More Pavilions At Folkfest

Of course, Obamacare never would have passed without decades of massive immigration from the Third World. Liberals didn’t change any minds — they changed the voters. In order to pass Obamacare, Democrats had to bring in the Third World to vote Democratic.
The downside is that the country is now chock-full of people who come from cultures where criminality and government corruption is a way of life — at the very moment that the country is expanding a government-run health insurance program already shot through with fraud and abuse.

22 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. Read this column earlier today. Those Medicare stats are UFB. Good thing we haven’t passed any more poorly designed/similarly sized entitlement programs of late.
    ……I’m sorry, what?

  2. On the contrary. America and Canada were cursed with “diversity” long before Britain was. That’s why government health insurance was resisted as long as it was in North America—and even here Medicare was invented in Saskatchewan, God help us.
    Americans and Canadians forced to live in more “diverse” places than Saskatchewan figured out long before the average Briton that there were people in this world who did not know what was good for them, were unfit for any employment but farm labour and petty crime, were nothing but trouble to decent people, on whom Christian charity was utterly wasted, never mind tax dollars, and who should under no circumstances be encouraged to breed, because when left to their own devices feeding their litters was invariably quite beyond them.

  3. Before the increased rates and before the policy cancellations and before the website failures there was a simple premise that precluded either Obamacare or a one-payer system. It’s called Math.
    If the pursuit of socialized healthcare in the US had been successful 30 or 40 years ago it may have survived. When you have over $17 trillion in national debt plus the much larger unfunded liability component and your national deficit has been reduced to ‘less than a trillion dollars per year (whoohoo!)’ but you still print money in the name of QE to the tune of $85B per month (another trillion/year that isn’t counted as deficit)then you CAN NOT afford socialized health care.
    Thank God math has been a total educational failure for the past 30 years or somebody might catch on!

  4. What a steaming pile of sh*t. No surprise it’s courtesy of Ann “I don’t have a clue what I’m talking about” Coulter. No Ann, you retard, Obamacare passed because 1) White Liberals in the media covered for it 2) Obama lied, profusely and see #1 3) The US healthcare system has been rendered dysfunctional by decades of bi-partisan market interference in the US healthcare system. This makes more interference politically sensible and more so if you grease the skids with free stuff.
    Love the totally unsupported collectivist aspersions too. All Nigerians must be criminal! Immigration causes crime! Too bad there’s no evidence for that assertion. Not a shred. There is no correlation between immigration and crime.
    Ann also lives in a fantasy world where immigrating into America is easy. In the real world, immigrating into America is mind-boggling difficult and really downright impossible, hence the people who just do it illegally. Canada has an easier system so we get the massive unquestionable economic benefits.
    I’m actually embarrassed for Kate having posted this thing by The Giraffe Neck.

  5. LAS, you are burning a hole in your stomach for nothing. Ann is correct Obama has used the massive immigrant vote to put his socialist ideas in motion. They cannot work of course because socialism is a failed philosophy. That has been proved beyond a doubt many times in the passed hundred years. They only last until the private sector that funds it through extortion by government, throws in the towel and give up. That is when socialism collapses.
    Obamas health care quagmire is more evidence that the bigger the socialist dream, the quicker the collapse. These pie in the sky ideas for the Utopian society are never doable .. .that is why they are called pie in the sky ideas.
    I am glas Ann Coulter embarrasses you. It must be humiliating and painful to be so angry and embarrasses by someone who is so superior to you and to whom you are nothing but an inconsequential dot. In fact that is what you are to me LAS.

  6. Obamacare was designed as a thinning mechanism to cull the stupid, the weak, the sick, and the elderly.
    So what’s not to like?

  7. Blah blah blah please to focus on Coulter’s absurd claim that immigration made ObamaCare possible, for which she provides no evidence.
    Ann is correct Obama has used the massive immigrant vote to put his socialist ideas in motion.
    Perhaps the Donks wouldn’t have such an easy access to the immigrant vote if the GOP would drop its ‘invaders’ and ‘self-deportation’ rhetoric and the Contards would pull their heads out. Worked in Canada. Also worked in Texas-the Texas GOP reined in almost all of their anti-immigrant nonsense and now Texas gets more GOP as it gets more Hispanic.
    If the nativist mouth-breathers can’t even hold onto the Texas state GOP, what hope do they have? Much noise and fury signifying nothing.

  8. I disagree with Coulter and her xenophobic spew. Socialism did not come from outside the US. It is homegrown. My great grandfather left the Dakotas the year the Progressives won the state election. Since then socialism has been taught in every school and university so thoroughly that today it is accepted as received wisdom. On the other hand most immigrants I have known are hardworking independent types that eschew big government because they have seen it fail in their homeland.

  9. It is true that there have been many self-imploding policies in the US. Permitting illegal immigrants to remain and do as they please (and what of the legal immigrants who obeyed the law?) is one of them. Obama needed illegal immigrants and their supporters to support him. They are, however, not entirely to blame. The Obamacare tax is homegrown. The Americans who voted in Obama twice can pat themselves on the back for letting it all happen.

  10. Gotta agree with LAS on this one. Lots on non immigrant whites and blacks expecting full on so called free health care. Heck whenever I drive in NYS all I see is Obama cars with white families in them. Coulter is way out to lunch on this one.
    Quite frankly surprised to see such drivel on this site.

  11. “Massive unquestionable economic benefits?” Maybe if your last name is Trudeau or you own shares in the Toronto Dominion Bank.

  12. “There is no correlation between immigration and crime.”
    The province that has the highest concentration of immigrants is Ontario. According to Maclean’s it is also the safest province. There is an inverse correlation between immigration and crime. More immigrants : less crime.

  13. There has been a large influx of immigrants to Toronto in the last few decades, meanwhile crime in the same period has fallen.
    “Recent data from Statistics Canada shows that crime has been falling steadily in Toronto’s census metropolitan area since 1998, a total drop of 33% for all crimes reported between the period of 1998–2008.”

  14. She didn’t say immigration causes crime. She pointed out that immigration imports a lot of criminals and a lot of people so conditioned by living in dysfunctional societies governed by corrupt regimes that they find it almost impossible to believe things can be any other way so they go along with it in the new world.

  15. Infectious diseases once eradicated from the US have made a big comeback as well, plus a few others for good measure.
    That is why there is a process to legal immigration, first and for most to screen for infectious diseases, criminal records, and eligibility to contribute real value to an existing nation.
    Today Canadians pay for heart surgeries and hip replacements for extended family members that worked and paid tax’s thier entire lives in foreign country’s, only to be sponsored to Canada for the retirement benefits of our Health Care.
    Haven’t heard anyone discuss that future problem with Obamba Care yet.

  16. That’s because Toronto and Vancouver export their street criminals to other parts of Canada.
    Check out the Somali drug trade and murder rate in Fort Mcmurry Alberta these days. It’s not an oil but a drug highway between Edmonton and the oil sands.
