Volunteer insurance salesmen

Working the Christmas shift:

Organizing for Action, the advocacy group closely aligned with President Obama’s agenda, launched a new campaign Friday, encouraging families to press loved ones to purchase health insurance during the holidays under the Affordable Care Act.

Work that room:

The website offers tips on how to have a conversation with family members about health care and encourages visitors to “think about how you’ll bring it up” with relatives during the holidays.

“Be persistent, but keep it positive,” the site advises. “Tell them you care about their health, and focus on the benefits that come from knowing that you have health insurance.”

Totally, directly, incredibly related: Gavin McInnes’ The case for vulgarity.

24 Replies to “Volunteer insurance salesmen”

  1. I foresee some fatlips occurring at the dinner table when some clueless Obama worshiper tells their now uninsured relatives that their plan was ‘substandard anyways’.

  2. This shows the contempt they have for the basic unit of organizing a society, the family. They think nothing of appropriating our least controversial* holiday for the purpose of evangelisation, and reminding Obama supporters that “we’re your family now.”
    It would be funny to have a jug of Kool-Aid mixed up and ready, in case one’s family Obama voter goes against logic, common sense, family history, and instinct, and obeys his orders to bring up a topic like Obamacare around the Thanksgiving dinner table.
    *It’s a big feed with the family, and I’ve been blessed that I find mine to be more or less likable, or at least tolerable for a few hours. I don’t find that very controversial. I wish the same for all of you.

  3. Yep, all I want for Christmas is an insurance salesman…these people are toxically stupid and are in the category of snake-oil salesman.
    An appropriate response at Christmas would be along the lines:
    How To Make Antivenom
    Snake Bytes TV : Handling the Meanest Snakes in the World!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. What Team Obama is not saying is that ObamaCare needs 35 – 40 Million Young Healthy Americans to sign up even though they don’t need Health Insurance. Someone has to pay the premiums for the sick, the elderly, the pre-existing conditions, the Politicians, their Families, their Aides, the Unions and the Illegals who are all gona be subsidized. These young folks don’t have an additional $6,000 – $9,000 per year laying around to give to the Gov’t, not in this economy. You would have to shutdown everything, your phone, your DirecTV, your Internet, cancel trips to Cancun, no new car (ever), no house, no motorcycles, no boats, no ski-doo’s, seriously stop eating out and forget giving to any charities. And in the meantime you get to watch these same Democrat Political Elitists who shoved ObamaCare down your throat enjoy all the perks you just gave up. Have the Socialist Liberals lost their collective minds ? What Team Obama, the Democrats and the Media are pushing here is total destruction of the middle-class. It’s dumb-founding !

  5. The kiddies have it figured out. Stay on your parents plan as long as possible. They live in the basement so it makes sense.
    When that freebie is done, just pay the annual $95 penalty. If you get sick and only if you get sick, then sign up for ObamaCare.
    Can’t be refused for a pre existing condition.
    Kind of like buying car insurance after you get in an accident, but that is how works.
    Obama, smartest POTUS evah!

  6. When one could get a Kitchen-Aid stand mixer for Christmas, one will get some crappy healthcare tax no one wants. YAY!
    I suspect a bloody Christmas for those attempting this poor sales pitch.
    Buzzfeed is good for recipes and pictures of Grumpy cat. That is what I have to say.

  7. Could this little scheme of O’s possibly have the opposite effect? Families sitting around the holiday table discussing how BAD the legislation, rollout, website is??
    Sort of like what happened Christmas 2005 leading up to the January 2006 federal election – where Paul Martin’s Liberals were ousted?
    Let’s hope the Obama administration realizes some unintended consequences from their little ploy!

  8. Then they can report their fam. to the IRS for subversive activity if someone spit takes the egg nog during their party speech.

  9. The daily caller article is bang on. I almost want to put my boots back on and go out and find a liberal to argue with and subsequently insult.

  10. Most of us know a person or a few people who are so stupid that normal discourse does not work.
    These people are so “helpful”,dangerous and dumb, that direct threats of violence fail to deter them.
    When evasion fails, the only recourse is direct violence.
    Pain is the only tool they respond to,unless you drive them out of your affairs, they persist in turning your life into a living hell, to satisfy their delusions.
    Liberals fall into this category, forget political correctness, assault through stupidity is still assault, theft by stupid regulation is still theft, the Kleptocracy will not stop voluntarily.
    Culling the useless and clueless will happen, either in a civilized fashion if we do it now, or thro destruction,waste and civil collapse if we allow the nuts to continue to run the funny farm.
    Not turning up to riot is, indeed a failed policy.
    The agenda 21 zombies have been manipulating public policy too much already, these fake public input meetings are a real eyeopener.

  11. Gavin McInnes
    Exactly. Enough with the pampered verbal hypocracy.
    I have more respect for a guy calling it out, than these shrinking gay violets who would stab you in the back daintily. Its just not natural to North Americans to walk on eggshells. It perverse.The more we fight back with language, not engage the Collectivists with their own tactics. The better. Its normal for us to fight back by orally striking our opponents. If used often enough the PC gibberish will disappear. Not being a Normal part of our make up. In Canada at one time the Parliament here was known as the “boxing ring” for good reason.
    More honesty less dancing.
    Its been my experience being nice in a bar room brawl gets you know where fast.

  12. Hats off to the Obamans. They ahve been able to bring in the Community Organizing tactics with nary a peep from rest of the society.
    Really, Navigators. And remeber just how much hassle there was when Bush tried to recruit “Faith Based Organizations” through funding to help him with outreach and acheive policy goals.
    Wow. Not one question, or investigation from “investigative” journalists.
    Call it a Tea Party and then you would get shat all over.

  13. Yes, the little Komsomolniks and Red Guards directed by Dear Leader, have to “educate” the masses.

  14. Sorry ‘bama. You started the brainwashing too late.
    You should have taken a page from Dickhead Suzuki’s book and started that indoctrination years ago in kindergartens.

  15. My plan if anybody does this is to pass them my laptop and tell them to excuse themselves and sign up. They can eat when their signup is complete, including paying their new and higher premium.

  16. Who listens to family anyway.. The pecking order has already been established.. Its either the phony favorite or one of the spare tires talking to people who are not listening.. Yup nothing says gotta go home to let the dogs out quite like Obama Care with my Xmas dinner..
    The first rule of friendship is keep it light on the advice and the personal details..
    Have you signed up for shitty Obama Care yet? Think of how good you will feel forking over twice what you used to pay.. Get in there, shop around, pick the plan you can afford not the one you need..
    Even the welfare people are scared of it.. They got their money and they DO NOT WANT TO ROCK THE BOAT by starting any dialogue that MIGHT give the government a reason to take a second look at them.. So your healthy are you Hmmmm.. Or if I knew being unfit to work required so many trips to the doctor I would have just gotten a job.. If I spend any more time in a waiting room Im actually gonna get sick..
    They of all people know better than to trust the government..
    Strange that the people living off the government hate and mistrust them so completely..
    Obama made a huge mistake thinking he knew what they wanted.. When after all its just to be left alone.. Just them and their check..

  17. “the Illegals who are all gona be subsidized” Ratt NO Obama screwed that up Big Time. Without Immigration reform illegal are not Covered.
    The Emergency room services will “Still” be crowded with Illegal’s and now also Medicare recipients that won’t go to sub-standard community Care centers. Obama has stolen all the Medicare money, but why would you need Medicare if Obama care takes over? Medicare has already lost access to all the Elite (BEST) care facilities. America now has a Kenyan Class System.
    I feel like taking target practice on Political hacks that show up @ the Elite facilities

  18. If You Like Your Plan You Can Keep It: The Rap (w/ Remy)
    Enjoy the hilarious video…
    Sellin hope’s like soap, son, I tell you why
    You can’t make either one without a little bit of lye!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  19. Gavin McInnes is so very good for the soul… I am glad that his tirade will be the last thing I read tonight. I will drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.
