kerry are both Jewish, as is my Ethiopian , Orthodox Christian, friend. Being Jewish is used as a heritage as well as a religious designate!!!
    BTW; Coren himself stated that he is Jewish, and that his religion is catholic.

  11. “Embracing the CBC right to free expression….”
    Shouldn’t free expression allow both sides of any story ? The CBC always has two sides to a story but they’re both theirs. Shouldn’t the national news carrier be neutral and unbiased ? CBC considers itself the voice of Canada, why is it only speaking for half of the country, primarily the voice of weenies, whiners, wingnuts and drones ? Free expression is about the only thing one will never hear on CBC.

  12. The poor jews. Their underrepresentation in media is obviously to blame. And to blame for that? White racism, obviously.

  13. Hehe. CBC follows specfic guidelines for comment moderation and if you don’t agree with them,they will tell you why you’re wrong. If you don’t agree with that,they will send you to another CBC employee who will tell you that you are wrong.
    My last complaint about their moderation was sent to Esther Enkin on Aug.29th. It was about my comments being held for about 90 minutes and then being posted when they would no longer appear on the first page.I also asked if any comments were held for special moderation because of the author.
    She replied (Sept3rd),that it wasn’t her job to deal with on-line comments and she would pass it on the moderation team. They replied on Oct.10(5 weeks later),telling me that sometimes due to heavy volume this happens,and NO,they do not flag commenters. I say BS.
    This is the meat of their reply,the bold print is mine:
    From a technical standpoint,’s commenting system does not allow the moderators to “hold back” posts of a certain viewpoint (or audience member) over others.’s pending messages queue is akin to a fire hose; it is a continual flow of messages.’s moderation team does their best to address all input in a timely manner. We have multiple moderators working on the queue at one time, during most hours of the day. We can’t control where any comment lands.
    Please be advised, CBC does not provide rationales for moderation decisions but
    we do our best to reverse moderation actions as required, provided it is technically possible.”

    I have been engaged with the CBC for years.It has been futile,but I won’t stop. James Moore is close to useless. He has written two letters to me. The first one said that I am going about it the right way,and if I don’t get an acceptable result from the ombudsman or the privacy commisioner,maybe I should phone or write Hubie’s office. The second letter said that he understands there may be a problem at the CBC and am I aware that their funding is being cut?
    My latest comment to be denied.
    Content disabled
    David Suzuki tells U.S. not to trust Harper’s Keystone XL promises – World – CBC News
    Once again,the CBC does not let facts get in the way of their agenda. Just like the Loubani/Greyson fiasco,they massaged this story.
    From the Globe andMail;
    But fewer than two dozen people – most of them other anti-Keystone activists – turned up for the “What Happened to Canada” event at the National Press Club.
    The CBC concluded that this violated their guidelines. It took 2 and a 1/2 hours for them to decide.

  14. They are extremely thorough in eliminating comments from Conservatives. I get about one in six comments actually posted — and my comments are NEVER rude or disrespectful. It’s discouraging, so I do not bother commenting much any more.

  15. Well said, and CRB, you are right, James Moore is a confirmed CINO and as useless as teats on a boar.
    Other than going to the CBC website when someone links to it, I have not watched any of their television for more than two decades. I used to enjoy much of their radio programming, but when the evening show “As It Happens” turned decidedly and openly pushing a leftist agenda I quite. Not even their Regina farm show entices me back and I can listen to classical cds on my own equipment rather than their stations.

  16. “Nor do I find it surprising that most who hold those two world views (anti-Israel, pro-choice) are quite often in favour of assisted suicide (once again, ignoring that the source of life and death is a creator God).”
    Well, I don’t hold those two world views, nor am a libertarian, as I find most of them to be very selective in what they consider liberty…
    But I can safely say that after I watched ALS destroy my father, your “God is the source of life and death” tripe is a load of garbage. Disgusting people like you are the reason my Dad couldn’t end his suffering on his own terms. You, sir, are no Christian.

  17. Well,that took me about an hour or two to get proof that they are full of excretement with their commenting ‘procedures and guidelines’.
    They proclaim that comments are not held. I made four comments between 7:22 and 7:42. The first included my crude(but useful)website,’’.
    The first is still being held in moderation,the other three made it up. They were innocuous,by CBC standards,IMHO.
    I took a screenshot.The first comment that was posted at 7:22 p.m.,and I took a screenshot of that also. It is still in moderation 90 minutes later.Now,they can say that a comment with a link has to be checked,and I agree with that,but does it take an hour or two to check out a link? And does that not refute their assertion that they don’t have the technical capabilities to hold comments?
    A billion dollars doesn’t get you much,certainly not the truth.

  18. The left tends anti-semitic. As, apparently, do you.
    Just get rid of the CBC already. Or put it on the market, like every other media outlet, which amounts to the same thing.

  19. heh!
    BTW, everyone, Mr. Moore is now Min of Industry (where he will be less focused on the msm circus), I do believe Shelly Glover ( a lady who does not suffer fools,well) has taken Moore’s job. CBC won’t be happy with that choice! I cruz over to check up on Even Soleman (CBC Politic show) occasionally and lately he has not been able to get a Conservative rep on his show to harangue with his dipper/liberano/msm pals. It is pretty flat without a Conservative scape goat to cut off and mock.
    Shelly does not suffer fools…well..I did mention that before.
    I have stocked up on beer, popcorn and smokes.

  20. Thanks for the information, Jema. I’ve always been one of those (apparently) few people who is totally convinced that James Moore has been willingly taking one (or five-hundred) for the team by being a punching bag – the public face – for decisions that aren’t his own, but are carefully considered political decisions by the PMO and the Conservative caucus – you know, smart, long-view incrementalism, and all that. I commend him for his service to a larger and carefully opaque cause.
    Nice to see a good Saskatoon-born girl, though – a Metis woman and a former long-term cop who’s married to a cop – dealing with the CBC file. I’m guessing that the CBC and the GTA tribe won’t intimidate her. Godspeed.

  21. I love this name: Kovalsky. Or Kowalski, whose “comments” were presented at the beginning of the article on the assumption that nobody will read past these 2 comments. I imagine that any anti-Semite capable of writing at this level would have taken good care to hide his/her national identity.
    Therefore, I must conclude, this Kovalsky and his comments are figments of a sick imagination of some sick Jew spluttering the usual rubbish aimed against the Poles. Plenty of them, to be sure.
    Oh, before I forget to add: I am a Pole.
