13 Replies to ““Program That””

  1. Wow…and we thought our health care was a cluster*#(%.
    If their goal was affordable health care, it should never have been national. We have provincial plans, they should be going with state-wide.
    Too late for shoulda, woulda, coulda.

  2. No, the goal is to destroy private health insurance.
    All is proceeding as planned . . .
    Let’s see how long the government is shutdown when that means the
    hospitals are Barry-caded like the WWII memorial.

  3. Designed by committees ordered to come up with something that will make Americans scream for single payer simplicity.

  4. This is a machine designed to bring about only one thing: single payer healthcare the same as what we have here in Canada. American socialists have been jealous of Canadian medicare since Trudeau. Not because its such an awesome medical system, but because of the POWER it confers on government.
    They are scum.

  5. Don’t you see what that flow diagram really is?
    It’s an IQ test to determine if you’re smart enough to DESERVE health care.
    Liberals decided 50 years ago, Roe vs Wade, that they needed to get the abortion rate for diversities up to 100%. That didn’t happen. It peaked out at 70%. So on to Plan B, get them to vote for their own annihilation. Make the system so complex, so expensive, that none of them will ever actually receive any health care. In social-speak it was called “Hope and Change”. Change to Plan B, and Hope that you died painlessly. And soon.
    “It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head.”

  6. Actually, real programmers program stuff that complicated all the time. Political crony rent-seeking “programming” companies, however, may have trouble getting the job done.

  7. As Tom Paine said, this is done all the time in the commercial world. The difference is that in reality the product is not released until it has been vigorously tested. even then some bugs are found. But never on the scale which has appeared with this mess.

  8. On the bright side, Canada is going to get an influx of needed health professionals who hate democrats.

  9. Microsoft would be full of envy if it could produce that complicated a microchip.
    It Couldent work, but hey it has artistry

  10. While reading Understanding Agenda21 by Dr. Lawrence Zillman there is a chapter in which a half dozen sections were mentioned. One that stuck with me was the government has the right and ability to check your bank balance whenever they choose.
    Point is that the United States are well on their way to completing the UN’s Agenda21

  11. I truly believe “Obummercare” is the work of what I call “treacherous cretins” – self absorbed partisan tunnel-vision leftoid radicals looking for any way to undermine the free market system. I believe it looks so inept and clunky it was DESIGNED TO FAIL.
    Reason being it’s a “mutt” system that involves the evil, despised private underwriters and free market insurance industry with government mandating and regualation. I think they want it to tank so they can bring in full state health care ( single tier/source ) where big brother doles out life and death – am I nutz?
