The World Is Being Run By Crazy People

General Motors Corp. (GM) is recalling 18,941 Chevy Camaros (model years 2013 and 2014) for violating Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 208–Occupant Crash Protection.
Defective seat belts? Air bag malfunction? Brake failure?

Related! “Instead of delegating power to a would-be president-for-life, we delegate it to a bureaucracy-without-death.”

29 Replies to “The World Is Being Run By Crazy People”

  1. From the second link….
    ” As is made clear by everything from campaign donations to the IRS jihad, the bureaucracy is the Left, and the Left is the bureaucracy. Elections will be held, politicians will come and go, but if you expand the power of the bureaucracy, you expand the power of the Left……”
    This is exactly the reason I am so pissed at PMSH for his liberal-like expansion of both the government and the national debt during his reign as king.
    Ha, these stories were a perfect reminder of a realization I had a few years ago.
    I believe the term “civil servant” is still totally appropriate and accurate to use these days.
    Only now it refers to the taxpayer.

  2. Prof. Thomas Sowell recommends 3 questions of government programs:
    1. Compared to what?
    2. At what cost?
    3. What hard evidence do you have?

  3. If you don’t understand that explosions, even controlled ones such as an airbag, can be harmful you should be riding the short bus.
    Seriously Government Motors, you can’t buy glue that is sticky enough? Way to go.

  4. On the other hand you now have an “Obama-Nation(tm) Care” law which the ‘president by fiat’ says you don’t have to obey for another year.
    I’m sure the taxpayers will also take liberty by not observing other laws like the ones governing the IRS, and take a ‘tax holiday’.
    ‘Tyranny by bureaucracy’
    “Tyrants have always some slight shade of virtue; they support the laws before destroying them.”
    “There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”
    ― Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
    “Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.”
    ― Thomas Jefferson
    “It is when a people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains.”
    ― Patrick Henry
    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
    ― C.S. Lewis
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. What a different world we would live in, if way back in the late 60s, in response to the first government auto regulations, the manufacturers had sent out layoff notices to all their employees, that they chose NOT to comply with regulations, and we’re shutting down their companies.

  6. The most important thing to realize about this recall situation is THIS IS NOT A MISTAKE. This is the system working as it is designed, doing what it is supposed to do.
    This is what bureaucracies are actually for. Making work for bureaucrats when there isn’t any.

  7. “This is exactly the reason I am so pissed at PMSH for his liberal-like expansion of both the government and the national debt during his reign as king.”
    Canadian Federal Employees,
    2010- 283,000
    2011- 282,352
    2012- 278,092
    2013- 262,902
    Each federal employee costs Canadians an average of $114,000 per year
    Harper has therefore cut approx. 2.3 billion dollars per year in civil servant cost.
    Harper’s federal deficit in 2012 indebted every citizen by $600.00
    Obama’s federal deficit in 2012 indebted every US citizen by $4600.00
    I’ll stick with Harper thank-you.

  8. Next thing will be mandatory playback of a synthesized verbal recitation of instructions (akin to the pre-flight airline thing) before your car will even start. Rental cars will likely be the first with this “safety feature”

  9. Canadian Federal Employees,
    How very dishonest and deceitful of you to conveniently leave these years off your little BS sales pitch. You are completely wrong, but worst of all, are too bunkered in your mentality to see what’s right in front of you.
    One more thing, the simple fact that PMSH is not an utter cluster-f^ck like Obama does not translate to “he must be good then”.

  10. And how does the fact that Canada is leading the G7 as the strongest economy sit with you?
    You’re personal opinions are your own. When our PM is at the helm of the healthiest economy of the worlds leading democracies, I perceive that to be doing a good job.
    Your ignoring the $4000.00 of REAL savings compared to the US for our grand kids, last year alone, is enlightening.
    I’m interested to know which world leader you would say is doing a good job?
    If you’re a conservative, you would understand that our values need to be implemented slowly and pragmatically.
    To expect your wants and needs to be implemented NOW would simply put the leftist’s back in power.
    I’m not thrilled with the pace either, however I’ll continue to support the ONLY leader to be working in that direction.
    You may have noticed a lack of swearing and ad hominem attacks in my reply to you. You should give it a try.

  11. GM named in Class Action over faulty power steering system on the 2009-2012 Traverse, Enclave and Acadia. Safety is not a concern for GM.

  12. The “swearing” was clearly directed at Obama, thought you’d actually appreciate it. As per ad hominem attacks, I thought they were more like honest observations of your motives.
    I noticed you did not address the numbers I presented you in response. You seem to want to pretend they don’t exist, even with minority governments his first 2 terms, they’re impressive. BTW, 2013 is a forecast, so meaningless today.
    It’s depressing to find people who are so freaked that they might give AMMO to their partisan enemies that they won’t have an honest conversation with anyone who dare offer any differing opinion, even a conservative. Ha, anyways, I thank you for being above playing the “you must be a leftard” card.
    Let me try and group your questions of me into one general answer…
    I believe that today’s party system is corrupted and the party’s have far too much power while the citizenry has nearly none. Apart from choosing which “royal family” will get to plunder us the next 4 years, choice has increasingly becoming an illusion. Even a well-intentioned politician becomes absorbed by the party machine over time. Ralph Klien openly referred to this loss of perspective as “Dome Disease”. BUT, most importantly, this bitter and never ending left/right civil war we are fighting depletes far far too many resources and is slowly choking western democracies to death.
    Clear and honest enough for ya?

  13. K, and Toyota has one for gas pedals, and ford has one for steering rack failures, and Chrysler has one for pinion nuts…and Toyota has one for faulty seat belt latches.
    So I guess that means safety is not anyone’s concern right?

  14. “One more thing, the simple fact that PMSH is not an utter cluster-f^ck like Obama does not translate to “he must be good then”.
    So name a better one…
    And name a better one in Canada – ever…

  15. A very appropriate question.
    I got them from the Cdn gov’s website(I believe it was the Treasury Board). The numbers matched doowleb’s except where he apparently moved a couple years around(purely accidental, I’m sure).
    As per this challenge… “And name a better one in Canada – ever…”. I cannot…. which further proves my point!
    In my years, like most here I’m sure, I have endured the likes of Mulroney, Cretin and Martin abusing this country. Harper could only be called a god with the bar set that low. Interestingly, the Rob Ford fiasco has really exposed how conservatives are almost desperate for some fiscal conservatism from anybody or anywhere. I feel the same way….I’m just not Rob Ford desperate.
    For the record, I think Preston Manning is the best PM we never had. But I have no illusions that under this system his duty to his party would eventually have interfered with his duty to his country.

  16. One of the finest observations on the subject.
    Short, concise, exact!
    One could say, bulls eye, hit the nail on the head.

  17. I glanced over the article for a few seconds and down into the comments just long enough to find one expressing this thought:
    Government: too big to succeed!

  18. They put bombs in front of our faces, then put warning signs the bombs may be dangerous. All without
    our consent. Crazy…

  19. So to unravel your answer:
    PMSH is the best PM this country has ever had. And yet you apparently detest him.

  20. Can someone clear this up for me, I understand if you import a car from the USA into Canada, you are obliged to put bilingual airbag stickers in the car.

  21. How very dishonest and deceitful of you to conveniently leave these years off your little BS sales pitch.
    I got them from the Cdn gov’s website(I believe it was the Treasury Board). The numbers matched doowleb’s except where he apparently moved a couple years around(purely accidental, I’m sure).
    Here’s ALL the numbers back to 1970 sir.
    Please notice the drop since Harper’s government got their first majority.
    Also note the drop in federal employees as a percentage of population.
    Do not accuse me of deceit or lying.
    Does having the list go back 45 years bolster your argument/rant?
    Didn’t think so.
    I’ll stick with Harper, thank-you very much.
    1970 – 198,000- 21,500,000- 0.92%
    1975 – 273,000- 23,400,000- 1.2%
    1983 – 251,000- 25,367,000- 0.99%
    1986- 217,000- 26,101,000- 0.83%
    2008- 263,000- 32,248,000- 0.82%
    2009- 274,000- 33,894,000- 0.81%
    2010 – 283,000- 34,149,200- 0.83%
    2011- 282,352- 34,483,975- 0.82%
    2012- 278,092- 34,880,491- 0.78%
    2013- 262,902- 35,158,300- 0.75%

  22. the terminally stupid have allowed us to reach this point. they tend to be liberal socialists of one stripe or another.

  23. there are thousands off books. they are called contract workers and as such do not show up in your numbers.

  24. Fair point, owg, but contract workers don’t get pensions, can be fired, usually don’t have to meet BS bilingualism standards, etc. – all the things that most of us hate about civil servants.
    hey, Kate, ever considered a like/dislike system for the comments, cf zerohedge?

  25. My humblest apologies to all for trying to make any valid points.
    Really, how dare I express anything negative of the CPC that you might have to read. I understand now there is no reason to have any conversation of the right, for they are simply awesome at everything. I will try to direct my frustrations from now on strictly at the scumbag thieves of the partisan left.
    Because, we all know they are 100% responsible for every single problem we face today and if they just went away…..Utopia!
    Again, my deepest and humblest apologies for expecting anything more than partisan reactionary tripe.
