24 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. Let me finish that sentence for you
    “So now we’re seeing this surging inequality with people at the top doing really well and the middle class being hollowed out…
    …by huge, intrusive, parasitic governments of the kind supported by Turdo la Doo and me.”
    I don’t what angers me more: educated (and supposedly smart) people refusing to see our governments as the agents of economic collapse, or, a dumb, complacent and compliant press refusing to raise that issue.

  2. “Chrystia Freeland, Aug. 16th – “Sadly for me and for you, I’m not an economic genius.””
    Liberal leftist economics continue their tradition in a long line of Liberal leftist economic appointees.
    And don’t bring up that dithering Paul Martin. He only acted because he felt the heat of the Reform Party breathing down his neck. His true colours came through when, as PM and upon the realization that he was about to lose the election, he called for “all Progressives” (NDP and Greenies)to come together and vote Liberal.
    That’s right! Progressives. He said it, not me.
    Commies all.

  3. Sadly for me and for you…..
    Perhaps she’s sad for herself but not for me. To make a statement like that is a show of real arrogance. She doesn’t speak for me. Typical liberal.

  4. Self-admitted incompetency, perrrfect. Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in either the leader’s or his handler’s ability to scout talent to run the nation. But then again this flys over the dulled reflexes of the LIVs Team Truedough are targeting, who choose leadership like they channel surf – the zombie hordes who “inform” themselves with media myth spinning and sensation.
    It has been said here before but it bears repeating, that no one who is happy and professionaly successful would go near Ottawa politics today. We look at the talent pool that allegedly is leading the nation and it is devoid of the experience needed in economics, law and public policy – at best career politicians and worst (and more commonly) pretensious acquisitive rent seekers. It would appear that PET Jr’s Librano caucus promises an even more dismal future than expected and only slightly less danger than a Mulcair-run parliament.

  5. I I I, me me me I’ll do..you would think this is narcissist Obozos narcissist sister, natural fit for the vacuous libbys of Canada and their other economic geniuses like 1/5 McCallum and prarie porkupine GoodAle.

  6. “We in Canada built a single-payer health insurance system. That was hard. Imagine living in a modern, urbanized system without that.”
    Since Canada is the ONLY modern country to have a single-payer system it’s rather easy to imagine.
    I shudder to think this idiot may actually be elected and acquire some power over others.

  7. Out of herself, Keynes, and two Presidents Roosevelt she only managed to identify one as not an economic genius, scoring 25%.

  8. It will be ‘sad for us’ if the Libs get back in power and silly little PM Trudeau appoints her Min. of Finance.
    Ok now I feel sick. To think that our country is this close to economic suicide. Two years away, folks. Hey, Barack Obama got elected twice. Dumb things like that happen all the time…

  9. yes I also can imagine it,
    millions of people that don’t have a family doctor can imagine it,
    millions waiting 5 hours in a clinic waiting room for a simple script renewal can imagine it,
    millions with out quality of life because they languishing on waiting lists for tests or non-emergency surgery can well imagine it,
    Doctors whom are in danger of losing their qualifications because their surgeries are not currently being funded can imagine it.
    Patients that chose to leave the country to get timely treatment in medical meccas such as India and cuba can also imagine it.
    Patients that have to sell their homes or have bake sales, street carnivals to raise money for treatment that is not covered by our government can also imagine it.
    Politicians and celebs that have cash who hop a plane to the us for quick and courteous medical service can also imagine it.
    Our health care system is so broken, but our politicians don’t care because they can afford to haul a$$ anywhere else to get speedy care of their choosing, with the “let them eat cake” attitude for the general population…. Modern day nobility

  10. Income inequality.
    Income inequality.
    Income inequality.
    Lather, rinse, repeat…..
    the only economies with on income inequality (other than
    the apparatchiks, that is) are ones where the lowest common denominator wins….

  11. Let me finish that sentence for you:
    “So now we’re seeing this surging inequality with people at the top doing really well and the middle class being hollowed out…
    …and dammit! I want a piece of that action at the top myself!.”

  12. All of the above.
    Brenda, same here. We all know that inevitability our current Conservative government will get tired and be replace. The alternatives at this point make one shudder with despair. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the airhead Justin being prime minister and this woman, who could not manage a lemonade stand, being finance minister, or, can you imagine Libby Davis being Minister of Defense.
    Grey Lady, you list the systemic failures of our system well.

  13. All of the above.
    Brenda, same here. We all know that inevitability our current Conservative government will get tired and be replace. The alternatives at this point make one shudder with despair. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the airhead Justin being prime minister and this woman, who could not manage a lemonade stand, being finance minister, or, can you imagine Libby Davis being Minister of Defense.
    Grey Lady, you list the systemic failures of our system well.

  14. not too bad out here in conservative saskatchewan. 6 weeks for a knee replacement, a month for cataract surgery for both eyes. glad i left ontario the good!!!!!!

  15. “I’ve been writing a lot about the changes in the economy — namely, globalization and the technology revolution — for both the exciting possibilities they hold and their impact on income distribution.”
    Everything about this woman screams “LIGHTWEIGHT”!!!
    Clueless,cossetted,but she’s seen the world through her rose-colored lenses of privilege,as an almighty journalist!
    I bow before her greatness. If this is the best Trudeau’s handlers can manage to present as candidates for the job of running the Country,it’s a sad commentary on the type of people that are attracted to the LPC. Canada will be in EU condition if these characters ever get their hands on the government.
    Canada needs intelligence and real world experience in our politicians,not more “star” candidates and dilletantes who couldn’t run a lemonade stand successfully.

  16. Don
    I see where you’re coming from and on the surface it does appear this way. However, I believe that the executive wing of the LPC have come up with a scam that could just work.
    These frontline dorfs are just that…icing on a callous and sinister cake that is intended to attract the disengaged & first time low information voter…the inanely stupid & those who vote with their crotch.
    Its a Punch & Judy Show whereby the frontline puppets are put away afterwards…kept opiated by their own narcissistic personalities and brought out to entertain the masses when required.
    What more could one expect in an age of 24/7 non-stop entertainment where shallowness thrives…especially within a shallow party.
    There can possibly be no other answer when you see older more experienced ex-cabinet LPC politicians residing in the shadows.
    These people have sold their worthless souls and care not for what is Canada.

  17. She says, “I’m a capitalist red in tooth and claw” and then goes on to spout all the usual leftist crap. Talk about deluded!

  18. When Zoostin first brought her out into the limelight she was touted as an economic savant.
    Along with Scott Brison.
    And then she said Tipping Point too many times.

  19. Did Faith Goldy actually have the patience and the stomach to finish the interview to find that gem. If so, I have to say that she fully deserves the salary she receives.
    I started reading the interview, but had to quickly stop and use the “Find” app (type in the word ‘economic’ and 5 seconds later had scrolled down to the appropriate line). in this way I was able to save brain cells.
    How can anyone other than a journalist or academic think this was an intelligent choice by Shiny Pony the boy wonder. Since the average ‘progressive’ voter doesn’t pay attention to what is going on in the country except for listening to the CBC or CTV, they will be swayed by the reporting and believe ‘Harper has a hidden agenda’ and ‘Harper is a friend of the oil companies’ ‘Harper hates the environment’ -> therefore must vote LIberal.
    We Are Doomed!

  20. I’m a capitalist….Yeah right.
    Chrystia was raised by a single mother – Halyna Chomiak. A raving socialist, prominent member of the leftist community in Edmonton and former NDP candidate. What are Chrystia’s capitalist credentials? She might have started by saying she agreed with the theories of say John Stuart Mill, but that might put her in the conservative camp.
    She is a limousine liberal who talks in riddles and couldn’t articulate anything about capitalism except her hatred for it. She is full of crap and will be exposed as a phoney. Then it’s back to NYC.
