18 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. At the bottom of Kathy’s page is a related article about CBS. Well, I watched a show on CBS last night while channel surfing that alleged to ‘put to bed’ the theory that there was more than one gunman.
    They showed parts of the Zapruder film and then some computer simulations of said film with measurements and angles, etc. showing that the shot that hit Kennedy in the upper back and then hit governor Connally did indeed come from the Texas Book Depository window where Oswald’s gun was found. So far so good. I’ll buy that.
    However, they sort of conveniently missed the next (viewable) shot that basically took his head off and was definitely the killing shot. I mean, they based their conclusion on half the evidence that has been available for 40 years or more for people around the world to see. I found the Zapruder clip online in about 10 seconds and showed my ladyfriend the whole thing. She was astounded that they could purposely ignore that.
    It’s that darn internet thing again tripping up our ‘Intellectual Superiors’!

  2. Hi Brain,
    Forgive me – I didn’t see the CBS show you watched so I may be off base here.
    I’ve actually seen docs about the assassination in which the Zapruder head shot is pixilated. Many TV people still consider it too gruesome for broadcast.
    However if you are saying the show ignored the fatal shot completely then yes, frankly I can’t imagine anyone doing that or anyone agreeing to air such a strange show. Can you remember the name of it?
    I found Bugliosi’s “Oswald acted alone” presentation quite convincing even though out the other side of his mouth he wants Bush charged with war crimes.
    Also, the “magic bullet” fallacy is quickly debunked when you look at how JFK and Connally were actually seated in the car as opposed to how conspiracy theorist say they were. This was no ordinary sedan. (Duh.)

  3. Of course the good people of Dallas hated the sight of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. That was mostly proof they were sane. “The Irish saved civilization” my auntie. That was Lee Harvey Oswald. The Irish, in the form of Jack Kennedy, came within a hair’s breadth of destroying it.
    Jack Kennedy was every bit the monster George W. Bush was portrayed as being by the extreme left, and worse—a narcissist who spent every conscious moment drunk and drugged to the point of madness and used the armed forces of the United States to settle his own petty grudges. Kennedy would have been only too happy to start a nuclear war just because he thought Khrushchev had “dissed” him by showing him up as unfit to be trusted with the security of a cat, never mind hundreds of millions of Americans—which, of course, Khrushchev had. The Bay of Pigs was proof, if any were still needed, that the Teigs are second only to the French in their uselessness on the battlefield against an enemy with the cheek to shoot back. No prizes for guessing whose idea Vietnam was too.
    Don’t get me started on his evil father, who would have cheerfully sold Britain to Hitler just to get back on slights, real and imagined, towards Irish Catholics—or his brother who never answered in any meaningful way for killing a woman in cold blood.
    I’m told the news anchor on Teig TV cried like a little girl when he tried to read the news that Kennedy had been put down, which tells you all you need to know about the Teigs. Meanwhile, it’s a measure of how little even our masters thought of Kennedy that not only did they not try to stop Oswald (assuming that they didn’t put him up to it—Oswald took the truth about that to wherever it pleased God to send him), but they never suffered a Teig to sit in the White House again (Lord knows Teddy tried). I suppose we are expected to be grateful for this, and all things considered I am.
    It is to the eternal shame of the people of Dallas that it wasn’t one of their own who made Kennedy lie down.

  4. Brian
    the “majic” bullet theory is hog wash, that 6.5 Italian piece of garbage was firing 178gm at 1800-2000 fps. So it could not have caused all that damage and come out “pristeen”, one of those caused a 4inch deep wound in Kennedy’s back, and then exited the wound as he was being moved around on the gurney. Kennedy had a throat wound, small hole, so it was an ENTERANCE wound, not an exit wound. The bullet that hit the south curb of the east bound lane was “traced” back to a second floor window of the Deltex bldg., which is across Hudson st. “behind the schoolbook depository. This “tracing” was done by timing the bullet hid to the Zappruder film, and then calculating were Kennedy’s head would have been at that moment, and then projecting a line to it’s origin. The head snapping back has always been a problem for me, and also for some ballistics experts. It only happens in John Wayne movies were bodies tend to jump when shot. But in the Kennedy case James Files claims he used a CIA provided mercury “loaded” bullet, this fact would drastically change the rate of energy transfer, thus causing the head snap. J Files was the mafia driver for the mafia hit man that was allegedly the shooter in the Deltex bldg

  5. NME666 – yeah, I was sort of biting my cheek when I typed the ‘so far so good’ comment. I’ve read a bunch of books and articles on this subject over the years and the fact that a bullet shot from up high in a building entered his back and exited his throat was a showstopper for me from square one. And yes, I have read many instances of operating room doctors declaring the throat wound an entrance wound.
    I was just flabbergasted that CBS pretended the shot that was so violently visible on the film wasn’t worth a mention. It was completely ignored. Ever since I saw that film as a teen (I’m 54 now) I have dismissed the one-shooter explanation. Total BS.

  6. Not being one to go for conspiracies nor even one who has done a bit of investigating of the killing of Kennedy (because I don’t care) a friend mentioned that the second shooter was likely an overly excited Secret Serviceman who, in a rush to get his rifle into firing position, shot Kennedy quite by accident. I don’t know why but that certainly makes more sense to me than the second shooter behind the grassy knoll or what not. It also confirms my old fire arms training which says, “You never point a loaded weapon at anything you do not want to kill”.

  7. I suffered through a few seconds of the JFK love fest on TV last night.. Seems every time the progressives feel threatened they have to drag out that dead cat Camelot BS and rub it all over the walls..
    It is their last resort every time.. Reminding people of all the progressive nonsense that could have happened but never did..
    More or less a open page for whatever MSM outlet to pretend the GOP never existed at all..
    Very entertaining if your a idiot..

  8. Brian
    google Mary Ferrel/Kennedy assassination…lots of interesting reading there
    BTW; I’m 66 and remember the day quite well, as I was in hi school at the time, at my locker

  9. Well, if anyone would have had the ability to order Kennedy’s assassination, it would have been the people behind Federal reserve. Compared to them the Mafia and Castro are school kids.
    Lee Harvey sure made some impressive shots,considering the target was moving and he had a mediocre rifle with iron sights.
    This is another story to fade into the mists of time and mythology,we’ll never know the answer.
    We can just be grateful to the Lord there are no longer people like Lee Harvey Oswald around to endanger any of today’s fine,decent politicians.

  10. Ooh, I’d love for it to be the Federal Reserve but ….
    On June 4, 1963, President Kennedy signed an order that gave authority to the Secretary of the Treasury to issue silver certificates. The order, known as Executive Order 11110, was intended to serve as an interim measure while the government attempted to reduce the amount of silver being used to mint coins. However, conspiracy theories, like those presented in Jim Marrs’s 1989 book Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, claim that this order gave power to the Treasury over the Federal Reserve.
    According to the theorists, the Federal Reserve Bank was safeguarded by a shadowy group of international bankers who resented having their power curtailed. Supposedly, therefore, they used their incredible wealth and influence to have Kennedy assassinated.
    There are several problems with this theory, the main one of which is that Executive Order 11110 did not, in fact, create any new authority over the Federal Reserve Bank; it merely transferred already existing authority from the President to the Secretary of the Treasury. Also, Kennedy’s plan was to reduce the use of treasury silver and increase printed Federal Reserve Bank notes – effectively giving the Reserve more power. Still, the idea of an international banking cabal pulling the strings – and having a president eliminated – sounds a whole lot more exciting.
    Read more at http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/news-10-jfk-conspiracy-theories?image=1#Z13cF9uuXLSStsGw.99

  11. People who think JFK was assassinated by lone nut Oswald in ’63 must either think the RFK assassination in ’68 was a mere coincidence entirely isolated from the ’63 event or they must push the fact of the RFK assassination completely out of their minds.
    I think the fact that both of these brothers being assassinated, RFK having been Attorney General during JFK’s presidency, is quite remarkable and both events should be given at least some consideration together.

  12. Joe;
    I watched a doc about 2 weeks ago where a fellow put the case forward that the lead convertible in front of Kennedy was the source of the killing shot. An automatic assault rifle with the safety off. As the car lurched forward the rifle discharged backward toward JFK’s car killing him. Supposedly all the cover up at the hospital etc was the Secret Service trying to save their asses.
    The doc had a very plausible rationale. My issue was that the 3 rounds discharged all within 6 seconds. How an agent could produce a weapon and discharge it in less that 6 seconds considering it was either the 2 or 3 round fired seems impossible. Another ‘red herring’ to quell further speculation?
    Always follow the money. Who benefited financially? The idea that those who controlled the Federal Reserve solidified their power is as believable as any I guess. Why not the inner circle of Lyndon Johnson who initiated the greatest spree of federal government spending that ever occurred in the USA prior to his presidency. ‘The Great Leap Forward’, oh that was another guy. Great Society, something like that. Mafia, Unions (Hoffa), Federal Reserve bankers, Fidel, Russians … they all had reasons.
    I always found it bizarre realizing that JFK and the Demos stole the election from Nixon by stuffing ballot boxes in ’62 and no media expose to shine light on that. Yet Nixon does a minor B&E at Watergate and gets run out of town. JFK explores in Cuba and then amps up Vietnam without consequence. Nixon ends the Vietnam war and opens China which indirectly finished off the Russians and yet ends up as a black mark in USA history.
    Consensus within the rulers is that the plebs only need to know what appeals to their ‘soaps’ mentality. Anything more could lead to discord.

  13. Jeez, after 50 years, we still don’t have the full agreed upon truth of that killing.
    Well at least it makes for vibrant coffee house chatter. That and the weather.

  14. Slater, I knew it was you after about the 3rd sentence, I immediately scrolled down, and then moved on. The same petty hatreds are shared by some of your likes in the I.R.A. – time to move on you twit!
