Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?


The White House is going to allow people to keep their existing insurance policies in an attempt to head off a revolt among Democrats over ObamaCare.
President Obama is expected to make the announcement at 11:35 a.m.
The news comes one day before the House is scheduled to vote on a Republican-sponsored bill that would accomplish essentially the same goal.

It’s good to be King.
More on the Democrat revolt here.

41 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. This is obviously a stunt. The problem is that people have already lost their plans. 5,000,000 to date. They can’t keep what doesn’t exist. And what insurance company is going to trust Obama going forward. This is closing the barn door after the horse got away, and trampled your kids to death.

  2. This fix will appeal to those who plan to be dead by the end of 2014. If you plan on living longer than that, and you believes that the prices will be lower when this extension expires, you deserve whatever you receive.
    Saw on Fox last night that Presidential Approval among Black’s was at 85% still. What does he have to do?

  3. “The White House is going to allow people to keep their existing insurance policies”
    “going to allow”. Gee, thanks. A**H*LE.

  4. The insurance companies have already said that it will take months to revert back to the pre-ACA policies. I doubt that any of them want to re-retool their procedures and policies only to have to re-re-retool them again in a year when the ACA is set to reestablish.
    The other thing to note, is that no policy would be reverted at the premiums found previously, because the insurance company still has to cover the costs of parallel systems and the new policies being forced by the ACA.

  5. All too true. This is what’s called making up policy on the fly. It invariably results in a bigger shambles than what it was supposed to fix.
    It’s symptomatic of Bammy’s entire regime. I can’t think of one issue that’s come up in his time in office which was solved or left in a better state than when it arose.

  6. I am watching the farce live on Fox. Mr. Bumbles is rambling on and on burning up the clock while saying NOTHING.

  7. So what is he going to do for the loss of revenue this will result in?? Hmmmmm???
    He is finished.

  8. What business is it of any government to interfere between two parties who want to enter into a contract, period?

  9. This is exactly what came to my mind: The insurance companies are incurring costs to revamp their plans, websites, brochures, internal documents, etc every time The One changes his mind.
    Reminds me of the extra cost heaped on businesses in BC when we were forced to move to the HST and then revert back to GST/PST.
    But then why would government care about another burden to business owners??

  10. I don’t think he knows he can’t “un-ring” a bell. Those folks who were grandfathered because a medical condition manifested after getting their original plan won’t be getting the same plan…for the same price. Business doesn’t work like that.

  11. So to fix this problem, he is going to have to ignore a part of his own law.
    No worries, Soetoro has this one in the bag.

  12. Will this bandaid deflect blame to insurers? Maybe but I doubt it. Will it make an enemy out of the US health insurance industry? Yes. Brilliant move there Barry.

  13. Amazing, all those substandard plans that victimized the poor and women last week have now all been fixed so they are ok this week.
    And who says Obama doesn’t have Executive Management chops?

  14. Exercising iron fisted control over religious objection to aspects of ACA is part and parcel of the Communist plan to demoralize Americans and damage their morality and deeply held religious convictions. This ain’t happening by accident. Here’s hoping that Americans get to know that this is war!!

  15. Ahhhhhhhh.
    Rest easy folks – this is the hill that Obutthole and the Donks will die on. (And probably a few citizens but who’s counting?)
    Consider: all these wealthy, low information voters in the middle and upper class will now be paying the freight for all Obama’s ‘brothas n’ chillen’ that dwell in the ghettos and slums. The first bills haven’t even come in yet and there are major problems. Going forward, these same dummies with money will find themselves lining up behind ghetto scum like Trayvon, Tyrone, Shaquila and other human trash. All of a sudden these Donk pipe dreams will become very real to the stupid people that supported them – and the consequences will begin to bite. With their own skins on the line a lot of these liberal zombies will suddenly find themselves confronted with realities and truths they can no longer ignore.
    I will be enjoying their pain immensely!

  16. Elsewhere it was pointed out that in the law insurance companies could renew policies by the end of December to run through November 2014.
    The House GOP would basically extend this option, apparently without an end dsate. The Senate Dem would FORCE insurers to do it. The Senate version is almost certainly unconstitutional, and have you heard of any companies offering “renew now and keep your plan for another year?” They have worked for three years to try to figure out what they would have to offer, and re-write all the standard boilerplate: go back now? And rates would skyrocket anyway. Now, I could wish the companies had publicized and offered this option instead of cancelling all “non-compliant” policies. If they actually could: did State regulators include the Federal renewal extension?

  17. Socialists make a mess of every utopian policy they come up with. The Soviets tried for seventy years and gave up.
    This looks good on the Democrats. May they rot.
    Problem is the the LIVs will not realize a thing, and just like in Ontario, as well as elsewhere in Canada will give the Marxists a pass with the aid of their MSM allies.

  18. The screw-up with ACA is deeply satisfying on many levels. Of course,
    Republicans were not in favour – I don’t believe that it received a
    single vote. The cancellations can’t easily be undone. And another
    layer of complexity on legislation that is too complex is probably
    not implementable. As for the website, well, harder even than physical
    impossibility is logical impossibility. It is in the nature of logic
    (Turing’s theorem) that computer programming is not a matter of
    algorithms but of craft work. A computer programmer is a craftsman,
    and the craft is a difficult one.
    So now the Democrats find out – that they should have made the ACA
    simple; that critics are often objectively one’s best friends;
    that pride goeth before a fall; that they should not have chosen
    contractors on the basis of the kickbacks they would receive.
    On a positive note, really a very positive note, it does sound as
    though democracy has broken out among our southern neighbours. They
    have been behaving like a third-world country[*] for too long. Let’s hope
    the roll to democracy continues.
    [*] but honestly, would Robert Mugabe have been so stupid as to hang
    his future on the success of a Website?!?

  19. Obama is on a long slow burn out. He will contort to try to save his legacy, but it is not salvageable at this point. He has told too many lies an done too many horrid things to America. Even the liberal fools at street level are starting to figure this guy out. He is a loser with a great speaking voice and that is all.
    I used to think there was a method to his stupidity … that he was duping us all while taking the country down. Now I am leaning toward, he is simply a duffus who was backed and partially controlled by guys like G. Soros, Goldman Sachs, other wall street scum along with Val Jarrett and Moochelle and other nefarious communists who lurk in behind the white house curtain.
    So … until new shit comes to light, I regard Obama as the worlds most powerful Duffus. If he is or was anyones sock puppet, they are withdrawing their hand from his bottom right now …. why do down with the clown.
    I could be wrong ….

  20. Obama’s ignorance of the Constitution, is staggering. If this is a constitutional scholar from ………, this institute needed shuttered for good.
    Of course given the secrecy around his records, did he attend?
    So if the law does not apply to the elites, why would they expect the taxed to go out of their way to obey?
    Lets see access to healthcare so broken that you need to have a cash arrangement with a doctor.
    Doctor wants paid, they need to set up own pool of paying customers.
    IRS identified as criminal operation.
    Return for paying tax to state= treated as criminal.
    What are the incentives to comply?
    Now given the open lying , constitutes fraud in any business transaction, the blatant failure to operate within the constitution, an oath was sworn,
    When does the president get impeached?

  21. Too bad he can’t really do that.
    The insurance companies actually prepared ahead of time for the ACA rollout; the “old” policies aren’t lying around ready to be reinstated, is the thing.
    They can’t just “turn them back on” on immediate notice from the President. (Local regulators, for once, won’t let them do anything very fast, as I understand it.)
    (Plus there’s the Constitutional issue; the President has no authority to just decide “this part of what Congress decided no longer applies because it’s inconvenient”.
    That’s Congress’ job.)

  22. The ACA is working exactly as intended. It is a Cloward-Piven style law designed to destroy Private Health Insurance and usher in the wonderful world of single-payer.
    People are swarming into Medicaid, which was robbed of over $500 Million to pay for Obamacare. Unsustainable.
    People will pay the minor fine rather than the massive premiums. Unsustainable, they need the money to pay for the 16,000 IRS agents, plus the thousands of Navigators and bureaucrats.
    People will find out that if they structure their taxes so they don’t get a refund the IRS can’t siphon off the premiums they owe. Unsustainable.
    Obamao will simply print more money to cover the shortfalls, devaluing the dollar even more. Unsustainable.
    People will be livid when they see the policy they were told they could now keep costs a hell of a lot more as it surely must to cover birth control for great grandma. Unacceptable.
    When the people rise in anger the administration and media will blame and attack the Insurers. BINGO!!!
    Obama and single payer to the rescue, with the help of Republicans of course. Yeah bi-partisanship!
    This is part of the Fundamental Transformation Obama promised. The one thing he hasn’t lied about.

  23. ofay
    too many non-tanned ppl in his sphere are Jews, thusly I refer to obumbles as the first Jewish president. Adelson (sp), another Jewish billionaire also ponied up large for obumbles election/re-election, throw in many of his cabinet and advisors and you could damn near populate Israel:-)))
    sock puppet fer sure

  24. If Obamacare is repealed, or collapses on its own, just what was the last five years about? The economy is a joke, debt is exploding, and it will all fall apart as soon as the fed stops printing. And he was re-elected based upon a lie that was never vetted by the press. Wouldn’t Romney have won if this lie was exposed last fall?

  25. If Obamacare is repealed, or collapses on its own, just what was the last five years about?
    Liberal leftist grandstanding with a black man in the white house.. Thats it, he was done on the first day.. lol

  26. You all seem to think Obama’s stupid.  This is wrong.
    Obama is the Democratic Party’s “Chauncey Gardiner” (cf. the 1979 movie Being There).  He likes to watch.

  27. This is the law of the land and CANNOT be changed…..UNLESS the President decides HE can change the law.
    Hmmm, so what’s the point of passing laws again? Oh yeah, so we will know what’s in them, so they can be changed by executive order, so he can save the democrats asses.
    And that ladies and gentlemen, is why your investment strategy needs to be canned goods and ammo.

  28. In a free country, the White House doesn’t “allow” people to keep their existing insurance policies, it doesn’t have the right to interfere in any way with those policies in the first place.

  29. Mark said: “Saw on Fox last night that Presidential Approval among Black’s was at 85% still. What does he have to do?”
    This is becoming a very interesting question.
    We recall that Clinton got BJs in the Oval Office, allowed 80 women and kids to be burnt to death at Waco, allowed the FBI to fall into such disrepair that the WTC was bombed when he was President and then again a year after he left, he bombed aspirin factories to draw attention away from a certain blue dress, and he seriously mistreated at least five women I can think of off the top of my head. Oh, and convicted of perjury too.
    The Lefties all luuuuuurve Clinton to this day.
    What would it take to lower his approval rating among Blacks? Food stamp cards shutting off might do it, if it was also revealed he was gay, and if he divorced Michelle to be with his boyfriends and held wild parties at the White House while DC burned to the ground…
    In other words, nothing. He’s golden for all of history. He can do anything he wants. And is.
    Next up, single payer medicine, Tea Party outlawed and open borders with Mexico. But not Canada. Too conservative.
