18 Replies to “How’s That Hopey Changey Thing Working Out For Ya?”

  1. If these two people voted for Obama I do not feel the slightest bit sorry for them, as they bought into snake oil.
    Tort reform would have been a much better course.

  2. “‘Of course, I want people to have health care,’ Vinson said. ‘I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.'”
    – from a link in a 6 October SDA article.
    Oh, the humanity!

  3. Interesting how the vast majority of KOS commenters are attempting to justify the rate increases or calling the poster a whiner or troll for complaining. I believe the clinical terminology for such behavior is “shitforbrains”.

  4. Yes Syd, and a large percentage are saying Kaiser is just ripping them
    off and blaming ACA…..how many KOS readers are over that 401% subsidy

  5. Well folks in the USA, welcome to the STATE into your LIFE via “Healthcare”, just wait until you get old and health services are “rationed”, or if you are really old, beware someone standing on your oxygen hose!

  6. Hope and Change meets the Libtards that swallowed that line.
    You can almost hear the gagging and choking from here.
    Kinda like the Kos Kiddies have been deep throated by OBamBam.

  7. Why would he be surprised ? When you take on 34 million new clients that don’t have to pay anything except a token for full coverage, someone has to pay for it. Government’s broke, rich are leaving and middle class is up to their nostrils in debt. He won’t feel so bad once he too is on welfare along with the rest of what’s left of the middle class. Those “snap” cards are very pretty and if he plays his cards right he could get a new Obama phone. Always amazes me how some people are all for socialism until they actually become socialists. Just quit whining and dance with the one that brung you. Crybaby. Forward.

  8. We tried to warn them . . . I posted on HuffPost once last year, predicting that Obamacare would lead to higher taxes and higher rates but poorer care and longer line-ups. Wow, they hated that comment.

  9. He should have listened to Sarah Palin instead of just screaming “Racist!” at anyone who tried to educate him.

  10. The moderator ended it with “peace all” & “peace out”, so everything’s okay.

  11. I would have more sympathy for them if it weren’t like this but it is: They were warned and they insisted on having it anyway.

  12. I love that “…and I am not paying any f@#$%^g penalty.” Sure thing, Tirge. If you don’t want to, they won’t mind. They’re cool.

  13. Obviously they hate Mexican’s!
    Now all the sudden they don’t want to pay out of pocket for anchor babies and infectious diseases walking across the border, “looking for a better life”.
    “Free Health Care for ALL” – cheers.

  14. Peterj wins the thread in mho. Why do people think that East German citizens risked everything to get to West Berlin?
    Socialists do not like History and the lessons it teaches.
