19 Replies to “#Occupy Grocery Bag”

  1. At least the company dealt with them fairly and it seems decently. Ug she actually might have eaten one of the spiders.

  2. We’d better all turn to locally grown food…….the problem is that bananas don’t grow well on the prairies in the winter nor do most other fuit and veggies.

  3. It is quite bizarre.
    Having lived in rural areas a good deal,
    that trek to town every week by most people
    doesn’t involve some city raised hippy fantasy
    with overflowing sacks of organic carrots and live
    chickens being brought to the farmers market.

  4. Having lived in cities most of my life, I agree with you.
    These urban idiots have no idea.

  5. Those are good ones! Wikipedia says that the Brazilian wandering spider is large and aggressive and continues, “The genus Phoneutria includes some of the relatively few species of spiders known to present a threat to humans.” Phoneutria apparently means “murderess”. According to Wikipedia, one individual Phoneutria
    was documented as killing two children. Guess it was having a bad day.

  6. Well, produce grows wonderfully well down here on the Rock – all the turnips you
    can eat, with sides of parsnips and Brussels sprouts. And blue potatoes.
    Honestly, our Brussels sprouts are some of the best anywhere!

  7. Yeah most Morontarians are unaware that a native spider…itsey bitsey…..the wolf spider can inflict a toxic bite…..killing tissue in the area…providing a site for some nasty infections.
    I was unaware until a neighbor lady had to have an infection site surgically remove from the palm of her hand…..loosing a tendon the process.

  8. When I worked in a grocery store back in the 1960’s, we would sometimes find a big, black, hairy spider, about the size of your palm in a box of bananas. It happened very rarely and the spiders were always dead, but it kept us on our toes when we opened the boxes. We displayed the spiders in jars of alcohol. The customers thought it was interesting. Nobody returned a banana that I can remember.
