12 Replies to “Operation Empty Chair”

  1. I haven’t seen Assad chowing down on any body parts, yet. The Sunnis seem to have that ritual down as standard operating procedure.

  2. I watched that little clip and saw nothing new. I am aware of what has been happening in Syria and … let me be perfectly clear as our wondrous politicians continue to state … I don’t give a shit about any of those wogs in the middle east. There are no good guys there whatsoever.
    I suggest we put up a yellow tape line and stay behind it while they kill each other off. Don’t even offer to hold their coats while they duke it out … just smile and know that while they are killing each other, they are not killing us.

  3. Propaganda.
    It portrays one of the aggressors as being defenceless. Classic. I say O’bozo’s Saudi handlers are still trying to get him to use the U.S. military as mercenaries on behalf of islam.
    Assad and his minions tend to stick to their piece of real estate and appear to tolerate other religions. When Syria gets out of line the Israelis give them a smack and they settle down for awhile.
    Assads enemies want to take over the world and they want to do it by hog-tying people who disagree with them, sawing off their heads with big knives, and then snacking on their lungs. Those that don’t get this treatment end up in brothels.
    When George Jr. had Iraqi it became a huge meat grinder for these islamic savages. The yanks killed el-quaeda by the thousands. It was a very successful war of attrition against an enemy of civilization. Then O’bumbles surrendered to el-quaeda and allowed them to attack the Boston marathon on American soil instead of diverting the attention of these savages through the use of the Iraqi killing ground.
    Syria has been forced into a situation where they have become the new Iraq – not that I really care. But it is the end result of the actions of that clown in the Whitehouse. An idiot who demonstrates more interest in playing golf while the peasants burn than he does in actually thinking about the consequences of his actions.

  4. I don’t think it is particular to the Sunni side, there are certain types in any group who will go that far in certain circumstances. I’ll agree that if one side will allow any of its followers that tactic or can’t prevent it, it is preferable to deal with the other side. If both are at it, build a wall around them and keep tossing small arms and ammo over it until it goes quiet.

  5. I oppose ‘doing something’ but it’s pretty funny and very true.
    It portrays one of the aggressors as being defenceless.
    No it doesn’t. Assad is the primary aggressor, period.

  6. Stop Him ? How about mind your own stinking business! These americans can take their “moar woar” propaganda and shove it up their a$$ And that is what this propaganda is all about. Moar $$$ for the woar mongers.

  7. if you believe that number I have some nice property in flordia I will sell cheap. it has a big castle on it.
