14 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Anyone crazy enough to watch MSNBC already knows this. Cud chewers are the exception.

  2. A good portion of MSNBC guests or hosts couldn’t string a sentence together without help, so that shouldn’t surprise anyone.

  3. I followed DWS on twitter for a while, the most vapid, incongruous, disingenuous, void piece of work ever… perfectly qualified to be the Chair of the DNC..

  4. Was it the CTV in Canada that gave Stephen Dion multiple tries in order to get his english syntax on track?

  5. When she was young, my sister-in-law thought that was how the word was pronounced.
    I sent her the link. She’ll be so happy to know she wasn’t the only one.

  6. In the OLD day’s the Democrat on MSNBC always had research experts on the Production deck with voice contact with the guest via the Earpiece. I know because I designed Broadcast systems for NBC for 18 years, and as a MGR, had access to ALL the voice transmissions. That they would use a teleprompter is the last step in dishonesty
    NBC is now a cesspool of Corruption…They can’t be trusted to sponsor debates between Republicans. A Republican that would appear on MSNBC or CNN, knowing the deck is stacked against them, is an idiot…
    The GE CEO, in my time, would fire all the Production Staff. NBC Management has access to all Communication in the facility and they can’t say they don’t know who is doing whom!

  7. Oh Debbie: how I dream of the day/night when I can give your vocal chords the lesson God designed them for.
    And of course, something personal you can comb from your eyebrouws, on through your golden locks… from me to you… babe.
