Unbelievable things about America

Fruits and vegetables are way more expensive than meat and poultry.
That, generally speaking, the poor is more obese than the rich.
A lot of couples adopt children, sometimes in spite of having their own, and treat them exactly like their own. (To me, this alone is a marker of a great people)
President doesn’t automatically become the richest person in the country.

16 Replies to “Unbelievable things about America”

  1. Except the guy from Sweden that contributed that, didn’t misspell “socialist”.
    He may have been clueless, but he is a better speller/typer than I am.

  2. “That, generally speaking, the poor is more obese than the rich.”. Shouldn’t that be “are more obese” or is english grammar nor important to communication anymore? Not a complete sentence? Who cares? Just pathetic.

  3. Umm, guys who are correcting the spelling, these are immigrants to the US giving their opinions. English is not their first language.

  4. fat is caused by flour products..
    cheap,easily digestible..
    gives you a quick sugar rush..
    followed up by an insulin rush..
    which drops your sugar even more..(stored ass fat)
    setting you up for your next flour rush..

  5. Absolutely right. Wheat is a silent killer for many unsuspecting people. I was going to say that poor eat a lot more carbs than good protein which makes them fat and many metabolisms among us will store fat if fed only fruit and veggies too btw.
    2 types of metabolisms have been identified: A & B
    I am a A type which requires lots of meat protein/dairy products with vegetables, fruits in moderation along with some nuts. Very little flour/cereal products if any (I can’t have gluten anymore, my body totally rejects it)…I have only discovered this since my late forties and have lost 40 lbs since without reducing food intake or increase activity. Since my body detoxicated from too much gluten my ability to absorb essential vitamins increased dramatically reducing hunger attacks which will occur when addicted to gluten. Believe me it is an addiction that is hard to shake. I still drool when thinking of a nice slice of hot homemade bread smothered with butter 8 years after my last taste.
    Type B’s can have much more cereals in their diets but the animal fat and protein is still essential.
    We are carnivores first.

  6. The fact that the first two lines of the post are the first two lines of the linked-to article is a surefire tip-off that every single commenter who indignantly corrected Dr Kyla’s grammar didn’t click on the link before commenting.
    That’s what I call a successful sting operation. Off to blog-jail with them!

  7. I disagree, we are omnivores first.
    A healthy paleo-omnivore diet is best for me. More vegetables in the summer more grains, roots, tubers and meat when it’s cold. I source what I eat as locally as possible. I also avoid industrial meat, it’s too contaminated and the production facilities are usually inhumane.

  8. If anything, this gives one a good idea of how the “other half” lives, what they value and perhaps why they find things weird. Political multiculturalists would not know what to make of this.

  9. Loved the comment from the Russian about philanthropy. The Russian attitude predominates throughout eastern Europe. Knew someone who was studying back there: when he went to donate some Canadian textbooks he no longer needed to the University library, he was met with disbelief. Further along, toward graduation, his parents were able to obtain some English language books and publications relating to his specialty: they weren’t the most recent, but were not really out-of-date and would add to his University’s English language collection. Said texts were couriered to the school for the son to donate: the library was thrilled but really puzzled as to why anyone would do this. No explanation on his part was ever satisfactory, but they still have the books.

  10. If I am, then being in blog-jail does not mean that my comment privileges have been revoked. Alternately, I may have been released from jail. I may never know.
