22 Replies to “Poll Spotting”

  1. Heh,heh,heh. Excellent poll.
    Something MUST be done!
    Why doesn’t the government DO something!
    I’ll vote for the other guys.

  2. The problem with doing something is that you actually have to get up and do something, whereas doing nothing requires very little effort and allows you to get back to doing nothing.

  3. Mark Twain
    “No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.”

  4. I voted for nothing too, remembering what Christopher Monckton said.
    “The right response to the non-problem of global warming is to have the courage to do nothing.”

  5. Would be interesting to see a left/right breakdown of respondents. Hypothesis – left-wingers gut level response is “something”, right-wingers “nothing”.

  6. Polls are manufactured and manipulated news and don’t deserve the credibility they are given by the often agendized media.

  7. As one of Kate’s ancestors might have said to Canadian Observer,
    “Ha’ yea noo teeth in yore gob man, its a bloody joke”.

  8. This Chinese wise guy, Lao Tzu, had something to say about doing nothing.
    “Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing”

  9. Trudeau will grab onto this issue, immediately. The middle class, which he represents so well, are effected by this problem.

  10. The precautionary principle requires something, anything, be done. Doesn’t matter what…maybe a new safety rule.

  11. Insisting that something must be done when the nature of the problem is unknown is simply too progressive for me. I voted ‘nothing’.
