22 Replies to “How Green Was My Afghanistan”

  1. The perfect Canadian delegate to a dreamland confab on fairytale science and subjective reality. Lizzy May’s yer daisy at the unicorn-rainbow coalition science conference.
    Soozook would have been a bad choice as he’s in the final stages of guilt-denial in rationalizing a life spent peddling junk science fear mongering but Lizzy is still a full ahead demetia case who will drink up the globalist Klimate Ka-Ka like it was an organic spritzer.

  2. Elizabeth May is what you get when Affirmative Action collides with politics. Still, I don’t see the problem here. An excess of females leads to higher CO2 emissions. Removing them lowers CO2 emissions. Since rocks are carbon neutral as an execution tool, it looks like a win-win from an environmental standpoint.

  3. Apparently there’s supposed to be another “hunger strike” in there somewhere to protest the typhoon or some such nonsense. I wonder how much weight Dizzy Lizzy will gain during it.

  4. Got to give her credit (a hard thing to do). At least she’s spoken out about the violent, backwards, garbage. That’s more than our “official” feminists have done.

  5. Who was Lizzie representing as a Greenie in the sands of Afghanistan? Somehow doubt being green is top priority in that godforsaken part of the world. A shortage of stones on the other hand would be a major disaster.

  6. Just remember Liz, stones are reusable, as such, the boulders used to kill women, she can justify, as recycling..

  7. The comments above are hilarious. Jamie, snicker, snicker.
    She is about as vacuous as the Green Party is.

  8. What I want to know is: Did she wear an Afghan style burka? (the one’s with a screen instead of a slit?)

  9. She hitched a ride with the Afghans just to be at this conference. What, she’s not good enough for Myanmar or Cuba?

  10. You can always expect this type of stuff to happen again and again because for liberals…”History starts every morning”.

  11. Once again the beaver curls her lip if only to expose her love of attention and her ambivalence towards reality.

  12. So if they stone you for adultery in Afghanistan what do they do to gays ? Plus, I don’t think there are enuf stones in America.

  13. Canadian Green Party is against stoning women for adultery.
    However, stoning them for being conservatives and/or Christians is definitely A-OK with May.

  14. Why did Canadian soldiers die in Afghanistan again? Without a secular constitution enshrining individual rights in place it was not worth the blood paid. Smh.

  15. “So if they stone you for adultery in Afghanistan what do they do to gays ?”
    Apparently they push walls over onto them and crush them. If they don’t die outright, they just leave them pinned by the wall until they do die.
    For some reason when I saw that picture of Lizzie May, the first thought that came to mind was ‘cow farts’.

  16. I gather that if they are feeling merciful they will shoot the adulterous woman
    rather than stone her. Again, out of mercy, the Ayatollahs like to hang gays and
    bad women.
