14 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. Fancy that, bumping into the guy who beat you while were returning “home” to Ontari-owe while Mr Maguire was heading for his seat in the HOC. Kinda must have been an embarrassing occasion, being a defeated turncoat parachute candidate for the Pony club who couldn’t even bother to take a minute to offer a timely congratulations to the winner.

  2. Good analysis of the Brandon-Souris byelection by Ross. The excuses for the Liberal defeat seem to make sense except for the bit about Trudeau failing to set foot in the rural parts of the riding. I would think that the presence of the blundering Trudeau would go in Maguire’s favour and I suspect that Trudeau’s handlers strongly advised him to stay home.

  3. How can anyone take this Ross (Is it a Mr or a Miss) analysis seriously ?
    Mistake #2 was having Trudeau show up and open his mouth.
    Mistake #3 was Trudeau not showing up and opening his mouth enough.

  4. Instant impression of Rolf Dinsdale: Middle aged, balding, downtown Toronto lawyer/w@nker with a really bad fake smile. I wouldn’t trust farther than I could throw him by the ear.
    Isn’t there some rule that says you’re supposed to be from the riding you’re seeking election in?

  5. This article is interesting on a different level,as it mentions several political candidates who quite willingly moved their flag from Party to Party with nary a thought to their alleged political philosophy.
    What a joke politics is in this Country,with whores of all colors running for themselves while spouting about their “core beliefs” and “philosophy”,while their only belief is in getting to that fabulous trough, no matter what Party gets them there.
    And,no,I’m not naive enough to believe otherwise,but as the old saying goes,”don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining”, (John Vernon’s character in “The Outlaw Josey Wales”))
    Yesterday Paul Wells claimed the close race in B-S was due to Justin’s acceptance by the people of that Riding as, he claimed,the Liberals ran an unknown candidate parachuted in by the LPC.
    That the candidate was the son of Walter Dinsdale,DFC, who served the Riding as a Conservative for 31 years,was never mentioned by Trudeau’s little “journalist” buddy.

  6. My take on the BS byelection was that the progressives pooled their votes and still lost despite the shiny pony’s efforts.

  7. Wow, he left Brandon sooner than even I was predicting. i thought he would stay in Brandon until at least Saturday.
    I suspect he is another ” Just visiting Liberal candidate”

  8. The Free Press link picture of Dinsdale with his Mom needs a caption:
    “Yes son I forgive you for running for the Liberals but how do we stop that spinning sound we hear at your father’s grave”

  9. Uh huh: “I forgot.”
    What is it about Leftards that they’re always so lacking in graciousness? ‘Must be their entitledness. Dinsdale didn’t figure that with the Shiny Pony’s frequent presence in the riding into which he’d been parachuted and the media’s cheerleading for him and that faux-poll the night of the election putting him 29 percentage points ahead of his Conservative opponent would fail him.
    Looks like he just slinked out of town, “forgetting” to congratulate Larry Maguire on his win. What a low-life.

  10. I’m onside with the commentors that believe Mini-T is/was a handicap. Like inviting Ignatieff to a prairie Town Hall meeting… 😉

  11. “This article is interesting on a different level,as it mentions several political candidates who quite willingly moved their flag from Party to Party with nary a thought to their alleged political philosophy.”
    Exactly, and this is true for many of the MPs. This what I have been saying for years, that generally, basically we are given political party choices of tweedle dee, tweedle dum, and tweedle die. PM Harper’s government is somewhat different as many of his MPs are true conservatives, while some are just Liberals in disguise. Same thing for the NDP, as many are true Marxists bordering on communist, and some are just socialists.
