8 Replies to “Waterloo”

  1. ………The latest victim.
    The US is now a Nation of Victims, 90% are simply ignorant of that full fact.

  2. Well, if Frum’s article is ‘really’ about the indignity of being lied to, as opposed to the increased cost and lowered health coverage he has to live with, then we can expect a torrent of anti-‘bama columns…because ‘bama’s lied to him more times than he can imagine.

  3. Cross posted from similar story yesterday. Frum is one of those Latte Liberals I describe(minus the professional bit).
    There was a poll on FOXNews regarding NY State Doctors?:
    44% – would not participate in Obamacare
    34% – might not participate in Obamacare
    22% – will participate in Obamacare
    If these numbers are typical across the nation, there’s gonna be a lot of angry people.
    What beautiful about this situation is that Latte Liberals, who are professionals, FINALLY get to experience the Social Justice they advocate so hard for. When its Social Justice for the middle class, its a social imperative, and MUST be imposed for the little people for ‘their own good’; but, when it affects the Latte Liberal’s own personal bottom line, or that of their private company; well then, that’s just not fair. Well, let me tell you bub; “it’s f’n fair!”.
    Perhaps, just perhaps, Obama care will save America from itself.
    If not, then all hope is lost; as the folks can never expect a more blatant example of how America is accelerating towards Utopia and its own demise.

  4. Don’t feel sorry for him:
    “Don’t get him wrong. He doesn’t want your pity. “I am not presenting myself as any kind of hard-luck case,” he insists. “Maybe from some social justice perspective it’s perfectly fair and reasonable to load all the costs of health reform onto people like me.”
    Social justice? Twit.

  5. The thought which keeps coming back about the last two presidential elections in the U.S.A. is the election of a person who identifies himself as an African American was due. The average American Citizen who does not identify as an African American is now tired of the Racist meme.
    This is not news, but I think the election of Barack Obama is actually a washing of the hands of the people who have had enough. The life of the African American slave is terrible, but a simple review shows the people in all nations going through the transition to an industrialized world were abandoned to live a horrible life. This is a story of millions of people in Great Britain alone.
    The thought that comes back is Barack Obama was going to be elected to two terms regardless of who he ran against. Whether he leaves a feeling of an affirmative action elected official, will decide how long it will be before the next person identifying as an African American will be elected as president.
    The thought always is accompanied by the awareness the only person who identified as a Roman Catholic elected as president was John F. Kennedy. I also think if he had not been assassinated he would have have been reelected regardless of the impact of his first term of office.
    The setting aside of Catholicism and now an African American has set aside this guilt association placed on the average Citizen.
    Please keep in mind it was just a 100 years ago in the coming year when the world moved toward a situation where powerful political leaders gathered together hundreds of thousands young men to be placed in harm’s way
    The talking is better; the ordinary person is safer as long as the preening and jockeying for “turf” remains as posturing talk. Cheers;
