Reader Tips

Tonight we take a look back at the early days of Fort McMurray, Alberta. Based on the stated population of Edmonton at the time, the film probably dates from around 1965 or ’66.
h/t David M.
The comments thread is open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

27 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. EBD, interesting film. The last year mentioned and when the film was probably made was 1968 when Ft. Mc. had a population of 5000.

  2. O’narcissist Papers.
    “Atlantic trade deal at risk from NSA bugging Angela Merkel phone”
    “Key political leaders in Germany have warned that the Trans-Atlantic free trade pact may be in jeopardy after claims the US has been spying on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone.”
    ” Sigmar Gabriel, leader of Germany’s Social Democrats (SPD) and chief negotiator in coalition talks with Mrs Merkel, said it would be “hard to imagine” that the free trade deal between the EU and the US can go ahead if the American intelligence agencies are carrying out cyber-warfare against Europe.
    Mrs Merkel herself appeared furious as she walked into the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels for an EU summit. “Spying among friends is not on. Trust will now have to be rebuilt,” she said.
    The Trans-Atlantic pact is billed by David Cameron as the “biggest bilateral trade deal in history”, intended to cut down a thicket of commercial barriers and pull the world economy out of the doldrums. It would create a single market covering 40pc of global GDP from 2014 onwards.
    Yet anger has been building across Europe as revelations keep coming to light from documents leaked by NSA defector Edward Snowden.”

  3. “EU seeking ways to launch parts of trade deal before full ratification”
    “Cheaper goods could be arriving sooner than expected as efforts are under way to speed up the implementation of the free-trade deal between Canada and the European Union.
    EU officials are currently looking at whether there are parts of the deal that do not require approval of the 28 member states and could be launched before the agreement is officially ratified.”

  4. “Cheaper goods could be arriving sooner than expected as efforts are under way to speed up the implementation of the free-trade deal between Canada and the European Union.
    Heh, just like everything has gotten cheaper since NAFTA. Not that I’ve noticed…electronic trinkets and baubles, maybe…certainly not the necessities.

  5. O’narcissist Papers.
    H/T Leftist NYSlimes’ Pentagon Papers.
    O’Ich Bin Ein “Handyüberwachung”.
    O’s narcissism is NYT’s “cool detachment”.
    “The Handyüberwachung Disaster”
    “BERLIN — Germany, of course, has already concocted a compound word for it: Handyüberwachung. That would be spying on cellphone calls.”
    “Obama, in his cool detachment, is not big on diplomacy through personal relations, but Merkel is as close to a trusted friend as he has in Europe. To infuriate her, and touch the most sensitive nerve of Stasi-marked Germans, amounts to sloppy bungling that hurts American soft power in lasting ways. Pivot to Asia was not supposed to mean leave all Europe peeved.
    But all Europe is.”

  6. Headline at the Probe and Fail (I go there primarily for the obits):
    Ontario weighs benefits of building its own public pension plan
    How the hell can Ontario even think about building its own pension plan? Thanks to McGuilty and his scurvy crew, Ontario’s in debt up to its yin yang and now we’ve got Wynne/Loser at the helm.
    TO ONTARIO LIBERALS: Keep your hands off my pension plan.

  7. Gore again.
    ““It’s the best winter predictor that we have,” Cohen said”.
    “… the snow cover has definitely been above normal so far.”
    “If New York Freezes in January Blame Siberian Snow Now”
    “Snow falling over Siberia is raising the prospect for frigid temperatures in New York come January.
    The weather half a world from Central Park can set off atmospheric events that result in icy air descending from the North Pole in December and January, driving U.S. temperatures down and natural gas and heating oil use up, according to Judah Cohen, director of seasonal forecasting at Atmosphere & Environmental Research in Lexington, Massachusetts.
    “It’s the best winter predictor that we have,” Cohen said in a telephone interview. “We haven’t made a forecast yet, but we’re watching it closely and the snow cover has definitely been above normal so far.”
    The more ground covered by snow across northern Europe and Asia at the end of October, the greater the chances of triggering a phenomenon known as the negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation. That would flood North America, Europe and East Asia with polar air and possibly erect a blocking effect in the North Atlantic that would bottle up the cold in the U.S.”
    “Frost, Hard Freeze to Dip Farther South Friday Night”
    “The coldest air of the season so far will settle over the southern United States through the balance of the week and bring the first frost and hard freeze of the season.”

  8. Here’s how the United States might deal with Iran were it ruled by men who feared the Lord more than they did the ayatullahs:
    American Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson said the United States should detonate a nuclear bomb in the Iranian desert to display toughness, though without hurting a soul, before the next stage of negotiations with Tehran. It should then threaten that the next bomb would fall on Tehran, he said.
    “What are we going to negotiate about?” Adelson told a crowd at New York’s Yeshiva University on Tuesday night.
    Adelson said, “What I would say is, ‘Listen. You see that desert out there, I want to show you something.’ …You pick up your cellphone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say, ‘OK let it go.’ And so there’s an atomic weapon, goes over ballistic missiles, the middle of the desert, that doesn’t hurt a soul. Maybe a couple of rattlesnakes, and scorpions, or whatever. And then you say, ‘See? The next one is in the middle of Tehran.’ So, we mean business.”
    My only complaint with that is that there’s an unnecessary step. Send the bomb straight to Tehran.

  9. O’narcissist Papers.
    “*The narcissist is able to provoke in his milieu, in his casual acquaintances, even in his psychotherapist, the strongest, most avid and furious hatred and revulsion.”
    “There is in it a visceral antipathy, an almost palpable hostility toward Obama,…”.
    “A Gentleman of Quality”
    “… what you can expect of a a poorly bred, uncouth and lying man who happens to occupy the White House.”
    “… Obama insulted the German chancellor personally, imposed upon her hospitality and treated her like hired help. Nor was Merkel singled out for rude treatment. The French president and even the British prime minister were treated like flunkeys.”
    “Obama angered Nicolas Sarkozy by choosing to dine with his family instead of with France’s then-president during his visit to Paris.”
    “… people who have met Obama — his fellow heads of state — have found him to be a distasteful sort of person.
    The inference is that a man like him can only be expected to listen at keyholes.”
    “Pundits have been at a loss to account for the vehemence of the Saudi action. It seems to go beyond the rational policy reasons — their disappointment over its backing of Morsi, frustration over Syria and their fear of Iran. There is in it a visceral antipathy, an almost palpable hostility toward Obama, as if by one betrayed, not just by a president reluctantly putting the interests of his country first, but by a worthless common grifter.”
    “*These – the lack of empathy, the aloofness, the disdain, the sense of entitlement, the constricted sense of humor, the unequal treatment and the paranoia – render the narcissist a social misfit. The narcissist is able to provoke in his milieu, in his casual acquaintances, even in his psychotherapist, the strongest, most avid and furious hatred and revulsion. To his shock, indignation and consternation, he invariably induces in others unbridled aggression.
    He is perceived to be asocial at best and, often, antisocial. This, perhaps, is the strongest presenting symptom. One feels ill at ease in the presence of a narcissist for no apparent reason. No matter how charming, intelligent, thought provoking, outgoing, easy going and social the narcissist is – he fails to secure the sympathy of others, a sympathy he is never ready, willing, or able to reciprocate.”

  10. Thank goodness you have posted something that does not include Mao Stlong.
    That reference is starting to get really, really tiring.

  11. Re: Maz’s 11:41 AM comment/links just above, here’s an H.L. Mencken quote, filched from American Digest:

    “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

  12. Body–armoured government avengers:

    A veteran Washington D.C. investigative journalist says the Department of Homeland Security confiscated a stack of her confidential files during a raid of her home in August — leading her to fear that a number of her sources inside the federal government have now been exposed.

    In an interview with The Daily Caller, journalist Audrey Hudson revealed that the Department of Homeland Security and Maryland State Police were involved in a predawn raid of her Shady Side, Md. home on Aug. 6. Hudson is a former Washington Times reporter and current freelance reporter.

    Hudson’s husband was charged with resisting arresting 1986; the search warrant was granted to allow the officers to look for firearms. There was, Hudson said, no subpoena that would allow for the seizure of her private files.

    At about 4:30 a.m. on Aug. 6, Hudson said officers dressed in full body armor presented a search warrant to enter the home she shares on the bay with her husband. She estimates that at least seven officers took part in the raid.

    After the search began, Hudson said she was asked by an investigator with the Coast Guard Investigative Service if she was the same Audrey Hudson who had written a series of critical stories about air marshals for The Washington Times over the last decade. The Coast Guard operates under the Department of Homeland Security..

    via Drudge

  13. Anyone else catch John Gormley ‘s heros and zeros today ? His hero was Ralph Goodale in case you missed it…

  14. Besides olive oil, there isn’t much from the EU that I use. I’m not expecting cheaper goods, but I don’t object to EU products as long as they’re clearly labelled with country of origin.

  15. Gov’t Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers

    what could possibly go wrong?
    The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people.
    Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U. S. Department of the Interior, asks us “Please Do Not Feed the Animals.” Their stated reason for the policy is because “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”
