24 Replies to “What We Really Need Is Democracy”

  1. As they’ve accidentally killed a fellow holy warrior,I accept their apology.
    Carry on lads.

  2. Its such a kind and gentle religion. I’m sure it was an honest mistake and the apology obviously makes it all OK.

  3. The important thing is that you know you’ve done wrong and that you are willing to make it right.

  4. I no longer feel so bad about being confused about the difference between Shia, Sunni and Alewite.

  5. I’m sure Justin will be the first to accept their apology. And I’m sure his apologists in the liberal party and the media will insist he was “just kidding”.

  6. Ooops, let me fix that for you, looks like just a slight flesh wound. Has anyone got a needle and thread! Keep your collar up and you hardly notice it.

  7. You know,
    Its one thing when the Doctor gives you the wrong medicine for a cold,
    or the podiatrist cuts out the wrong ingrown toenail,
    but when you cut off the wrong frigging head,
    that ought to be called terrorism malpractice..
    Stupid bastards,
    Keep up the good works..

  8. “asked for “understanding and forgiveness”…”
    And this is the swamp into which:
    1. All too many bleeding hearts want us to intervene;
    2. That Bashar al-Assad is actually imagined to be worse than these people;
    3. That the US is providing support for Al-Qaeda.
    So the Arab Spring of which Bammy led us to consists of:
    1. elected government in Egypt so repressive of non-Moslems that the Egyptian army has to overthrow it at the behest of most Egyptians.
    2. the supposed freedom and democracy fighters in Syria cut off the heads of their own;
    3. Libya losing control of its own oil platforms to Al-Qaeda.
    4. arresting opposition politicians in Tunisia to support a family-compact government.
    Best of all this this bit:
    “the incident would be investigated by the appropriate judicial authorities.”

  9. It must have been Terrible having your head stuck on a pole and watching your brother in law dancing around shouting “Allah Be Praised.”

  10. And this differs from the Wild West days, when vigilantes had to apologize for hanging the wrong man, HOW?!?
