48 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. piers doesnt realize the currant is satire
    however it could be said that Jesus celebrated that first Easter in as grandiose way ever

  2. Ok, she might have slipped a cog there but she is still genius compared to Biden or Pelosi. Or Obama and his whole inner circle for that matter. Maybe she’s just a pretend Christian like so many others in politcs, including Obama. I could be wrong but I think most real Christians know the meaning of Easter.

  3. It’s a satirical site – like The Onion. She didn’t actually say that.
    From the look of the site, they seem to take particular delight in using their ‘satire’ to smear Republicans. To a lefty journalist, though, anything that confirms your bias is automatically true.
    Fake but accurate, remember?

  4. Exactly.
    It is depressing to think that society has degenerated so much that imbeciles like Peirs can mouth their personal attack insanities on public airwaves and get away with it without any repercussions.

  5. For a liberal, truth exists only within oneself. Thus, if it feels true, it is true.
    Also explains why they are so insecure, seeking recognition and awards.

  6. Piers, Joe Biden, Debbie WS, Little Jay Carneyval…..the Deumbocrat party, the gift that keeps on giving……………..

  7. Actually, they keep on taking…taking freedom, taking fortune, taking future, etc.
    They give nothing except nausea.

  8. The Daily Current appears to be a satirical site “NASA discovers Washington DC used to have intelligent life”
    Super-Duper Reporter Pierce Morgan appears to believe all that he is told.

  9. It’s gotten so bad that every time I hear that cartoon British lizard from the Geico commercials I change the channel too.

  10. His only tactic is to talk over/shout down any disagreement with his notions. Charming he ain’t rude he is.
    Ventura and Nugent were excellent foils but Ben Shapiro sure ripped him a new one.
    Penn Jillette’s favourite word applies to Morgan.

  11. Kate, can you check updates on PM’s twitter feed to see if the idiot wises up about this? I wonder how he’ll phrase his apology.

  12. Morgan is a typical tenured lefty who must portray themselves as morally and intellectually superior for their zombie-left audience – the reality is they’re mostly dumb as hammers with all the moral instincts of a hungry Jackal.
    Obviously Morgan’s idea bulb doesn’t burn bright enough to know/understand the confluence of Pass over and Easter. Strange for someone who claims to know enough about Christian religion to openly mock it.
    For the progressive media it’s all about acting not substance, but of course you knew that.

  13. Jesus DID celebrate Easter after He rose from the death, with many of His disciples and followers, including two of them on the way to Emmaus. It’s Piers Morgan who is the stupid guy, but what does he know?

  14. Sara and Christians know the difference between Easter (originally a Jewish holiday Christians have shared since Jesus sat down for the last supper)and Pentecost, remembering his death and resurrection(celebrated on Whitsunday.

  15. I’m sure you meant to say the Last Supper (with the apostles) took place on Passover.
    Easter, that is the resurrection from the dead after the crucifixion, happened after Passover.

  16. To further clarify, Pascha happened after Passover.
    Pascha is still the term used in Eastern Orthodoxy (that is by all apostolic Christianity except the Bishop of Rome). The word has similar roots to Passover and Pascha is the Christian equivalent in importance that Passover is to Judaism.
    But they are by no means the same celebration as some have erroneously suggested here.
    Passover celebrated the flight to freedom of an enslaved people from Egypt.
    Pascha celebrates the promise of eternal life over earthly death, thereby using the resurrection as a representation of God rising from the dead.
    Pascha is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, the first Sunday after the March equinox.
    The Gregorian calendar, introduced by the then Bishop of Rome, occasionally celebrates Passover after Easter (the western term).

  17. I could imagine Sarah Palin talking casually about Easter in the time
    of Jesus, but no Christian could say what she is made to say. Yes,
    obvious satire. And only atheistic liberals are so fixated on homo-
    sexuality that they introduce it into every discussion. Christians
    certainly aren’t; and indeed the Biblical passages that are interpreted
    as anti-homosexual occur in the Old Testament.

  18. John Rewis
    “And only atheistic liberals are so fixated on homo-
    sexuality that they introduce it into every discussion.”
    actually john, one of the main items I notice in here is that some RWRNs (rite wing religious nuts)do is use every opportunity they can to quack about gays, abortions, and atheists, to the point were it has a negative impact on these topics. And as U are addressing a piece of satire, U are guilty of the same thing, it’s irrelevent in this discussion.


  20. Oh dear Piers, thank you so much for all your invitations to appear on your shambolic show, including the adoring message you sent. But is it still any wonder why I’ve politely responded that I’m too busy doing, um, er… pretty much anything to accept the invite? (At least I didn’t tell you to “get stuffed”.) And to all our British friends: we ask, what did your friends across the pond ever do to you to deserve your Piers? (insert smiley face here)

  21. They probably had chocolate Easter eggs and bunnies back in Jesus’s day, they just weren’t called the same in American.
    The English lost the war, Duh.
    Piers needs to go home and stand trial instead of pissing off his sanctuary providers.

  22. Piers knows he is the mouth piece of the low information crowd, (it’s best to place yourself where you stand a chance of being considered intelligent). Most of his readers/ viewers won’t understand the concept of satire.

  23. “Passover celebrated the flight to freedom of an enslaved people from Egypt.”
    Passover was literally the passing over of the Angel Of Death from Hebrew households.
    The tenth of the Plagues on Egypt by Moses, the Angel of Death came to kill the 1st Born of every household in Egypt.
    Moses tells the Hebrews to put Lamb’s Blood on the door posts and door header(forms the sign of the cross) thus signaling to the Angel of Death to ‘pass over’ that household.
    That said, the word ‘Easter’ appears nowhere in the Bible.
    I don’t believe 1st century Christians celebrated it at all, rather they celebrated Christ’s sacrifice at every meal as Christ said while breaking the bread at the Last Supper, “Do this in remembrance of me.”

  24. Thanks for your clarification on the point that Passover and Pascha celebrate different important aspects of Judaism and Christianity and are not a continuation of the same commemoration, as some have suggested.
    I don’t purport to be an expert on Judaism.
    FYI, there are many words that do not appear in the Bible but the early Church Councils were established to clarify and establish common belief when there were many differing interpretations.
    Also FYI, the early Church Councils also established the contents of the Bible. So, it’s sort of curious that the branch of Christianity that broke from the Bishop of Rome (that is, Protestantism) quotes liberally and literally from the Bible without recognizing the work of the early Church Councils.

  25. Daily Currant is a satire website, friend. Kinda like that Onion News Network thing …

  26. What would Piers Morgan know about Christianity, even if this was not satire by Palin?
    Its a fact he’s an ignoramus on Islam.
    Churches in the first century meet in homes till the late 300’s ad.
    They didn’t meet in buildings. Christmas was NOT a holiday.
    Pentecost along with other Jewish festivals where celebrated because of their Prophetic significance. The resurrection was also but for entirely different reasons near passover.
    After all it was instituted on Passover by Yeshua. For the first two centuries most Christians where Jewish as are the scriptures of the NT.

  27. The way it’s written up and under the “politics” header there was no quick clue it was a parody. The “Onion” usually sprinkles a few clues and anything written in that rag is expected to be satire. I’ve never heard of the Currant but re reading the article it still strikes me as outright demeaning lies designed to be swallowed as facts. Also, unlike the Onion the’e nothing funny in the article. Anyway…thanks for the cuff on the back of the head. Duh.

  28. Also FYI, the early Church Councils also established the contents of the Bible.
    Heh, that can’t be replied to any better than how Dr. E. W. Bullinger put it…”the votes of Councils could no more settle the Canon of the New Testament than a Town Council could settle the laws of a nation.”
    Thousands of infidels to-day believe and teach that the Council of Nice, held in A.D. 325, separated the “spurious” scriptures from the genuine ones, by some vote, or trick, when the sacred books were placed under a communion table, and, after prayer, the inspired books jumped upon the table, while the false books remained beneath.
    This story originated with one “John Pappus”, and infidels make a great mistake in identifying him with “Papias”, or “Pappius”, one of the earliest Fathers, called by Eusebius (iii. 36) a “Bishop” of Hierapolis, who wrote about A.D. 115. The Encycl. Brit ., 11th (Camb.) ed., vol. xx, p. 737, suggests about A.D. 60-135 as the period of his life.
    But John Pappus, who gave currency to the above story, was a German theologian born in 1549. In 1601 he published the text of an Anonymous Greek MS. This MS. cannot be older than A.D. 870, because it mentions events occurring in 869. Now the Council of Nice was held 544 years before, and all its members had been dead and buried for some five centuries. The Council of Nice was not called to decide the Canon. Nothing relating to the Canon of Scripture can be found in any of its canons or acts. And, even if it were otherwise, the votes of Councils could no more settle the Canon of the New Testament than a Town Council could settle the laws of a nation.

  29. Don’t believe what you must.
    All I know is that it was a messy process and many of the decisions continue to be controversial to this day.
    In any event, it was the best efforts of imperfect human beings at the time to define what was important to put in the Bible.
    It was more than 13 centuries later that the west separated from the Bishop of Rome and the historical struggles and understandings of the early church was deemed largely irrelevant.
    That included the historical struggles against early Islam and the eventual triumph of Orthodoxy that we are now doomed to repeat.
    To their credit, the west repelled the militant expansion of Islam, yet created something unrecognizable from the Christian church’s original and hard-fought principles.
    Believe what you must but do me a favour. To avoid being doomed to repeat history, at least acknowledge that it exists in other parts of the world.

  30. In any event, it was the best efforts of imperfect human beings at the time to define what was important to put in the Bible.
    That would be a first, the imperfect deciding what is perfect. As though God has no power to decide for Himself…although, that is what satan has always done, tried to usurp the role of God.

  31. I’m still laughing at Obama’s remarks about employees daring to shut down a company….what a hoot!
    Harvard has the best pot.

  32. set you free “Also FYI, the early Church Councils also established the contents of the Bible. So, it’s sort of curious that the branch of Christianity that broke from the Bishop of Rome (that is, Protestantism) quotes liberally and literally from the Bible without recognizing the work of the early Church Councils.”
    Say what? All the Protestant churches I know of recognize all the early church councils.

  33. You know of any perfect human beings? Must know different people than me.
    to scar:
    It’s one thing to recognize their work. It’s quite another to understand why they came to their decisions and quite another thing to invent a new religion (belief system) that would be unrecognizable.
    Orthodox Christianity recognizes seven councils. There are some that recognize less, since they took a minority position and some that say there are more, since they went it alone.
