34 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Lying sitch ‘n’ sitches:

    Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values.

    The briefing was held at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and listed the AFA alongside domestic hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.

    A soldier who attended the briefing contacted me and sent me a photograph of a slide show presentation that listed AFA as a domestic hate group. Under the AFA headline is a photograph of Westboro Baptist Church preacher Fred Phelps holding a sign reading “No special law for f*gs.”

    One small problem, though:

    American Family Association has absolutely no affiliation with the controversial church group…

  2. Meanwhile down in the USSA, soviet style political cleansing forges on –
    US Army defines AFA (American Family Association) as ‘domestic hate group’
    Girls Threatened With Hate Crime Charges For Complaining About Transgender Bathroom Harassment –

  3. EBD, I have had a theory for a long time that the human species is neither happy, nor does it do very well, when it collates into too large a mass of people governed by a single entity. My hunch is it relates to our biological makeup, a bit like honey bees that swarm once the hive gets too large.
    I think the European Union will fail over time, because it is a case of too many people ruled by too few. Europeans can delude themselves into thinking it is a wonderful thing, but that does not mean it is.
    Furthermore, if humans organize themselves in smaller groups, then we have the benefit of many simultaneous experiments in democracy and governance, and can see better what works and what does not.
    The US was successful because it was a collection of federated states, each with substantial freedom to govern their affairs. (I say “was”, because Obama is trying his level best to destroy the country). Canada is likewise successful because of 10 provinces and 3 territories, albeit with somewhat less freedom than the individual states in the US.
    As a free loving human, I find the concept of the European Union creepy, and in the long term I think it is guaranteed to fail. The rise of UKIP is a sign of that failure kicking in.

  4. Best news I have heard this month EBD. The UKIP is a breath of fresh air in this grammar challenged world. Mr. Farage has a Winston Churchill command of English and he uses his arsenal with flair and humour. I love listening to him dress down the ‘nannies’. If I were English, I would vote UKIP.

  5. The Obama “family” dog must be starving right about now with the shutdown going on. After all, they have someone whose paid $100,000 a year to take care of him. That surely is a nonessential job.

  6. Thanks for that link,EBD,best news out of England in a long time!
    If there’s a “Nigel Farage” in Canada,would he please show himself?

  7. EBD and Occam, interesting, so now the war against Christians has become official policy. Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler would approve.
    Great news about UKIP. Don Morris, don’t hold your breath, as there is no one of Nigel’s stature in Canada’s Conservative party. They are too busy caving to the lefties in most things.
    Windmills torn down, now that is also great news.
    Now, if only “the one we are waiting for” would step down…that would be even greater news.

  8. Not only that, but Fred Phelps, head honcho of the Westboro cult (which is what it is, not a real church at all) is a card-carrying Democrat, and has been for years. In fact he was district campaign chief for Al Gore when ran for the presidency against GW Bush. You can find a photo of the two together on the Webs.

  9. UKIP all the way! Yea, UKIP!
    If I lived in the UK, I’d be a UKIP member and would go door-to-door for them.
    Are you listening, Mr. Hudak?

  10. Interesting background on Phelps and Westborough Gord – lefty intolerance meets pseudo-Christian cultism. Of course these obnoxious bigots masquerading as a Christian church don’t show up the the southern poverty law center’s list of domestic terrorists/racists ued to indoctrinate fed enforcement agencies. Neither have I heard Phelps demonize SPLC as an epicenter of godless communism. Must be a professional courtesy among Dem operatives that they don’t demonize their own racists/bigots/terrorists.

  11. “….after the Battle of Tours, no other massive Muslim invasion would be attempted north of the Pyrenees—until very recently”
    Not sure that’s quite true …. Siege of Vienna 1683 was the high tide mark of Muslim expansion west. Is Vienna north of the Pyrenees …?

  12. British doctors warned not to call the obese ‘obese’ – Washington Times: http://wtim.es/17tF31y
    The Crescent roll (autrement dit croissant) was invented by the Austrians, not the French, to celebrate their victory over the Turks

  13. Liberals blew/stole/wasted 1.1 Billion dollars from Ontario taxpayers to ensure
    their re-election in TWO seats during the last provincial election.
    So what you say?
    1.1 Billion dollars would have paid a full years home care costs for 71,754 needy
    Think about how evil that is.

  14. Just got an e-mail claiming the Ottawa PPG boycotted PMSH speech before the Speech form the Throne. Instead they attended NDP meeting where they were greeted with cheers.

  15. “Globe editorial
    Not much here, but just wait until 2015”
    “Canada PM heads to Brussels to try to seal delayed EU trade deal”
    “The Prime Minister will travel to Brussels to meet with the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, with the goal of concluding the CETA negotiations,” said a statement from Harper’s office.
    Harper is due to fly out on Thursday and return on Friday.
    “They wouldn’t make a trip if there wasn’t good news to come,” a European official told Reuters.”
