20 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. This graph is rather amazing and DEADLY for AGW supporters.
    It is a simple and devastating illustration of how completely useless the modeling is, and thus how wrong their theory is. If science was allowed to resume its normal course, we’d see the AGW research funding immediately cut and diverted to other more urgent research areas (medical, physics, whatever). Areas with theories that at least have the remote possibility of being supported by actual data.

  2. No. They’ll take it as a simple and devastating evidence of the urgency of more funding to develop better models and research to find out where the warming is hiding, because it must be there, their faith tells them so. The reason there are so many devoted followers of the AGW climate faith is that the left hates reality and knows they must be given or must seize power so they can change it.

  3. Never in the field of pseudo-science, were so many been swindled by so few. This is their ignoblest hour.
    With apologies to Sir Winston Churchill.

  4. Hide the Decliine.
    Hide the Hiatus.
    hide the truth.
    As brief a summary of contemporary climate science as implemented by the IPCC et al as I can come up with.
    The staggering amounts of public funds squandered in pursuit of Eco Greenie Religous purity could have purchased so much public good in healthcare, public education and infrastructure upgrades is just tragic.
    The lead scientists should all be fired from their universities, their pensionable benefits revoked and they should all be charged with crimes against humanity.
    Millions have died so they could feel important.

  5. It’s not just the old who have been punished by the AGW adherents and their expensive energy regimen. Every day sacrificed birds lay at the feet of their ‘gaia god’ windmills.

  6. Clearly the grad students in charge of wrecking the surface station network didn’t get enough sensors placed next to AC outlets on roofs soon enough.
    No dascha by the Volga for you, grad students!

  7. For 2013 the model spread if +.25C to +1.0C.
    There is no reasons for such a a spread other than to con people that if one of the models got it right, they all did.
    They might as be flipping a coin.

  8. “It’s political science at best….propaganda in reality.”
    I would suggest “religious science” would be a better fitting term. As god now has competition!!

  9. …and those and similar graphs are why surface temperature, the metric CAGWers have been apoplectic about during the pre-1997 temp rise, are no longer an accurate measurement. Now it’s surface temp*plus* ocean temp changes (especially deep ocean temps) that are the defining metric. What they fail to mention is that the Argos capable of measuring the deep ocean to any kind of scientifically meaningful standard have only been in operation for 8 years.
    So to recap significance for “deniers”:
    15 to 17 years of flat surface temps is meaningless
    8 years of deep ocean temps is definitive.
    Ta da….one of many intellectual-scientific sleight of hand tricks that rivals any prominent magicians.

  10. Sarc.
    All questioning of the divine science is heresy.Sarc off
    As temperatures fall in the cool half of the 60 year northern hemisphere cycle, these cultists will become even more insane.
    I expect “Burn the witch” to be their next plan of action, as soon as their ban DiHydrogen Monoxide,, er protect our precious bodily fluids.. er the shortage of potable water campaign, fails to lift off.
    Our government has funded these people from day one, promoted their foolishness and lies with our money and still protect the guilty by failing to investigate and prosecute their own for the massive waste of tax dollars and crippling regulation that have arisen from this fraud.
    Government has demonstrated that they are our enemy, willing to openly lie to us and enslave our children and grandchildren for an idiotic ideology.
    No surprise really, as most taxpayers have known for years the quality and ethics of those who seek positions as” civil servants”.
    I say the watchdogs(Govt agencies) are the very things they pretend to protect us against, hence are more harm than having no protectors.
    Law and order is being destroyed by those we pay to uphold it.The few thieves and bandits not part of this kleptocracy are protected by our just-us system, for the simple reason, if taxpayers take the task of cleaning the minor bandits out, they will realize how useless and dangerous the professionals are.

  11. Hysteria sells. Hysteria that reinforces the institutional left in their enslavement of mankind sells even better!

  12. I think that Baghdad Bob may now be the communications shill for the IPCC. There really is no other explanation.

  13. From above:

    develop better models and research to find out where the warming is hiding

    There is only one place and it is hiding in plain sight.
    It’s the Sun, Son.

  14. you made the blue balls bigger than the other thingies. naturally they sink and make the curve go lower

  15. Then it’s settled that climate computer models are still subject to the Iron Law of computing: Garbage in, garbage out.

  16. “The world’s top climate scientists” are fourth-raters who do not number among the
    world’s top scientists.
    Really, most of them are not scientists at all.
