Lying under O

In this short video, comprised of clips compiled over the last few years, Barrack Obama can be seen serially assuring Americans in forcefully-delivered, entirely unequivocal terms that if they like their current health care plan they can keep it.
We now know that he was not only repeatedly telling a bald-assed lie, but that he knew he was telling a lie.
If you’re a Democrat, of course, there’s no such thing as a lie: Here’s House Democrat whip Steny Hoyer

“I don’t think (Obama’s) message was wrong. I think the message was accurate. It was not precise enough…”

Actually, he lied in very precisely-stated terms — or, if you prefer Demspeak, he was telling the truth when he lied:

“He didn’t say anything wrong,” Senate majority leader Harry Reid said when asked about Obama’s promise. “That was true.”

In another variant, he just forgot, while delivering his litany of assurances, to add a particular phrase, extemporaneously concocted by another Dem long-after-the fact, that would have un-lied his lie:

According to Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Democrats had only promised that Americans could keep their insurance if it was “good insurance.”

Shameless liars. Or, in “ha-ha” Demspeak, “GET OVER IT.”

25 Replies to “Lying under O”

  1. “assuring Americans in forcefully-delivered, entirely unequivocal terms that if they like their current health care plan they can keep it.”
    Amer·i·can noun \ə-ˈmer-ə-kən,
    1. President and Vice-President and their families
    2. members of congress
    3. select union members
    4. incarcerated felons
    Did I miss any Americans? So it wasn’t a lie.

  2. What??… you mean to tell me a political leader lied to further his agenda?
    Wow, this never happens everyday, everywhere.

  3. Ahh, Mary Landrieu, my favorite Democrat Senator from Louisi-Yana, I am always amazed at our local news rags providing a picture of slim Mary from her earlier years when in fact she is a fat cow.

  4. Another steaming pile of outright political fiction to entertain and mollify the ‘rube electorate’ who were stupid enough to vote for “Charlatan-Care”.
    defn: charlatan: a seller of medicines who might advertise his presence with music and an outdoor stage show.
    This is precisely, what the American electorate has been victimized with; “Let’s pass this bill to find out what’s in it!”
    Considering, that my daughter’s school just buried one of their classmates aged 15, due to a loss with the big “C” cancer; at the moment I have great difficulty in finding a shred of pity for these less than useless hucksters.
    They have got the branding all wrong; it should be billed as the; “WE DON’T CARE” plan.
    If you are so far removed from simple life and death issues; maybe they should just be removed from office.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. Marxist media lapdogs have the final
    say when accusations of lying come up.
    Careful MSM research will show that George
    Bush bears all the blame for all lying that
    may be discovered between 2008 – 2016.

  6. I guess the good news here for Canada is that we’ll suddenly have an end to the doctor shortage outside of the big cities. The bad news (for me anyway) is that I’ll no longer be irreplaceable. The other good thing about having a large number of doctors who are refugees from socialized medicine is that they’ll likely be far more outspoken about the deficiencies of the N. Korean style system we have in this country and it might result in the critical mass of physicians required to delegate this POS system to the dustbin of history.
    What was very encouraging was the NY physicians survey in which a mere 22% of physicians indicated they’re going to take part in Obozocare. The nice thing about private medicine is that really good physicians will have no difficulty in making a living as people are willing to pay for high quality medical care. Likely the bottom 10% of physicians will be happy to work in Obozocare as no-one would spend a dime on them in a private system. That’s something to watch before we let huge numbers of US physicians into Canada. The primary advantage US trained physicians have over IMG’s is that they speak English. I’ve had patients transfer from foreign trained physicians as they couldn’t understand the physician at all in their particular dialect of “English”. Also, physicians trained in the US are used to modern medical practices unlike those from third world countries who often, unconsciously I’d think, bring a minimalist third world style of medicine with them. That’s the other complaint I’ve had from patients who have bailed from such practices.
    All small centers in Canada who can’t keep doctors should band together and start a US advertising campaign to recruit US rural physicians. The ones in the big cities can stay there. What we need are good, self-reliant and confident physicians who don’t bat an eyelash when they’re practicing in the village of east armpit with minimal resources and they have either a trauma or ACS come into their ER. I’ve seen some truly inspired improvisation from such physicians and these are the people we need in the “rural” portions of Canada. I always get a laugh when I find out that the small city I practice in is considered “rural” by the UBC medical school.

  7. If not for the lying, the blood bath we’ll see at the polls in 2014 would have happened in 2010 and 2012.
    Harry Reid would not be Senate Majority Leader and Barack Obama would not be President of the United States today.

  8. I hope you are right but they will have had two more years to perfect the art of voter fraud.
    That I have no doubt about……..

  9. Obama-Bin-Lying, wouldn’t deliberately lie to the American people, surely not, the lamestream North American media, assures me he wears a halo and can do not wrong.
    Democrats, Canadian Liberals, Progressives, Communists and Moslems.. It is OK to lie to the unbelievers.
    The only information necessary for independent people, if their lips are moving they are lying to you.

  10. Loki, rest assured Barack Hussein Obama has no intention of letting any doctor leave for Canada, unless the doctor has rich relatives abroad or some potentate back in Dar al-Islam with Obama’s direct line is in need of a personal physician on call 24 hours a day, and said family or potentate is willing to cough up a king’s ransom for an exit visa. The United States will finally get serious about keeping an eye on who enters and leaves their territory when their doctors start heading for the exits. That border wall our masters keep saying wouldn’t work in a million years will go up so fast your head will spin.
    Of course, nobody can actually be forced to practice medicine—doctors will retire or take other jobs. In that case, Obama will do what Trudeau did—fling the doors open wide to uncontrolled Muslim immigration. Nicolae Ceausescu, after selling his country’s Jewish doctors to Israel for hard cash to help pay for his Bucharest palace, replaced them with hordes of Arabs daft enough and desperate enough to train at what passed for Romania’s medical schools after being passed over by every reputable university in the free world.
    If you’re a Pakistani hack attracted by the idea of taking care of the “problems” of feral Obama voters in a shambolic strip mall to finance the importation of your whole village to North America, or the operations of the local al-Qaida cell, Obamacare is the answer to your prayers. Everyone else, who will be quickly reduced to bribing nurses with money or alcohol to so much as change their mother’s bedpan, never mind treat her, will meanwhile be praying for speedy deliverance.

  11. I can unequivocally say hat Obama is more embarrassing to Americans than Berlusconi is to Italians. No small feat there.

  12. This was known to the Americans before the 2012 elections. How on earth could a forced nationalised healthcare plan (read: TAX) work for 314 million, particularly when only some work and pay taxes? If that never sparked somewhere in their minds, what they are experiencing now is what they deserve.

  13. For years Canadians have claimed their health-care system as the best in the world. Now, thanks to Obama, it’s getting closer to being so.

  14. Some leftist Canadians. The rest think a blended private/public would be better, more like Europe with little or no wait times.
