8 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. If muslims can go from graduating from one of the greatest university in the world, MIT, and go to Afghanistan to attack American troops there what more needs to be said about muslims integrating into our society.

  2. Shocking, absolutely Shocking..
    Being investigated for Islamic terrorism, including a conviction of the mosque’s first president,
    Abdulrahman Alamoudi, in connection with an assassination plot against a Saudi prince.
    Religion of Peace!
    We need to investigate those Jehovah’s Witness and Mormon Missionaries,
    They keep inviting me to find out more about Jesus, and study that radical book called the Bible.

  3. The Boston bombing was a sacrifice to the blood thirsty Saudis in the name of petro dollars. One of them might have been ‘lucky’ enough to actually witness the infidel carnage in person:
    A young Saudi student was hurt in the leg by shrapnel. He was being looked at by an officer of the peace and was already being declared a suspect to be detained for questioning. A local reporter who during the pandemonium was told by said officer that the young Saudi asked him these questions while lying on the sidewalk hurt:
    – “Wasn’t there 2 explosions?” (Take note that 2 separate explosions took place and that the first one was nearest, the one that hurt the student in the leg. The loudness could of made him deaf enough that he might had not heard the second. The question is then, how come he knew of 2 explosions (Bombs)?
    – “Was there a lot of people killed?”…What an odd question to ask at that very moment.
    Anyway, I remember picking that up through Drudge at time.
    The Blaze has background points:
    “A Saudi national originally identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombing was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing
    As the story gained traction, TheBlaze’s Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood received word that the government may not deport the Saudi national, originally identified as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi
    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to answer questions on the subject when confronted by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on Capitol Hill.
    An ICE official said a separate Saudi national is in custody, but is “in no way” connected to the bombings.
    A congressional source, however, says that the file on Alharbi was created, that he was “linked” in some way to the Boston bombings (although it is unclear how), and that documents showing all this have been sent to Congress.
    Committee on Homeland Security requests a classified briefing with Napolitano
    TheBlaze sources and Fox News’ Todd Starnes report that Alharbi was allegedly flagged on a terrorist watch list
    New information provided to TheBlaze reveals Alharbi’s file was altered early Wednesday evening to disassociate him from the initial charges
    Sources say the Saudi’s student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findley, Ohio, though he appears to have an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts
    Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed.”

  4. This can’t be? The religion of peace? The murderous death cult that worships a pedophile thief? Could they actually be connected with radicals? Naw!! Not them. Coptic Christians maybe…(any left by the way)
