30 Replies to “Crispr Technique Heralds Genetic Revolution”

  1. What you can take away. You can add as well.
    The medical aspects of curing genetic disease makes me happy. The idea of mixing animal genes does not.
    Hey someone will say let s make smart chimps. Just smart enouh to be slaves.
    That or make monsters. Some tight controls will have to be used.

  2. Yes, and not the way we might intend.
    Don’t screw with nature. It has a way of coming back and biting us in the ass.

  3. They’ll create that ‘master race’ yet. And even more giant tasteless tomatoes…

  4. This is amazing, and it will change the world, but I don’t understand how it could cure Down’s? That’s an entire extra chromosome.
    Don’t screw with nature? LOL. We’ve been doing that ever since humanity started building huts. Were not playing God WE ARE GOD. And with this genetic engineering, we can all be Gods.

  5. Typical liberal Dumb ass las only sees good but can’t see past his nose that this can also be used for extremely horrible evil as well . Of course thinking humans are gods is las’s biggest mistake! Take gun powder away and walk into the bush by yourself with a hungry bear or cougar around how much of a god do you think you would be dipshit ! We are only gods in your little mind because we have the upper hand it can change in an instant!!

  6. paul you dim weed…and God created man in his own likeness
    do you not read and understand the bible you so worship?????

  7. ‘Were not playing God WE ARE GOD. And with this genetic engineering, we can all be Gods’
    Ah LAS spoken like the true socialist prog that you are.
    Did you think that by acquiring something, you become that thing?
    If that were true then any tin eared wannabee picking up a musical instrument could automatically expect to be a virtuoso.
    I’ve been saying for years that progressives are so morally & spiritually vacant that all they really want is to be God…and rule.
    I’d weep for you las but the only tears I could hope to find would be urine.

  8. Ah LAS spoken like the true socialist prog that you are.
    WTF are you talking about? Maybe we can use Crispr to make you not retarded.

  9. The savings to the healthcare system would be astronomical if it were to work. Which is why big pharma and the multi billion dollar sickness industry will do everything in their power to stop it or at the very least delay it for a few decades. Sickness and all it entails world wide is a multi trillion dollar industry with very powerful vested interests. I will remain skeptical, not because I doubt the potential to cure, but because greed and corporate survival instinct will often trump what’s best for humanity. Every once in a while we get a Dr.Salk who destroys the iron lung industry. I believe in modern times he would have been rubbed out, Jimmy Hoffa style. I would sure like to be wrong on this one.

  10. Just wait until the chicoms or the north koreans start using this technology or maybe the terrorists in Saudi Arabia etc Sure possibly, this would be put to good use in North America but most of the world isn’t like us.

  11. It could be a ‘Jaw-dropping’ breakthrough .. or, if it’s like most other revolutionary breakthrough medical news articles, could be 3-5 years before clinical trials on mice are complete, followed by multi-decade government regulatory approval with human trials expected somewhere around the same time as the first warp capable starship flies. I’m becoming convinced that a global nuclear war would improve the prospects of long term technological advancement.

  12. You can stop being a jack@$$ for five seconds and recognise that not only are you NOT ever God or a god but that there may be ethical ramifications to this “jaw-dropping” yet possibly life-saving development.

  13. @ Revnant Dream: “What you can take away. You can add as well.” And vice versa. This is an astounding development … if true (I have learned to be a skeptic). The implications are incredible. We should all reflect a bit on the ethics of genetic modification ….. and then just rush ahead with it anyway. As others have noted, what could go wrong?

  14. PeterJ – do you think that Big Pharma uses Net Present Value calculations to factor the value of future assets? After the greatest invention in the world has been deferred for 30 years, it would have little present value. Part of why I don’t believe the hundred mile per gallon carburettor type stories is that I’ve seen excellent ideas shot down in real life because they take too long to pay off, on the basis of NPV.
    Sorry, but your point makes no economic sense to me. If I company wants to stay big, or get bigger, they have an incentive to rush to market, not to let potentially profitable ideas moulder.

  15. Yeah well, don’t get knots in yer togas…..it’s seems to be a technique limited to embryos…..
    It’ll be a long while before it bears any fruit…..toxic or otherwise.

  16. Could this perhaps be just another public funding scam?
    God knows that was profitable for the AGW crowd.
    Something like searching for the fountain of youth.

  17. Any cure for any disease means a dead end in profit. The goal is never to cure but to keep disease in check with a life time supply of expensive medicine. Considering the entire sickness industry is on the stock market, I believe your theory makes no economic sense. A cure for any disease would be devastating as the pharmaceuticals would no longer be required.

  18. You realize you are peddling bullshit, don’t you? Polio, and tuberculosis, both huge killers when I was a kid, are both all but gone, and the sole reason both aren’t totally extinct, like smallpox (hey, there’s another) is stupid third-worlders and anti-vax idiots.
    A cure for the common cold would be a huge money-maker, and a repeat seller, since the common cold is a whole constellation of viruses, meaning vaccines, as currently made, are useless. The cold I had last month has conferred on me immunity to that specific bug, but not to others, so I’m still susceptible to colds. Would I pay a hundred bucks for a one-shot cold cure that completely and safely killed the viral infection, and alleviated all the symptoms overnight? Damn right, if it worked and was proven safe. Because the lack of discomfort, and added work productivity would be WORTH IT.
    Same, even more so with cancer cures. People develop cancer spontaneously. Even if you invented a drug that achieved a 100% destruction and cure of a given case of cancer in an individual, there would be new cases spontaneously arising in others, and even that same individual might spontaneously develop another cancer in future years. If you were diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, would you pay $10,000, or even $100,000 for a shot that was sure to cure it? I expect you would, and guess what? Even at a hundred grand a shot, it would be cheaper than the current regime for our medical system, plus the cured patients could go back to being productive taxpayers, and cease being costly consumers of medical service.
    Drug company profits would probably soar, because they could sell small volumes of highly effective cures for a huge per-unit profit, even as they were able to reduce the overall size of their production facilities. Their business model might change, but their profitability ought to increase.
    Think of it as going from selling 3 million cases of cheap swill beer per month at a profit of 25 cents per case, to selling 5000 bottles of 400 buck a bottle champagne per month at a profit of 300 bucks per bottle. You have just doubled your net profit.

  19. I’m surprised that no one has mentioned that if they could find a way to lengthen just one particular part of the male anatomy, they’d make so much money, they wouldn’t miss what they might lose on chronic diseases.

  20. Most of what you’re saying is true but I have to nitpick you on TB. TB infects 1/3 of the world and is even present at low but significant rates in the 1st world. There is no effective anti-TB vaccine (BCG vaccine does not work).
    The notion that big pharma intentionally hold back cures is laughable. Gardasil alone disproves that.

  21. All good points but what we are talking about here is the ability to eliminate all diseases over a short period of time and eliminate big Pharma as a player in favor of genetic manipulation. At any age if I read it correctly. There will always be a need for some medicine as some things (colds +) are not genetic, but the elimination of disease would be devastating to big Pharma’s bottom line. And the book on Gardasil still has a few chapters to be written.
