6 Replies to ““When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal””

  1. With the IRS in charge of Obamacare it certainly has the leverage that the Mafia could only dream about. Nice insurance company you have here, would sure be a shame if anything happened to it.

  2. It’s hard to blame them for keeping quiet; the KGB did the same thing with secret arrests, mass surveillance, and indefinite detentions without trails against its citizens.
    At the least Obamba has proven his intentions to destroy people who disagree with him through the IRS, if not Smart Bombs over the capital of a sovereign nation.
    Why does anyone not see the handling of public dissention by the Obamba regime as any different as the former Soviet Union?
    Regardless, it will take hero’s not cowards to put an end to America’s creeping tyranny, whether they are whistleblowers or political insiders willing to give their lives and careers to America’s public.

  3. Now ya know why the donkeys fear returned vets and have such a hard on about privately owned firearms.
    It’s projection…..they fear their political opponents are as ruthless and unscrupulous as themselves.
    Roads, bridges and infrastructure are crumbling and they are building FEMA Camps. …….no longer tinfoil hat stuff.

  4. In other news, Dept. of Homeland Security is buying more riot gear: Pepperball machine guns.
    Maybe to use on some insurance companies who don’t cooperate, or to use on the insurance company’s customers when they object to the no-coverage they get under ObamaScare.
    Either way my American friends, be sure to have a full-face gas mask and a garbage can lid the next time you head out to a Tea Party event. You don’t want to get shot by one of those freakin’ things.

  5. It’s all about crisis management. Create the crisis manage the crisis attain the desired outcome.
    The desired outcome in this case is the forced implosion of private healthcare. The 0 wants a single payer system so they can use the hammer of “reducing health care costs” to ban, prohibit and remove rights and property. Just as is done here in Canada. Tommy Douglas didn’t care about health care for the poor. He cared about growing the state into every nook and cranny. Same as dear leader in the US.
