14 Replies to “Forward!”

  1. Gee, they bugged 35 world leaders; why not the Pope? The United Stasi States of America (USSA), help all the paranoid people are after me…
    I’m sure they’ll try eves dropping on God and heaven; although He may already have their number:
    NSA = Not So Accurate
    They were probably trying to wiretap Jesus’s healing powers to see if they could find a way to resurrect the creature from the deep “Obama-Nation(tm)-Care”.
    Psalm 13:4
    lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed over him”; lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. you never know what a bunch of 70 year old men in dresses could get up to.
    does the pope wear a funny hat
    shaped like a scud

  3. If this eavesdropping saved just one young boy from being raped, I have no problem with it.

  4. The Vatican has a seat at the UN and the Pope is the head of State.
    Is the Pope political? Yes.
    The Vatican has a very very long history of international political activity.
    The Catholic Church was having a political conflict with the American government involving abortion at the time.
    My problem with NSA spying is the same as the problem that the American people have with it, namely that they are indiscriminately spying on everyone in the world they can manage to spy on.
    The next time any Lefty brings up Nixon and Watergate, remind them of what Watergate actually was about(spying on the Dems) and what Obama did with the IRS.(to suppress Tea Party Get-Out-the-Vote funding)
    Then segue into how Obama is probably using the NSA the same way as the IRS, against his political opponents.
    It’s several magnitudes of order worse than what Nixon did.

  5. Verrry interesting.
    How is it then, that the spies knew nothing about a planned attack on Benghazi.
    It is probably relatively easy to spy on a conversation either by wire or be ether.
    It is probably a whole lot more difficult where they don’t have that kind of technology in general with the bad guys scurrying in the desert under the darks sky.
    So one would conclude that the spies took the easy way to get paid.
    Never mind the bad guys.
    Then again what difference does it make.

  6. I think he wanted to beat Dick Slater to the d-bag punch.
    The KGB targeted Pope John Paul II. Why should this pope be any different for the waning American power that spies on its own people and ignores warning from the Russians that there were terrorists in its midst?

  7. Osumashi Kinyobe >
    Well said.
    Anyone pretending to be “shocked” about the US spying on them is only doing so for political theater while pandering to their own audience.
    The US stopped being a true and open democracy a while ago, when that happened is open to debate, why the general public still doesn’t comprehend it is another.
    Of course there are terrorists throughout the US, that’s why they left their borders wide open for the world’s terrorists and society destroying drugs to enter at will. Now “they” the rich & powerful live behind mountains of security and a militarized police force segregating them from the evil “terrorist” public.
    There is no mystery or magic to the formula for tyranny, it’s been around forever, refined and polished to an art form.

  8. I am probably more than 30 years out of date, but during conclave the Cardinals were supposed to be cut off from the world with even the nuns who serve as maintenance and food staff under strict orders. Are they now allowed cellphones and so forth?
