“When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal”

Via Instapundit;

“The White House official who exchanged confidential taxpayer information with the IRS is a longtime Obama advisor and progressive activist who is currently the most powerful official on Obamacare implementation within the White House.”
Her name is Jeanne Lambrew.

I amuse myself

8 Replies to ““When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal””

  1. Ha Kate! Good tweet. How true, I sometimes wonder how the news people keep a straight face doing their slanted reporting because I’m sure they see this stuff as well

  2. I wish there was a “like” button because Kate said it so well in her tweet that there is nothing I can add.
    You are a brilliant woman Kate.

  3. This just goes to show that Canadian leftists and liberals in the MSM actually wish they were Americans. The British left, as with the Guardian, are happy to go after the Obama administration both because of competition with other news sources on the tiny island and because crapping on America is always the end goal. Ours doesn’t. It looks at its mission as supporting the Democrats just like the U.S. media.

  4. WoW! The head butt inspector in chief, Obummer sure has a harem of comely,/s, female progressive Sheila’s for his screw the Empire Agenda. Amerika is doomed!

  5. Kate that truly was brilliant, just wish you could have copied 90% of the American Media with it.

  6. Would love to be the fly on the wall in Mansbridge’s office…does he squirm or just cuss?
    Waiting for a reply from him, Kate?
