74 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. I was struck wondering if Scott Brison was suddenly more interested in killing the idiot than fellating Justin. What a dilema. The only thing we can be sure of is that Trudeau’s wretched idiot spawn had to have the issue explained to him, after.

  2. Agree with Robert above.
    This is the only campaign TV ad the Conservatives will need. Clear, brief and accurate.

  3. Oh. My. God.
    She may not have been talking directly to Justin, but she was talking directly to Justin.
    That is the best thing I’ve seen on TV in years.

  4. It would all be rather funny were it not for the fact that a vast segment of the Canadian population idolizes son-of-Trudeau no matter how incompetent he and his circle of “advisers” are.
    I am struck by how many people I meet who gush over him.
    At the end of the day, the average person loves to idolize, someone, something, anything, they just have to have something in their lives to idolize. It is weird.

  5. Good point, Chrystia. It is a pretty sad state of affairs in our country when a high-school drama teacher can’t become prime minister unless his father was one.

  6. What BC said is the sad & awful truth. This airheaded pretty boy fool born with the silver spoon in his mouth is going to be Prime Minister one day, because the general Canadian public is no smarter or less prone to celebrity worship than the American public. I still don’t know if it will take one election or two, but this Senate mess (stupid inside-baseball crap that it is!) is starting to make me think it’s only going to take one.

  7. So true about the idolization need – it’ll be ‘must see’ TV when they have the leader’s debates.
    The potential for being completely dismantled by an articulate and dispassionate PM Harper pitted against Justin’s drama school teacher theatrics (‘substitute teacher’ – I stand corrected…) will be fascinating. We could see a complete meltdown/smackdown for the ages. A lot of blinders will be yanked off then.
    By the by – saw Friedland’s competition last week, Linda McQuag, at St Lawrence market gladhanding with the vendors. I was next and wad desperately looking for an out. Breathed a sigh of relief when she turned the other way.

  8. Heh, born to rich Albera Liberals at a time when the Libs are turning over every rock they can find to get Liberals in western Canada. Fred’s description of Shiny Pony applies just as much to Chrystia. Congratulations, Canada. You’ve just met the new Liberal Minister of Finance should Son of PET ever win a national election. Basic Grade 3 arithmetic not required.
    Scotty looks so disgusted he must be thinking that Mulcair is a better ship to float his boat, so to speak.

  9. Freeland gets a bank loan for a million dollar home, with the help of her Father as “co-signer”… while the empty headed prince gets to be PM (not bloody likely) because his Father was PM. Liberals, the children of privilege with all the expertise and experience that comes with being a child that never has to grow up. As much as the media want it, and campaign for it, and as shallow and superficial as some Canadian voters are, IMO the lisping substitute drama teacher will never be PM, he is simply far too stupid!

  10. It’s “Substitute” drama teacher and ultimate frisbee coach if you don’t mind, man.

  11. So, what is our fair press waiting for?
    Stand up as one, you laggards!
    Yell, scream, raise a stink – it’s your duty: “No fair! Character Assassination! Personal Attack! Sinking to new Lows!….”

  12. The question hanging above the actors is:
    Who is Brison’s father?
    A. Coyne’s blog was hung up/closed for some time because of the answer which came out of Alberta. Coyne had left his comments open on a weekend; Coyne pulled the blog claiming “libel chill” on his return after seeing/reading the answer on his blog.

  13. He should have inherited his mother’s job which was to blow aging rock stars and show off her pussy.

  14. It doesn’t matter that it’s true because-follow me here-nobody cares. Trust me, nobody cares. All they care about is the incumbent, whom they’re sick of, and how the vaguely attractive new guy contrasts with him in a way that makes him more vaguely attractive.

  15. I don’t think Justin is going to last till the election. He has some huge expense (travel) skeletons in his closet.
    The national director left shortly after his crowning. Mike Crawley has quietly abandoned ship,which is very surprising. The Liberals are waking up to the fact that they made a mistake with the pretty boy.
    He makes Ignatieff and Dion look good.

  16. “At the end of the day, the average person loves to idolize, someone, something, anything, they just have to have something in their lives to idolize. It is weird.”
    No, it’s not weird. Humans were created to worship. If they don’t worship the Creator God who made them, they’ll find something/one else to worship.
    Unfortunately, too many Canadians, having forsaken the worship of the living God, worship substitutes. The Toddler happens to be a substitute of choice these days.

  17. Funny I don’t worship anything except maybe for Breaking Bad. Guess I’m just highly evolved.
    He makes Ignatieff and Dion look good.
    Um. Liberal poll numbers are better than they’ve been in many years. But sure, keep whistling, that graveyard is totally not worth noting.

  18. “And that’s not Canada.”
    It is however, the way of the Liberals and the NDP and their leftie followers:
    So who else? Oh Paul Martin, son of Paul Martin Sr.; Steven Lewis, son of David; Dalton McGuinty, son of Dalton Sr.; Belinda Stronach, daughter of Frank.
    And let’s not forget a famous mother, Linda Frum and David Frum, kids of Barbara.

  19. That woman is so incredibly stupid, it is hard to comprehend. It is crystal clear that she has led her whole life living in an echo chamber…but once out in the real world, her incredibly density becomes obvious.

  20. The Liberal poll numbers looked pretty good when Ignatieff and Dion took the reins of the Liberal Party too. But then there is no election for a good long while yet….and when it does come time for the election, the Liberal support will evaporate like it always does. Although I suspect Beaverface Mulcair will see his party back into third party status again….where it belongs. On the scrap heap of history.

  21. Oh please LOL, the only poll that counts is the voting day poll.
    Guess you don’t remember all the poles screeching that the LIBS were going to get elected in the last election.

  22. He should have inherited his mother’s job which was to blow aging rock stars and show off her pussy
    if i remember correctly , no one saw anything , looked more like she was hiding a brillo pad under her dress or she was giving birth to justin full grown

  23. Something my 90 year old grandma said.
    You guys don’t get it, its all about the hair.
    Justin has the nice hair, and is going to win.

  24. Guess you don’t remember all the poles screeching that the LIBS were going to get elected in the last election.
    Cuz there were none.
    It is only getting worse and worse for the governing party.
    Four-in-10 of Canadians surveyed would vote Liberal in the new poll, compared to 28% for the Tories and 20% for the NDP, the current official Opposition. The poll projects the Grits winning 146 seats in the House, nine short of a majority, to the Conservatives’ 104. The NDP would drop significantly to 47 seats.
    There is simply no way the CPC is maintaining a majority or probably even government next election-as long as Statist Steve is at the helm. That can be changed really quickly.

  25. NP? LOL!
    That has about as much credibility as a cbc poll.
    Truth is: All the polls save for one, stated the libs would at LEAST get a minority…and it will stand pretty much the same for the next election.

  26. This is Canadian election gold plain and simple!! this will tie into the whole “in over his head” theme from the last election.
    For the record I think harper is actually innocent I think he did what was right by making duffy pay it back and by firing all three wallen ,brazaeu ,duffy.
    I think harper is a great leader I think he can’t shine to his potential because of this little idiot’s doing this type of thing to him, he appointed them and they do this? I would personally physically remove all three of them well brazeau may be a little harder but the other 2 yokels for sure.
    he’s over in Europe trying to seal up a free trade agreement ,but back in Canada the kids acting like hooligans and he had to come back and get em all in line so to speak. make sure everyone can see that he will not put up with corruption.

  27. ‘Loved the look on Justin’s face as he was about to say something when the video ended. He looked like he was choking on something.
    He will rue the day he invited this empty-headed chick to run as a Liberal. Her comment is pure gold and needs to be put on a loop, with a split screen showing The Toddler choking on her words.
    With friends like this …

  28. Uh…yeah, LAS….there was polling continually from 2008 to 2011. From March 2009 to June 2009, his third through sixth months as leader of the Liberal party, Ignatieff enjoyed a polling advantage over the Conservatives. Is out and out lying a feature with you leftist clowns? Or is it aggressive ignorance?

  29. Here’s an idea.
    Lets petition Ric Mercer to do one of his ever so funny satirical skits on how liberals are promoting this son of a past PM like one of those boy bands.
    Well wouldn’t be to much satire as its too close to fact.
    Hey libs if its all about celebrity, why not get one of the Kardasians to be your leader?

  30. Haha what a twit, if there was ever an example of nepotism look no further than the public sector or organized labour, especially in the auto sector.

  31. I recently told my wife, who believes that JT will be PM, our very own Obama, that unlike Obama, and notwithstanding his experience as a substitute drama teacher, he does not have the ability even to act smart.
    The “nice hair” won’t carry him. He’s a dim bulb and will be slaughtered in the debates unless CBCPravda manages to stage manage these debates so as not to reveal JT’s essential vacuity.
    JT will not be PM of Canada and will not get brief enough to grow into a viable candidate.

  32. Oh KPD, rest assured he did. Rest assured Justin’s papa taught him every trick he’d ever learned from the Jesuits. Rest assured Scott Brison would have sold his soul to do half the things to Justin that Pierre did, were it not already damned.
    You’ll know this fair dominion has turned the corner when we start hearing the truth about what really went on in the house of Canada’s favourite single father.
    I’d be shocked to hear Justin can use the privy unassisted at this stage.

  33. Canadians, bless your hearts, are almost as confouning and greater blathering idiots as Americans. Almost.

  34. This came in my e-mail a few days ago. Too funny not to share:
    “A woman was playing golf when she took a big swing and fell. The party waiting behind her was a group from Ottawa that included Justin Trudeau.
    Trudeau quickly stepped forward and helped her to her feet.
    She thanked him and started to leave, when he said, “I’m Justin Trudeau and I hope you’ll vote for me in the next Federal Election.
    She laughed and quickly said, “I fell on my @ss, not my head!””

  35. Justin also shows rather low ethics due to his charging $20,000 for speaking at CHARITY events. And then claiming expenses on top of that for travel to these events. He is a total scumbag.
