
SDA gets results!

Today, Paul Calandra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, issued the following statement on behalf of the Government of Canada on Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s introduction of legislation to repeal the carbon tax:
“Canada applauds the decision by Prime Minister Abbott to introduce legislation to repeal Australia’s carbon tax. The Australian Prime Minister’s decision will be noticed around the world and sends an important message.
“Our government knows that carbon taxes raise the price of everything, including gas, groceries, and electricity. Prime Minister Abbott has said that, in Australia, the repeal of the carbon tax will reduce the average household’s cost of living by (in Australian dollars) $550 a year, take $200 off household power bills and $70 off gas bills.
“Our government has reduced greenhouse gas emissions while protecting and creating Canadians jobs – greenhouse gas emissions are down since 2006, and we’ve created 1 million net new jobs since the recession – and we have done this without penalising Canadian families with a carbon tax.”

Here – and in Japan!

35 Replies to “YNoKyoto”

  1. Feels like Christmas is coming early this year, keep your eyes on the ball, there are going to be some serious efforts to erase history coming up.
    AKA control internet, Google will disappear as much as they can.
    And a massive amount of excuse making, politicians will blame bureaucrats, bureaucrats will accuse academia and then all will blame the taxpayer for failing to understand the “proper” context.
    But mostly the squealing from those useless feeders at the public trough will rise to a panicked crescendo as the Feds cut their funds.
    Buy popcorn.

  2. I just did a google search trying to see if CBC has covered this yet.
    No sign,I do not expect them to report such good news for taxpayers.
    When will the conservatives cite this blatant behaviour as reason to defund?
    For they do not serve the taxpayer here at all.
    CBC all the news we think you ignorant taxpayers should be allowed to see.

  3. From all appearances, Christy Clark has bought into the UN Agenda 21 garbage. Now it’s ‘Food Security’ committees being formed.

  4. The BC finance minister held a conference call for some 8,000 residents last night – and I was one of them. The subject was supposed to be how best to balance the budget. The first people to get their questions in all wanted more funding for their pet projects(!) and one twit ranted on about climate change and another woman wondered what the government was planning for when we ran out of energy in 10 to 20 years. I gave up after an hour and signed off. I never got to ask my question: Why does the BC government persist with an economy destroying carbon tax especially as this was the brainchild of Dr. Weaver, who now sits as a Green Party MLA. Since when was any government stupid enough to apply a Green policy to the economy?

  5. I’m not holding my breath until the government stops this nonsense about “greenhouse gases” altogether. As long as they feel the need to cater to these global warming alarmists, we’re losing.

  6. In the Guardian article referenced by Jo Nova, the wankers talk again of Canada mining the evil Alberta tar sands. Whenever you come across this sort of crap, point out that Canada is cleaning up the largest natural oil spill in the history of the world, and we should jolly well be paid for the job.

  7. Any government/political leader who promotes or institutes a carbon tax based in the bogus economics of junk climate change science, does not have the best interests of his voters/country/citizens at heart. AGW (AKA climate change) alarmist politics is a machination of a global profiteering elite who want a monopoly on control of resources and public property.
    That message is easily provable to anyone with eyes to see and a modicum or reasoning capacity. The only reason the zombie hordes have accepted the malfeasance and pillage climate alarmism fosters is that the truth of climate change is being suppressed by a collusive media-government incestuous relationship which conspires to keep climate crisis hysteria alive for more political power/influence.
    In this whole sordid history of climate change alarmism/legislating/grafting, I wonder which is more alarming – the global elite conspiracy to control our resources or the unholy alliance of state and media in propelling it.

  8. Since the AGW world control wannabes aver that climate change produced the worlds worst storm in the Philippines, although it seems that those scientific illiterates don’t know the differences among knots, miles per hour, and kilometers per hour. For the sake of fiscal policy, let The United States and Canada add up the cost of the aid we are giving directly not only to the Philippines (dollars, food, Marines) but all over the world, the cost of our military forces to rescue every podunk country, and tell these UN money grabbers that when they match our contributions, we will match theirs. Meanwhile, UN, please leave These United States and move to Kenya, the paragon of fiscal responsibility, and make their favorite son the emperor of the world (and take him with you).

  9. BC, Aviator, from Sucamous west, and Fruitloops down has always been a write off, most of the dwellers in the SW part of BC think the govt should pay for everything, that’s why the fraud Suzooker lives there. But this is going to cause a stir in Power circles where inbreeding and corruption has enriched the circle of rats, but has lowered their IQs past any colony in Canada, Bob will be phoning Mo and Mo will be phoning Banki and he will phone Jean and Andre will fork over more and the strings of the climate/warming fiddle will be tuned to a high lispy thC on their shiney ponys fiddle in a hurry, while the Canadian media, save Sun will joyously dance to the out of tune Climate Stomp played by the Stoned little Substitute Drama Teacher. How dumb was the regular drama teacher? Wait for it though now, more scare stories in the Glob and thCBthC about Penguins unable to find their kin because of disorientation from ooooh “climate” ooooh change ooooh.

  10. Suzuki, other lefty exploding heads and Ontario’s Premier are now off to the ocean to capture the greenhouse gas they emit.

  11. I want to hear these words coming out of Stephen Harper’s mouth.. Until then its just chatter..
    Why they extend any amount of respect to this DISHONEST overdone out of gas bureaucratic cluster f–k of thieves.. I dont know..
    Take a stand! Prepare your government to counter the leftist media backlash with facts..
    Grow some balls and make it a god damned election platform.. Put it to the people and leave it to the leftists to explain their own conduct..
    Stop pretending the lib-left politicians and their supporters know what they are talking about..
    This will require very little effort on the right wing side because FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES and maximum effort on the leftist side because BULLSHIT IS LIKE A NEWBORN BABY, it requires constant attention..
    Tangle them up in a world of their own making and then break for the goalposts with a traditional pre environmentalism election platform.. Little treats for a few of the big Unions (jobs jobs jobs) and you got yourself a win..
    Time to take the gloves off and KO their political legitimacy!

  12. Our beloved Premier and her predecessor,mismanaged the economy so badly,in order to funnel tax dollars to friends in the windmill and solar panel industries,they have to pretend to believe in AGW/CC.
    Gordon Campbell signed us onto agreements with private power companies,on whose Boards he’ll undoubtedly sit after he retires, for many decades to come. We pay those PP co’s about three times the going rate for electricity.
    THIS is what Liberalism in Canada is all about and always has been, using government as a way to funnel massive amounts of tax dollars to business friends.For the Liberal politicians,it’s a guarantee of lifelong financial security long after they’ve been voted out of Office.
    Conservatives aren’t much better, just more subtle.

  13. There is even something scarier coming down the road, a black box for your car so they can tax you on how for you go. I read someplace, I cant remember the source that Germany and England are already testing it. Not only will you pay more for every thing, but they can track you every place you go. It creates huge inequality’s, if you live in the city county ect.It also gives china further trade advantages as their produce wont be taxed like ours will.

  14. For the record The Guardian can pound sea salt..
    They sell nothing but leftist politics to their leftist readers.. They are not in the business (yes a business) of offending their loyal readership with the inconvenient truth that there is no measurable climate catastrophe happening..
    So soldier on they will..
    Its their job to engage and befuddle us.. Its our job to ignore their irrelevant ramblings..
    Its important to recognize where gains can be had.. There is no chance here.. Let them redefine themselves..

  15. I know exactly what you experienced, as I have often enough encountered the same stupidity and there is no reasoning with such people. It is the same with 99% of the Harper haters who spout the same lies that they were fed and could not bother to check to see if they were true. It is like attempting to have an intelligent debate with an Occupy or Idle No More protester. Yet in the area where I live in the Fraser Valley I have yet to encounter anyone in agreement with the carbon tax that I refer to as Pixie dust tax. I find that the closer I get to Vancouver the more nut cases I encounter and Victoria is no different. I gave up on Salt Spring Island long ago due to it being a haven for American draft dodgers and ex-hippies. BC is indeed a beautiful province and we are blessed with a wonderful climate, but we are also cursed with large pockets here and there of absolute nut cases to say nothing for foreign funding for every kind of agitator, activist and protester including Indians now.

  16. I’m still waiting for some economic genius from the AGW church to explain how making our clean industry less competitive than the higher polluting factories in China will reduce real pollution or CO2.
    Ditching Kyoto and these other treaties makes our clean factories more competitive with the high polluting factories in China so the green idiots should be celebrating this.
    But no….

  17. A “revenue neutral” tax???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA(etc, ad infinitum). Just the cost to business and government of administering the damhed (replace the ‘h’ with an ‘n’) thing is a drag on the economy!

  18. Scar, I guess I’m not bored enough – which typhoons exceeded this year’s?

  19. Exactly right, old white guy and BDFT. Until the Harper regime repeals the fiat declaration by the Liberal Martin government that CO2 is a toxic pollutant and quits paying lip service to that core tenet of the Climate Swindle, no true victory is in sight for Canadian skeptics.

  20. Your statement is correct except for the “always has been” part. Some of us have fairly long memories.
    Before Pierre Trudeau federal Canadian politics was fairly clean, and one of the
    dirt-bringers was Brian Mulroney; it is not just a Liberal matter.
    A second thing that the Liberals like, is oppressing and killing low-income citizens. One of the links
    on this site gives the estimate that 25.000 Britons now die each year of cold. That is tragic.
    It is only by good fortune and Stephen Harper that our Liberals are not doing that to us.
    Green kills. Greens kill.
    I have not as yet donated to the Conservative Party of Canada this year. Their AGW position has
    much that is desirable, their rejection of the UN policy on gun control is good. But on the other
    hand there is High River, and the lack of clear rejection of the AGW nonsense. Furthermore when
    the Conservative canvassers phone me, it is evident that they may be Conservative but that they
    are not conservative and don’t even understand what it is all about.

  21. Never mind CBC’s silence, Sun is not doing any better so far.
    As John Lewis says above,Greens Kill, secular anti humanists hate people, the Conservatives position is deliberately vague,I want criminal investigations into the complicity of our bureaucrats and past politicians.
    This scam should never have reached policy level.It would not have become policy without the systemic failure of our professional civil service.
    The watchdogs are rabid,I am sick of them feeding at my expense.
    I have been refusing to donate to the CPC until I see action, the conservative fund raisers do not have a clue.
    The one success of this, I am one of the few people than fund raisers hangup on and do not call back for months.

  22. Folks in Alberta hope that BC will get rid of its carbon tax, perhaps then it will warm up a bit in BC, spill over into Alberta and get rid of winter.
    Am I right, Great Guru? Put that girl down, I’m asking you a question.

  23. Liberals have carbon on their pea brains, the backroom crew directing the Shiny Pony are stuck on carbon, not sure the Pony knows what it is but he’s been told it must be taxed.
    Vote Liberal and pay a carbon tax which will raise the cost of everything and kill the economy.
