47 Replies to “I Was Sitting By The Phone, Mr. Harper”

  1. Poor baby, so badly treated.
    If he has a problem with the PMO wanting to help him out, or the PM telling him to pay back money deemed to be owed due to misinterpretation of the rules or whatever, he can be thankful his old media buddies are back kissing his fat ass to help with their anti-Harper agenda.
    According to an editorial in today’s Ottawa Citizen, a lefty rag and media party trumpet. PM Harper should take a walk in the snow. It’s the most pathetic bit of screed I’ve read in a very long time.

  2. The only reason we are all having to deal with this bullsh*t now is because Harper refused to face it like a man long ago. This was never really about the self-entitled class that revolves around the political elite, it is Harper’s playing of politics that has the media’s attention now. So, instead of getting down to the country’s business after an already extended break, we get to watch a hardcore partisan f*ckfest in the H of C.
    I guess if you are wearing blue-tinted glasses though , the sweet irony of these crass political partisans to the Senate turning on Harper will be impossible to see.
    Way to reform the Senate you lefty in right-wing clothing nut, you.

  3. Just like with pedophiles and Jihadists, the media has done a masterful job of turning these Senators, the perpetrators of these despicable acts, into victims; and, those that would hold the perpetrators accountable into villains.

  4. The bigger danger is the drip, drip of damaging information from Mike Duffy that is not only shredding Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s credibility, but undermining his ability to govern.
    No, that drip-drip-drip is the Citizen haemorrhaging money as the devil reclaims more of their subscribers every day. They talked this line of rubbish about Rob Ford, telling him to “do the right thing” and hand over the crown to Olivia Chow, Jack Layton’s vicar on earth (Justin being Pierre’s, of course) like a good boy.
    Mayor Ford is still there, as he holds office at the pleasure of the people of Toronto, not of the Star. I do not doubt he will go down in history as the mayor of Toronto who buried the Toronto Star for good.
    Ditto Harper, who holds office at the pleasure of the Queen, not of the Citizen, and will assuredly be the PM who buries that rag for good.
    As for Duffy, he’s nothing but a career Toronto media hack whose loyalty was always to the Toronto elite, and who’s now trying to save himself after being exposed as a liar and a thief (assuming he wasn’t a deep cover Liberal agent all along). Assume, as with all MSM journalists, that everything he says on record is a lie until it’s confirmed by two witnesses to the alleged plot whose loyalty to Her Majesty and her government is beyond question by reasonable people (for whom Duffy’s legal team will search in vain, rest assured).
    Assume the e-mails and the cheques are forgeries. If Harper were daft enough to do this sort of thing, he wouldn’t have come as far in life as he has if he’d been stupid enough to leave a paper trail for Duffy to hand over to the Toronto press. People can be found to forge these things—e-mails and cheques are easier than vintage Hawaii birth certificates.
    As for the convention, Harper should not mention Duffy there or ever again. He has better things to discuss—for example, how he plans to finish the job of burying the Liberal Party of Canada.

  5. What kind of fool believes what the MSM are spinning?
    Answer: Liberals and leftards who need the moral support of those shills.
    Duffy has been nothing but a self serving sob in this matter and that is the beginning and end of it.
    Everything else is fabrication and hyperbole from the left.
    There is no moral high ground for the left …. they exist in filth, living and breathing falsehoods.
    The primary lie is that these pigs from the senate are anything less than thieves.

  6. Further, if Harper’s story is to believed (guffaw) than one can only conclude that Harper is an inept incompetent who can’t run his own PMO. It was time to resign a while ago Mister failed prime minister.

  7. Poor Mikey, he just wanted to make his little cottage in PEI comfy for the winter months when he would be spending so much time there doing Senate business. Too bad so many people wanted to bail him out, I’m sure he just didn’t feel right taking all that money from the kind folks in the PMO/Conservative party he was so devoted to. Sob story of the decade.
    If Mulcair the hair thinks he’s gaining any traction by carping ad nauseum about this affair he may be in for a rude awakening, the Shiny Pony is on his tail in the very province he needs to remain a resident of Stornoway.

  8. I am wondering if there is a cartoon in a newspaper yet of a fat hog with piggy eyes slurping at a trough.

  9. The Auditor General is currently performing an audit on ALL Federal Senators.
    Once that’s done, we won’t hear another peep from the legacy media on the matter.
    Friends to protect/ fiefdoms to protect, LIBERALS to protect.

  10. Yes, by all means Mr Harper should resign and leave the field to Mulcair and Trudeau.
    Clearly the Grits and Dippers have run squeaky clean governments in the past, just look at the Chretien regime federally and Glen Clark’s NDP government in BC. Oh yeah, paragons of fiscal virtue.
    Maybe Mr Harper is not conservative enough for some and too conservative for others, but consider the alternative – an even more corrupt (the inevitable result of statism), UN kleptocrat, Kyoto-based tax and spend big-government model along the lines of what`s going on south of the border.
    Yes, LAS that would be better.

  11. It’s absolutely exquisite listening to the “wails from hell” by the leftist freaks condemned in one act of riotousness by Canadians from coast to coast with the election of Stephan Harper!
    The majority government lead by the Honorable Stephan Harper since 2006 will be hailed in Canadian annals as the finest government in Canadian history. Harper, recognized by the WORLD as a statesman and economic genius who has reached out to the repressed “little brown people” so hated by the left across the globe by offering Canada’s hand in trade.
    Justice has been served.

  12. This is priceless. Young Turdeau is speaking to the Petroleum Club in Calgary and telling them that a ‘Carbon Tax’ has to be imposed on Canadian crude if there is any hope for Keystone XL. Talk about the bad fruit not falling far from the tree.
    The eastern ‘rightfull rulers’ clique cannot wait to get another NEP in place so their fair share of the petro dollars flow into their bank accounts. +40 years and nothing has changed.

  13. This is what happens when Conservatives cease being Conservatives.
    If Harper would have reformed the Senate as he promised . All this would have been avoided. Instead he stayed with the Patronage old Political class network.
    He procrastinated any changes till this inevitable greed from a body known to be lazy bottom feeders did what comes naturally to them.
    This is not about politics , but institutions that symptomatic with rot. No matter what the Party. Particularly this one filled with old median entitlement hogs.
    Even as a kid growing up before Trudeau, the Senate was always embroiled in trough snorting.
    Its hoplessly corrupt. It should be a triple E Senate. Even than I don’t know if it could be reformed out of its habits of tax pillage, with privilege as its Entitlement.

  14. My dear Ms. McMillan, if you were a Senator you would have to live in or near Ottawa.
    Rockliff Park is a good place for you. About half of Ottawa is, horrors, French
    Canadian. Your secretary will be French Canadian. The other senatorial staff will be,
    mainly, French Canadian. The horror! And Ottawa has a large population of Italians!
    More horror!
    Ottawa is very fond of bus transportation, As you tool your big SUV to Parliament
    Hill, to an underground parking garage which is the mark of the elite to which you
    will belong, it will be the target of sneers and derision. When you shout out,
    “Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 20 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car”, people
    will think that you are an idiot.
    All of this of course will not improve your temper; but that is a good thing, as the
    Senate does not need, and we as taxpayers do not want, kindly gentle Senators. So we
    should all petition PMSH to send you there.
    Kindest regards.

  15. Harper’s attempt to reform the Senate has been stymied by the provinces. Further, his vow to not appoint Senators was nearly taken advantage of by the Coalition of Losers (Dionne, Layton, Duceppe) by offering appointments for support (Lizzy May etc.).
    Harper should announce now that for any vacant seat, he will appoint the elected candidate from any province up until Dec 31, 2014. Otherwise, he will fill any openings in January 2015.
    He may be considering something like this already, but is waiting for the MSM to move on to their next shiny object.

  16. Hilarious cartoon, props for that!
    Yes, well the life guards are all going to wheel into action when the spirited cry is raised:
    “Help, I am drowning in excess money!”
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  17. I’m reminded of Carlo Cipolla’s essay – “The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity.”
    1. Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
    2. The probability that a certain person is stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
    3. The Golden Law of Human Stupidity: A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain, and even possibly incurring losses.
    4. Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
    5. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person. Corollary: A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit.

  18. Shorter Sham: blah blah blah BUT THEY DID IT TOO blah blah
    Trust me, nobody cares.
    The majority government lead by the Honorable Stephan Harper since 2006 will be hailed in Canadian annals as the finest government in Canadian history. Harper, recognized by the WORLD as a statesman and economic genius who has reached out to the repressed “little brown people” so hated by the left across the globe by offering Canada’s hand in trade.
    Feverishly insane personality cults: not just for Obama!

  19. I have wondered why Harper seems to be dragging this affair out much further than it warrants. He even went on talk radio and gave some slightly differing comments from other things he has said causing MSM heads to explode. Then I saw this: A poll on Sun News yesterday showed Federal NDP and Liberals tied with Conservatives one point behind. The NDP has been trailing badly up until this Senate fiasco.
    The only advantage that Mulcair and the NDP have over Trudeau is the Senate. Harper wants a race between them. Harper knows that the rabid dogs of the MSM will pounce and keep this story alive so he feeds them what he wants. There is actually very little substance to this story, it is mostly theatre.
    I would not be surprised if the next election is about the Senate, with Trudeau alone to defend the status quo. Mulcair advocating abolition (which is nearly impossible) and Harper with a reasonable centre postion.
    Checkers VS Chess.

  20. Or, Harper is just stupid and mendacious and inept. Based on history, Occam’s Razor, and a lack of partisan insanity on my part, this would appear the far more likely explanation.

  21. “… and a lack of partisan insanity on my part”
    Good one LAS. Which comedy club are you performing at this week?

  22. Harper wouldn’t let Trudeau shine his shoes, regardless of how hard he begs.
    In 2006 you were told by Canada to go away LAS, in 2011 Canada doubled up and told you to F*ck Off with extreme prejudice.

  23. John Lewis- perhaps before attacking Kate you should avail yourself of some facts.
    Ottawa is not half french. Stats Canada:
    In Ottawa, 62.4% of the population reported English only as mother tongue, 14.2% reported French only, and 20.4% reported a non-official language only, in 2011. In comparison, the provincial / territorial percentages were 68.2% for English only, 3.9% for French only and 25.7% for only non-official languages.
    In 2011, 74.8% of the population spoke only English most often at home, 9.9% spoke only French and 10.5% spoke only a non-official language. In comparison, the provincial / territorial percentages were 79.0% for only English, 2.2% for only French and 14.4% for only a non-official language.
    As for your sneer(seems to be your favourite word) about Kate’s choice of transportation, why is it OK for the master of starving with no apparent effect, Theresa Spence, allowed to tool around Ottawa in a very expensive SUV? Is she an ‘idiot’ too? At least Kate paid for her SUV.
    Don’t even get me going on how public transport is a huge waste of money…

  24. somehow it might come out that young trudeau spit shined more than shoes in his time . like Barry O in the chicago bathhouses.
    it seems that it is lost on journalists that their own are the worst offenders Duffy Wallin and the queen of entitlements Adrian Clarkson who probably outspent Puffy nearly a hundred times.

  25. Was what the senators did illegal? Don’t know for sure but I suspect not. Was it morally wrong? Probably. But for the sake of a couple hundred thousand dollars Harper will likely loose the next election and we will be stuck with the rule of an idiot child from a party that has in the past cost us billions, or a communist.
    In Ontario the press has spun this story out of control in an effort to cover up the wrong doing of a party that has cost us billions.
    The people of Canada are screwed and it is all self inflicted. If Harper looses the next election within four years we will be as bankrupt as the US.

  26. minuteman “But for the sake of a couple hundred thousand dollars Harper will likely loose the next election”
    The audits cost more than they recovered so it’s a dead loss plus it’s stupid. When it costs more to count the money than it’s worth someone is using extremely bad judgement.

  27. Twink Turdoh! is in Calgary preaching NEP Lite, and Too Muchair is blathering away as he likes to do, I think Mister Harper’s honesty will come through, and this will die a fairly quick death.

  28. reverend moonbeam
    Harpo can’t just reform the senate, he needs the cooperation of the provinces, might that be one of the reasons for the status quo?????
    geezus boy, you do like to blather like an idiot at times, don’t you?????

  29. I think Mister Harper’s honesty will come through
    Funnies thing I’ve read all week.
    PM Trudeau will probably govern much as PM Harper. Both highly forgettable.

  30. I doubt if anything the senate does would have much effect on the next election. The average voter probably doesn’t have a clue and couldn’t care less. If the Liberals or NDP want to make it a issue they better make sure their own closets are empty. Much will depend how badly the USA crashes and burns before our next election. Harper is still seen as the best economist among the big 3 and if (when) the SS Socialist starts to flounder worse under Obama all Harper has to point out is that is the same course the NDP and Libs wanted to take. He has made our economy his primary platform and we are looking a hell of a lot better at this point than our southern neighbors, even with all the roadblocks the opposition is trying to impose. What he should do is enshrine property rights for the icing on the cake. By the time the next Federal election rolls around in 2015 the economy will be front and center and no one will remember a few flakes in the senate.

  31. peterj “What he should do is enshrine property rights for the icing on the cake.”
    Peterj, if the PMO draws up the correct “petition” wording for enshrining “property rights” into our Constitution, I will personally walk or ride a donkey across this land for signatures on that “petition” to enshrine those “rights”.
    Starting on January 2 on the sidewalk in front of Tim Hortons in Summerside PEI and heading west!

  32. I understand that possibly PM Harper can use his majority to bypass the provinces and have a national referendum about the Senate question. Can anyone confirm this?

  33. The most PMSH can do with a referendum is get Canadians on board for senate abolition and use it against the premiers, saying he has a mandate to get rid of it and that they’re defying Canadians’ wishes if they stand in of the way of that. The problem for him lies not only in the 7/50 formula (7 provinces with at least 50% of the national pop.) but that the votes in all 7 legislatures have to be unanimous. Simply getting a majority of votes in the legislatures is not enough, as with saw with Elijah Harper during the Meech Lake debacle — 1 vote was enough to kill it. The senate will be around forever.
    The only hope of change is that the negative spotlight it’s been put in forces change on the senators who populate it — likely not those who are currently there but the ones who are appointed after their retirement.

  34. I don’t own an SUV.
    A Senator is paid $135,200 a year. If they can’t figure out how to pay for their food and lodging out of that, they aren’t fit for the office.

  35. Not only is $135,200 more than enough for food and lodging, but they don’t need to save for retirement like regular folks, even if they’re convicted and go to prison; they just have to resign before they’re formally convicted.
    Heck, even their arm-candy will remain well-funded at taxpayer expense after their Senator spouses…cross the Styx.

  36. Assume Liberal Mac Harb was a tad worried about the possibility of being convicted when he resigned.
    The Senate either has to be an elected body or dispensed with. Let’s hope the AG finds enough evidence of abuse of funds in that place to get Harper the support he needs to at least get the provinces on board to elect their Senators or get rid of it.

  37. FWIW, and despite the lunatic ravings and/or false flag/disinformation tactics of Mr. Harper’s critics (a very few of which appear above), I’m thinkin’ this particular episode is pretty much at an end.
    The turning point came a week ago Monday when the media collectively changed its narrative. Basically, before that, it was, “Stephen Harper knowingly appointed crooks and thieves” (three so far, that is, of the sixty-four he has appointed to date), which seemed a bit of an odd line to me, considering that there was no public money missing. How it got paid back is pretty much immaterial to me: whether Ms. Wallin had to sell her condo in NYC, or Mr. Wright took it upon himself to cut a cheque or whether the CPC had to forfeit funds which were legally its, etc. — everyone should take a lesson from this escapade.
    Attempting to change the narrative to “these three are victims of bullying by Stephen Harper” was a mistake on the part of the media. It pretty much woke up many conservatives to what this really is (anti-Harper over-reach), and it has sowed doubt among the remainder of the CPC’s available voters about the alleged enormity of Mr. Harper`s alleged transgressions. I checked in with a couple of women I know (heyday was the sixties, worked in the public sector, love Toronto life, etc.) — they voted for Mr. Harper last time and think they will be doing so again. I didn’t even have to bring the subject up, actually. One takes the Toronto Star, which she says she’s going to dump (formerly a big CBC supporter, now thinks it’s time to get rid of it). Their anger, which is visceral, has turned on Mr. Duffy, whom they think is acting like a spoiled child (“Porky Pig should just leave”, said one).
    Tom Mulcair might be doing a fair job on cross-examination (I found him tedious and boring last week; I haven’t followed QP this week), but it’s having no resonance outside media circles that I can detect. Whether Mr. Wright voluntarily submitted his resignation or was asked to do so is, again, beside the point. A $13,000 cheque for legal fees from the Conservative Party? Even assuming that “the taxpayer” had to “foot the bill” for seventy-percent of these funds (the maximum marginal tax credit for political contributions; an extremely generous assumption), the cost would have been around ten thousand dollars. Besides which, the CPC is allowed those funds with basically no strings attached, same as any other party. Pretty bottom of the barrel stuff.
    The kickers over the last few days are two. Where is Justin Trudeau? This is his moment to shine, but, so far as I can tell, he’s astoundingly left it up to Dominic Leblanc and Ralph Goodale to handle to attack (last week, at least). There`s the new Liberal Party for ya: back to the future! I saw Justin a week ago Wednesday in Question Period. He was a substitute drama teacher? Not much flair for the dramatic or public presentation, I`d say. And it`s going to get worse for Mr. Trudeau, Jr. with the upcoming AG report — I`m guessing that there`ll be lots of Liberal misdeeds exposed, as usual.
    And Joe Clark wading in, with another one of his mind-numbing imponderables: given Joe`s track record, it`s a safe bet that the moment has passed when he has something to say.
    The greater difficulty for Mr. Harper, IMO, is that he is badly losing the case for Senate reform — it`s pretty much turned into a route for the abolitionists, at least at the moment. Central Canada was never sold on a Triple-E senate: nobody `round here is interested in turning Parliament into a three-ring circus like the US Congress, and nobody `round here is interested in a non-population-based means of governing the country. I`m for reform (no other continental country has a unicameral legislature — except maybe, er, Russia), including elected senators and acceptable curbs on Senate power (the House of Commons will have to remain the determinative chamber, whatever the population distribution at any given time), as a means of better balancing the country`s power-structure, which has to happen. If that`s what Mr. Harper means, he needs to start explaining what he has in mind.

  38. Superb summary of the latest attempt to sink the Harper Conservative ship.
    Joe Who coming out put the icing on the cake,let’s watch them eat it.
