9 Replies to “What’s The Opposite Of Diversity?”

  1. The only disagreement I have with the author of the piece is defining what are de-facto totalitarians as “liberals”. This is yet another example of totalitarians redefining language so that they appear to be non-threatening. As I consider myself a classical Liberal, nothing could be further from the tenets of classical Liberalism than the communist teachings described in the article.
    What is needed now is for people to fight back a lot harder than they have thus far done. University totalitarians can make contradictory statements and are very offended when one points out the contradictions. Usually they respond with such non-logical replies like “racist”, “fascist” or “sexist” with those magic words supposedly signalling the end of a discussion which, were the discussion to continue, they would lose badly once one pointed out the logical contradictions on their side.
    When I reviewed the UBC faculty agreement, UBC claimed to be an institution where free inquiry and exchange of ideas was occurring, except for the verboten ideas and concepts which are disallowed. They make a reference to HRC’s in their description of what constitutes concepts which have no place in a university environment. They are either too stupid, or too far along the path of totalitarianism to realize that 40 years ago such a statement would get a student flunked out of a class on logic. Needless to say, I refused to become a member of UBC clinical faculty and I’m sure I’ll be asked again why I have not done so.
    What was even more concerning was the imposition of a central hospital privileges renewal form in which it is explicitly stated that one must agree to abide by the BC human rights act. I can’t remember what I scrawled on my form, after crossing out large numbers of statist restrictions I can’t abide by, but I do believe I made some rather derogatory remarks about the totalitarian nature of HRC’s and that they have no role in what is supposed to be a democratic society and WTF does that have to do with being a doctor? I suspect one of the reasons this language was included is because the UBC medical school has now expanded to use most hospitals in the province of BC for teaching purposes. The UBC medical school carries out clearly discriminatory policies with over 60% of the medical students being female which they describe as a means of “correcting past wrongs”.
    What is necessary is a purge of intellectuals from universities (using Thomas Sowell’s definition of an intellectual as someone whose thinking is unchecked by reality). Thus, engineering, chemistry, physics, biology and to a lesser extent medicine are non-intellectual pursuits (mathematics is a bit of an outlier but it would fit into the non-intellectual camp as it has very rigorous standards of proof). This is because these non-intellectual disciplines accept the limitations of reality rather than assuming that the most important measure of an idea is whether there is a consensus among other “intellectuals” of the validity of an idea regardless of how disconnected that idea may be from physical reality. Post-modernism rejects the concept of an objective reality and states that “reality” is socially determined. If one wants to refute such idiocy, the best way of replying to an intellectual espousing such BS is a swift kick to the gonads followed by a few blows to the head.
    One way of fighting back is to refuse to use politically correct terminology as well as refusing to accept the redefinitions of words such as “liberal”. For anything coming from a university intellectual, it is more proper to replace their use of the word “liberal” with either “statist” or “totalitarian” depending on the context. What is needed is a broad popular movement to defund the useless eaters that occupy the unnecessary portions of universities. We have absolutely no use for blinkered thinkers whose only benefit of getting an “intellectual” education is the ability to parrot statist ideas of self-declared elitists who denigrate the western intellectual tradition and are essentially carrying out a systematic destruction of western societies. Based on the rate at which this destructive process is occurring, the only non-scientific subjects that would be worth studying at university are Cantonese and Russian as these cultures will likely become dominant in the world in the next decade or two. It will be nice when the current crop of destructive university intellectuals are marched off to concentration camps or lined up against walls and shot, but at that point free spirit of enquiry will be lost and the population will be either under the thumb of the Chicoms or the Russian mafia.

  2. just a few words says it all, “the viewpoint is not valid”. if a so called academic elite ever said something so stupid to me he/she would need a real soft seat for months.

  3. Well put, as always, Loki. Like you, I’ve found one of the best defenses against the neo-Stalinists is to, in the words of Rommel, “Hit them when they land.” Don’t let them get away with corrupting the language with the first words out of their mouths. Don’t let them get away with insinuating anything. Restate their slimy little weasel words in the starkest, harshest terms that anyone can understand such as “thought police”, “political commissars” etc. and point out the logical end game of their positions. I’ve found over time one becomes a rallying point for an awful lot of other people who silently call “BS” on the totalitarians’ agenda, but are intimidated by their bullying. Sunlight remains the best disinfectant.

  4. This smart young lady will never get a Phd from Queens without the help of a good lawyer.Even more conservative universities (is that possible) will take all her money, then impede her degree. Do what my daughter did – good lawyer, an entry level job in the military defense industry, then progress to where she is making many times what her pseudo professors are, and will ever, make. If it is a public university, it is against the law to do what the poly sci staff are doing and will continue to do with her. In fact, they will try to get around the law by grading her down and criticizing.
    Make sure she keeps all her receipts and records of any meetings. These professors are all Vietnam draft dodgers who were passed through the system by sympathetic professors. They are now the uneducated, ignorant fools who are helping to bring down this country. Remember their names, you will have use for them later.

  5. It seems appropriate at this time to remind all and sundry that the combined outstanding student loans in the USA right now exceeds one TRILLION dollars. That would be $1,000,000,000,000.00 None of that can be cleared by bankruptcy, it sticks to the loan-ee like ugly to a warthog.
    I forsee a vast bubble bursting in the very near future, if only because parents who both still have over $100k in university loans outstanding at age 40 will not be able to pony up $200k for Little Johnny and Janey to study Political Science at the University of Podunk Wisconsin, or whatever.
    Just remember in the meantime, hippy punching is never wrong.

  6. I found myself wondering just why a seasoned police officer, an Iraq war veteran, and intelligence specialist with several languages, who in a better ordered world would be a credit to any nation who took its defense and law enforcement seriously, would suddenly drop everything and enroll in what passed for a PhD program at New York’s chain of last chance universities.
    Answer: He’d made an enemy in his village in upstate New York (how isn’t clear) who had the pull to have him wrongly accused of indecent exposure and force him to choose between resigning (and never working in law enforcement again) or going to prison.
    No real proof whatever, of course—and there’s no sign of him in New York State’s sex offender list—but it didn’t matter. He obviously didn’t have the deep pockets required to make this sort of thing go away, so he resigned.
    No good deed goes unpunished.

  7. Loki, thank you for saying it so well.
    As I have mentioned it here countless times before, Stalin’s fifth column has done its work well. It will take generations to get rid of them, if ever. The sad part is all the students they have infected with this virus.

  8. Loki
    kick to the nads, and a cuff up side the head, don’t temp me:-)))WELL SAID THO
    2004 study by U of T found that 87% of university profs and their affiliate college profs were lefties. I think that study was just the USA & Canada, not all 5 countries that make up NA!
