Reader Tips

What happens when you sprinkle a bit of ordinary table salt on a black metal plate, vibrate the plate with a tone generator, and then adjust the frequency of the vibration? Let’s find out!
h/t exetaz
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

42 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “According to the Council of Human Rights Rapporteurs, Cuban independent journalist Yoeni Guerra Garcia was “drugged” and “raped” over the weekend in the Nieves Morejon prison of the town of Sancti Spiritus.
    The attack against this independent journalist was ordered by the Castro regime’s state security officials.”
    Cuba was chosen to be one of the new UN Human Rights Council member states 2 weeks ago.

  2. Authoritarian mendacious scumbag Stephen Harper attempts to re-introduce internet surveillance he said he’d shelve-FUR THE CHILDRUNZ of course.
    One of the more troubling parts of the bill encourages Internet service providers (ISPs) and other telecommunications companies to disclose customer information to the government without a warrant, and gives them legal immunity from any criminal or civil charges arising from such disclosures.
    This government may end up being worse for civil liberties than Trudeau Sr.

  3. Gosh, don’t hold back, tell us how you REALLY feel about the PM, you obviously know him personally and wouldn’t just be parroting something you read on a lefty blog.

  4. This isn’t a hyperventilation contest, LAS. Eliding/avoiding facts, data, and context, and replacing them with insults, scare tactics, visceral hatred, gross overstatement, and oversimplification isn’t the same as “winning!”
    You’re not really a “details” guy, are you, LAS?

  5. Let’s hope Harper cuts the CBC budget now. While the are on the ropes from Rogers NHL deal
    Mr Harper tear down this squall

  6. LAS:
    I don’t know why you wrote what you did, but trust me, I have relatives in Australia who work in communications. Internet spying went ballistic after 911! Anything you do on the net can be tapped into at the touch of a keyboard, there are NO secrets on the net. What the Harper administration is doing here is simply giving themselves an access to information that may be harmful to tees and kids who often end up being suicidal.

  7. EBD: RTFA
    Anything you do on the net can be tapped into at the touch of a keyboard, there are NO secrets on the net.
    That would be news to the current operators of Silk Road. Tor and encryption are powerful tools against the surveillance state.
    What the Harper administration is doing here is simply giving themselves an access to information that may be harmful to tees and kids who often end up being suicidal.
    “We’d love to respect your rights, but we’d rather give ourselves access to your info. For the children, of course” Thanks for proving my point and for helping turn Canada into a panopticon.

  8. We have enjoyed relatively low rates, to North America, thanks to cheap Hydro power, for decades. Our rates have to go up, if not for ugrading existing power facilities and transmission infrastructure, but to add capacity to existing generation.
    Its the follies of alternative power, and their crony deals with the builders, paying them multiples of actual power rates, that will screw us over. Solar, Wind, IPP, are all financially terrible deals to the taxpayer. And these guys still are saying all the wrong things in regards to globull warming…..ack……..

  9. The internet was never secure. Anyone who believes they’ve ‘lost their rights’ is fooling themselves. A wise buddy in the IT game once told me that anything you post on the net is as secure as scrawling it on the wall in the local cop shop lavatory. He’s probably right. Using encryption programs is a red flag for further investigation; it would be foolishly naive to assume they’re secure.
    I still believe that a warrant should be required to identify specific users by IP address. There must be reasonable grounds to assume the law is being broken; that’s why we have the warrant system. If the government takes that away they will lose votes over it.

  10. Authoritarian mendacious scumbag Stephen Harper
    Posted by: LAS

    That’s your best shot? It’s lame. Protesters in Thailand, who have occupied several ministries, call their leader a ‘Stupid Crab Bitch Water Buffalo Face’.

  11. Whistler’s hydrogen fuel cell bus program in jeopardy
    “The future of Whistler’s hydrogen fuel cell buses — the largest fleet in the world — is in doubt after BC Transit said it cannot afford to continue to run and maintain the fleet when the $89-million demonstration program wraps up next spring.
    Information obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request by the Canadian Autoworkers’ Union 333 suggests Whistler’s 20 hydrogen fuel cell buses cost three times more for maintenance and fuel costs than the conventional Nova diesel buses they replaced in 2009.
    BC Transit deployed the hydrogen bus fleet in 2009 as part of a grand scheme by Gordon Campbell’s Liberals to showcase fuel cell technology during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games and have a “hydrogen highway” stretching from Whistler to California.
    That didn’t happen and hydrogen is now trucked from Quebec every 10 days …

  12. Hydrogen is a scam, it’s only viable if the energy to produce it is free.
    It’s nothing more than a very inefficient storage battery.

  13. Don’t be too concerned about global warming in an overpopulated world.
    If you want to be afraid of climate change consider this: low end estimates suggest that about 15,000 -18,500 humans survived the last ice age, and 55,500 to 70,000 is more likely.
    Warming and more CO2 increases plant productivity. Cold kills.

  14. @north of 60: It’s not personal but I’ve got to comment on something that has been bothering me for a while now. It is what I call “Gee Whiz Science”. Scientific American,, Popular Science, Nova, and others putting up articles full of speculation and wonder but without real substance or meaning. I mean look, if you’re an “evolutionist”, you have to believe that the human population started out very small….. duh…. and grew very slowly …. duh….. and faced many instances where the whole population could have been lost to some disaster …. Gee Whiz, what insight. Add in a couple of theoretical assumptions, some new terms, a sprinkle of magical genetic interactions and Gee Whiz what a miracle we’re here today. Glad I could write a paper on it and get it published in Scientific American.
    Now lets speculate about inhabitable planets 80 light years away. Gosh. If only we could discover how to obtain “Ludicrous Speed” we could be there tomorrow and verify our theories on what’s really orbiting these distant stars. If we can’t then it will only take us “like” 10,000 years to travel there at sub light speed (and don’t forget we have to slow down too).
    Now let’s mine some asteroids for their metals. It will only take 2+ years to get there and another 3+ to return and we can do it all without using absolutely any energy and without a single person onboard our robotic ship. Gee Whiz. Would you be willing to invest your money in my new company?? (Sorry for the rant. But it’s been building for a long time.)

  15. I agree. Hundreds of millions of dollars, if not many billions, have been wasted on fairy-dust electrical generation scams. Of course many of these applications do fit niche markets, such as electric fences, remote hunting lodges, etc.
    The money should have been spent upgrading and building more nuclear and hydro generation plants.
    A CTV poll could use a little help. A little down on the right side.

  16. I don’t know what is more stupid, that they are showing young girls how to put a condom on or that they might be so stupid they could not figure it out for themselves.

  17. Oh, I’m with you, David. I started out in conventional engineering and transitioned to software engineering and the difference in outlook is stark, and hilarious. Real engineers who have to get their hands dirty tend to have a better appreciation for what’s actually doable; the pure science/math/CS guys seem to be convinced that we’ll be able to thaw out Walt Disney any day now. (“Even if you could, microcrystallization in the cells has already turned his brain and internal organs to mush.” “Nanites will fix that.”)

  18. The extent to which LAS drives people here into paroxysms of stone-the-unbeliever behaviour never fails to amuse me.

  19. Wondering if anyone else has noticed that since the Obamacare failure and the millions now losing their health coverage in the US that you never hear the term “evil US style healthcare” coming from the liberals, NDP, and leftwing media pundits.
    Is it just me?

  20. @ David in Michigan It’s not personal but
    How many papers have you written and published, on any subject?
    BTW I’m a mechanical engineer, so stuff the innuendo and veiled accusations.
    The planet has experienced 80k year ice ages followed by 20k year interglacials for the past 3.5 million years since the isthmus of panama was formed. It’s ludicrous to assume that humans releasing CO2 will stop that cycle.
