42 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. No link here, just a tip: The Ford brothers – Rob and Doug – will be hosting their own (one-off) show on Sun News TV next Monday at 8 PM EST.

  2. I knew Australia was far away but I didn’t know they were also behind the times as well. Canada had that style of cars way back in the fifties. /sarc

  3. Justin? You’re kidding me right?
    Got an email from Peter MacKay today.
    CAN JUSTIN GET ANY STOOPIDER? Never, mind, I’ll just wait for it. ☺
    Letter stats here…
    Yesterday, Justin Trudeau took his reckless plan to legalize marijuana to a new audience: elementary school students.
    Trudeau visited the Sioux Valley First Nation school outside of Brandon, Manitoba. While speaking to a gym full of children, he outlined his plans to legalize marijuana.
    His plan to make marijuana available like alcohol and cigarettes available is bad policy, but this crosses the line. Promoting his plan to children is completely unacceptable and grossly inappropriate.
    He’s already sending children the message recreational drug use is okay. Now, he’s delivering that message directly to children.
    That’s wrong, on so many different levels.
    We’re fighting four by-elections right now, including one in Brandon-Souris, where Trudeau made his irresponsible remarks.
    We need your financial support so we can fight back against Trudeau and his allies in the media – who are still making excuses for his mistakes.
    Will you donate $25 today – or whatever you can afford – and help our candidates have a strong showing in the by-elections?
    Sincerely, Peter MacKay
    MP, Central Nova

  4. Hey EBD how about a warning that the link you post is going to start blaring propaganda when we click on it?

  5. Could someone please explain to me what is so ‘stupid’ or ‘reckless’ about having an honest talk about drug policy with kids as opposed to feeding them drug war propaganda and then later putting some of them in jail?
    If the CPC thinks this is going to hurt Justin, then they are transcendentally out of touch. They are truly moronic whereas Justin is just stupid.

  6. climate change played no role in this disaster. The real villains are bad geography, poverty, a population boom and corrupt governments that have failed to invest in crucial infrastructure.
    “The Philippines is one of the most disaster-prone places on Earth,” Kathleen Tierney, director of the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, told The Associated Press. “They’ve got it all. They’ve got earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, tropical cyclones, landslides.”
    And they’ve got people – 100 million of them. The population has doubled since the 1980s. Forty per cent of Filipinos live on less than $2 a day, and millions live in vulnerable coastal zones. So the typhoon’s devastation is no surprise. Flimsy buildings just collapsed, leaving an estimated half-million people without shelter, food or water. Because of government negligence, there aren’t enough roads to get help to needy areas. A weak central government and chaos on the ground have further hampered relief efforts. Aid convoys have come under attack from desperate people and communist rebels.
    But for environmental demagogues like Mr. McKibben, images of catastrophe are just too good to resist, even without a shred of evidence. The IPCC itself says so – according to the latest summary report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Current datasets indicate no significant observed trends in global tropical cyclone frequency over the past century.” In other words, the type of typhoon activity afflicting the Philippines hasn’t changed for 100 years.
    With population still growing fast in poor and vulnerable parts of the world, natural disasters – floods, fire, hurricanes, earthquakes – are bound to summon our compassion for years to come. Climate activists do themselves no favours by using the victims for propaganda.

  7. Why so impatient, Mr Hyde?
    Cuz its the need for SPEED
    “Blue Devil” — the Corvette ZR1 — against a Blue Angels F/A-18 Hornet.
    (wait for the “Kelly Clarkson,Kelly Clarkson” moment)

  8. Another failure of the socialists in the US.
    Michael Campbell’s commentary:
    The architect of Quantitative Easing:
    Quantitative easing: a scam to bail out, make them richer than if they had to work for it, bankers, period, full stop, like this*.*
    Rich socialist aristocracy is on march not unlike the national socialist goossteppers. The government and the money masters managed to get an iron grip through the “security” reorganized to support the bureaucratic state as opposed to keep the population safe in life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
    The misnamed Affordable Health Care monster is as much part of it as NSA.
    The crash seem to be inevitable nonetheless, the socialist aristocrats will amass enough greenbacks to be able to settle in some tropical paradise that the “Americans we the people” will not be able to touch.
    That will be the sad end of the chapter in the once most successful experiment in prosperity participation for most people in an organized state.
    It will be the poster for socialist paradise.

  9. LAS
    A school is NOT a place to discuss legalization of marijuana, no matter how one feels about legalization. (It certainly is not a bad idea.)
    There are far better venues in which to discuss the topic. A school is not one of them. There are countless other topics JT can discuss with school kids.
    This is another of many glaring examples of his poor judgment in recent days. This man is too immature to be PMJT. When the leftist Media Party and CBC starts calling him out his his recent gaffs you know they are bad.

  10. LAS, only potheads like you want pot legalized. You are in an extreme minority. Most people don’t like politicians going around encouraging kids to smoke joints.

  11. The Washington Free Beacon:
    “The United Nations elected China, Cuba, Russia, and Saudi Arabia to seats on its Human Rights Council Tuesday, all countries that have been widely condemned by international groups for gross human rights violations..”

  12. David Steinberg at PJ Media: “Obamacare Flaw Allows Anyone on Earth to Fraudulently Enroll Through Healthcare.gov”
    Read the whole thing — it really and truly is a complete mess. (Obamacare, not the article.)

  13. Everyone should be free to smoke pot without being labeled a criminal…
    Except Rob Ford… he should be hanged!

  14. I would respect McKay if he didn’t blatantly distort the truth to suit his political agenda, especially when it’s so easy to refute.
    Trudeau was in Brandon, Manitoba, to give a boost to Rolf Dinsdale, his Grit candidate in this month’s byelection. The two visited a school in Sioux Valley, where students apparently asked Trudeau about his pot plan.
    the audience was a combination of younger children and high school students. … the Liberal leader reiterated his position that marijuana is bad for kids and that regulating the drug will help keep it out of the hands of kids. …the suggestion Trudeau promoted legal pot to children is “totally wrong.”
    Trudeau also released a statement Thursday afternoon.
    “A remarkable thing happened yesterday when I answered a question from a student from the Sioux Valley High School. The students in the room applauded a politician with a message to stay off drugs, and that the current system is not doing enough to keep it out of the hands of kids. That the Conservatives would put out a statement condemning the courage showed by those students is shameful. Peter MacKay should retract his statement.”

  15. LAS, only potheads like you want pot legalized.
    I think your copy of ‘reefer madness’ is getting a little dog eared.
    Even though I’m loath to agree with LAS on anything.

  16. Decriminalize it up to and 1/8 0z on the person or in possession ,tie a nuisance fine to being caught with it (pot) (like open liquor) burn it on the scenes and me a ticket be ob your way …just like dumping out all the booze like what happened to me as a young kid.
    Cops caught me drinking a few times in public parks n such with friends …no one was aressted but all of the booze was dumped out right there on the spot!! Made for a real crappy night! Same thing with pot. Anything over 1/8 oz gets burned on scene here’s your ticket have a good night!!

  17. O’do-doo-do-do-dooo’O.
    “the insurance companies, having spent three years scrambling an egg, must now unscramble said egg. They will have to revive contracts they canceled, pursuant to a law which required their cancellation, yet without any legal leg to undo the do. Hence the lawsuits that will arise, the confusion which will ensue, the absolute chaos which will reign can only but be dimly imagined. It will probably be a humdinger, the Chinese Fire Drill to end all Chinese Fire Drills, the Goat Rope Maximus, the Mother of all Snafus. And that’s only for openers.”
    “It’s On Me”
    “The Washington Post’s Sarah Kliff writes that Obamacare’s planned fix “is about to create a big mess”. “It’s just a big mess right now. . . . I don’t know what to tell people,” Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger told The Washington Post.” Apparently it’s about to get worse.”

  18. Juxtaposition:
    “Days after a Republican was elected mayor of Annapolis, City Council members say they will revisit legislation that would strip the mayor’s office of much of its power.
    Democratic Alderman Ross Arnett of Ward 8 tells The Capital he will introduce a charter amendment to move Annapolis to a council-manager style of government. The city manager would report directly to the City Council, not the mayor.”
    “Rob Ford will soon be gone. But even more important than who replaces him will be how soon and how thoroughly we can remake the office of the mayor. Canada’s strictly regulated banks have shown the world that government has a key role to play in the new economy. With a new city charter and a growth model for the 21st century, Toronto can set a new standard for municipal governance, as well.
    Richard Florida is director of the Martin Prosperity Institute at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management.”
    “Friday’s two special council meetings feature motions to take away the mayor’s power to appoint the deputy mayor and chairs of standing committees and limit the mayor’s role during an emergency.
    After a brief debate, council voted 39 to 3 to take away Ford’s appointment powers.
    Ford, his brother Coun. Doug Ford and David Shiner were the only members to vote against the measure.
    Before councillors voted, Ford promised to take the city to court over the motion”

  19. UNaBomber AGW: Update.
    “Japan under fire for scaling back plans to cut greenhouse gases”
    “UN climate talks in Warsaw face setback as U-turn on emissions angers developing countries in shadow of typhoon Haiyan”
    “COP19 in Warsaw:
    Poor forecast for the climate”
    “The 2013 United Nations Climate Change Conference is under way in Warsaw but chances are slim that decision-makers will be able to overcome the current stalemate on reforms to cut the pace of the global warming.”

  20. “On Friday, the House of Representatives approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) that would allow insurers to continue to offer policies on the individual market. The vote was 261-157. Thirty-nine Democrats voted for the Upton Amendment, which is an indication the Democrat united front on Obamacare is cracking.
    ObamaCare largely eliminates the individual market and forces those policy holders into the health exchanges. On Thursday, Obama proposed extending the individual market for one year. The Upton bill would not only let existing policies continue, but insurers could sell individual policies to new customers. The White House has vowed to veto Upton’s bill if it reaches the President’s desk.”

  21. Indeed, there is much to talk about. I suppose, though, that JT
    could tell the kids about pot and they could instruct him in the
    recreational use of gasoline. This would be handy for him in his
    career as a gigolo for Toronto Liberal females.
    “Much to talk about” – for instance, the functioning of the Canadian
    government, which is not very well understood. How many people, for
    instance, could describe the responsibilities of that very important
    functionary, the Clerk of the Privy Council?

  22. “NY Times: Rollout Failure is Obama’s Katrina”
    “Michael Shear has a news analysis piece out today which compares President Obama to President Bush and more specifically to his response to hurricane Katrina. Shear goes on to say that Obama has lost American’s trust and is, to some degree, reaping what he sowed:
    Barack Obama won the presidency by exploiting a political environment that devoured George W. Bush in a second term plagued by sinking credibility, failed legislative battles, fractured world relations and revolts inside his own party.
    Mr. Obama is now threatened by a similar toxic mix. The disastrous rollout of his health care law not only threatens the rest of his agenda but has also raised questions about his competence in the same way that the Bush administration’s botched response to Hurricane Katrina undermined any semblance of Republican efficiency.”
    “Health Law Rollout’s Stumbles Draw Parallels to Bush’s Hurricane Response”
    “Barack Obama won the presidency by exploiting a political environment that devoured George W. Bush in a second term plagued by sinking credibility, failed legislative battles, fractured world relations and revolts inside his own party.
    President Obama is now threatened by a similar toxic mix.”

  23. Anyone else notice that CTV, the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star ‘news’ sites are ROB FORD ALL THE TIME? Where’s the coverage of the Obama White House panic?! The Democrat reps bailing on Obamacare?
    Seems to me that the Rob Ford coverage is a smoke screen to avoid covering what’s going on in the USA NOW.

  24. “In a first, EPA cuts ethanol standard”
    “In a move likely to anger corn farmers and their congressional representatives, the Obama administration Friday proposed the first-ever cut in the amount of corn-based ethanol and other biofuels that must be mixed into the nation’s gasoline, with the Environmental Protection Agency concluding that the mandate set by Congress just six years ago is proving difficult and perhaps impossible for gas producers to meet.
    The move could spark a fight from corn growers and those who have argued the ethanol mix was key to reducing the nation’s dependence on foreign oil suppliers.”
    “U.N. carbon prices plummet as EU readies restrictions”
    “Prices of U.N.-backed carbon credits from developed countries fell by more than half on Friday after the European Commission said it had determined how many will be eligible in its carbon market, the largest source of demand for the units.”
