Who’s Laughing Now?

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Greenpeace, June 2013;Let’s laugh Harper’s tar sands ads right off the air.
Greenpeace, October 2013; The families of two Canadian Greenpeace activists jailed in Russia under “inhumane conditions” for the past six weeks said Wednesday the federal government needs to ramp up political pressure to secure their release.

26 Replies to “Who’s Laughing Now?”

  1. I am saddened that their charges have been reduced. I would love to see some of those anti- progress twits put in a gulag for life … Where their carbon footprint will be negligible. That should be a distinct upside for their philosophy of modern life.

  2. Would it help if we sent PMSH a letter asking him to completely disregard the whinings of these eco-terrorists?

  3. As far as I can tell, this is an open-and-shut case of piracy. The activists literally scaled an oil platform and positioned themselves to a location on the platform where they could not be removed, thus disrupting the operation of the platform.
    Regardless, apparently Russia downgraded the charges to hooliganism. In any case, there is not much the government can do is you commit a crime in a foreign country. I suspect these people will do some jail time.

  4. Let them freeze in the dark. I wouldn’t even give them the satisfaction of acknowledging their plight.

  5. What’s this crap about “ramping up political pressure”??? It is none of the Government of Canada’s business to interfere in Russian law. If these A-holes think for one minute that Canadian citizenship is a get out of jail free card, then their arrogance shows no bounds. I’m sick and tired of these self-entitled pricks that think they are immune to the law. Who the hell do they think they are- Liberals??

  6. Steven Harper’s going to get right on that …
    I must say I do not like Greenpeace’s assumption that it is to be arbiter of all things. Watermelons.

  7. My understanding of the situation is because they didn’t actually commandeer a ship at sea, piracy charges may not be sustainable, though I’m not sure why that’s a problem for the Russian justice system. It doesn’t mean they won’t each get 10 years hard labour for hooliganism. I don’t think the Russians care to tiptoe around anything resembling terrorism, environmental or otherwise.
    Meanwhile here in Canada, Don Braid of the Calgary Herald asks why oh why hasn’t Alberta shut down her economy as Gaia has directed:
    What insipid nonsense. The oil sands must be shut down while China’s pollution growth (yeah the real thing, but also including “emissions” BS) alone is greater than the entire output of Canada and about four other countries. Then China is praised because they make wind turbines and solar panels – yeah, to sell to us suckers in the West.
    I think Suzuki is right – people should go to jail – those of his ilk though. As economic activity slows worldwide perhaps there will be reckoning for the $trillions wasted on the advice of these environmental rent seeking con artists.

  8. I think that PMSH should put a number of conditions for Canada to intervene in freeing of the pirates:
    – the disbanding of Greenpeace
    – an accounting of all foreign monies they have received for their terrorist activities
    – that they publicly announce they are in favor of the northern gateway pipeline
    – those of their members who are still against the Albertan oil sands renounce any product made from petrochemicals and will never use any form of gasoline powered transportation
    – am agreement that any of their members who breach the above conditions will be immediately deported to N. Korea.
    Should the watermelons agree to the above set of conditions then I think it would be appropriate for PMSH to approach Vlad and talk about the charges.

  9. Why aren’t they screaming for Dr. Fruit Fly or Lizard May or Pinko Gore to come to the rescue?
    Probably because the know they are too insignificant when they get caught.

  10. Who’s Laughing now eh?
    Its amazing though the very people these collectivists rail about , are the first they beg to be exempted from their behaviour.
    Typical Socialists though.

  11. Why in the world would you pull a stunt like this in Russia ? God, liberal activist are beyond stupid.

  12. Yes! And one to Vladimir Putin as well!
    Greenpeace is, of course, grandstanding at the expense of their imprisoned members.
    If one wants a favour from a government one doesn’t criticise it in the world media.
    It is too hilarious. These Greenpeace dweebs don’t read. They had never heard,
    apparently, of the gulag. Or of Vladimir Putin’s background in the KGB. Or anything
    about the KGB. I will say, that Vladimir Putin does seem to have behaved correctly
    both in regard to the Pussy Rioters and the Greenpeace terrorists. In the bad old
    days both groups would have been looking at 20 years with the likelihood of 10 more
    just for their especial benefit.

  13. The only way to silence the stinking Turds is if they are helped to commit suicide… Then arrest the Green Peace Lawyers for conspiracy to avoid justice..
    Teach mothers & others to STFU

  14. “the federal government needs to ramp up political pressure”
    Even if the Canadian government had a reason to ramp up political pressure(they don’t), I wonder what type of pressure Green Peace imagines Canada could exert against Russia?

  15. S S
    I kinda like yer idea, could all donate some money so each of these idiots has about 50T lawyers. U know they say, waste not want not:-))))

  16. You guys are looking at this the entirely wrong way! We should be actively defending those Greenpeace activists in preventing the drilling of oil in the far north. Do what ever it takes, let’s send as many GP’ers over to protest with maximum indignance of the ‘destruction’ of Russia’s north! We need to fund greenpeaces recruiting efforts to the maximum affect. After all it’s going to 1000’s of replacement protester’s, what with all the NSA spying on our diplomatic mail, the chances of Canada Post loosing our protests to the GP’er arrests, all the paper work that needs to be sent by postal vehicle & charter freighters when they’re available. All of this takes times and greenpeace will need to have as may of thier comrades available to fill the gaps in thier Russian Polar drilling protest. Well with over 3/4 of GP members being in jail & all if our plans go accordingly!
    (for the linear thinkers – this is sarcasm, try smiling)

  17. no heat, little food, no washing. These guys are in low carbon foot print heaven. Let’s not be cruel and wake them up from the dream they are living. The Russians, the ultimate green police.

  18. What you said.
    It still stuns me that none have them has read “The Gulag Archipelago”. Did they think that their being Canadian would equal resort treatment? I guess so…

  19. The Russians should have seized and auctioned that fancy ship as well. The zeks will be heroes upon their release, doing pukeworthy “John and Tarek”esque CBC interviews and paid campus student union speaking engagements. Blowing the ship out of the water would have been overboard but seizing it would have put the right kind of hurt on that organization.
