Renegade Regulator

Ms Pegeot to be Embedded with the Department of Justice

The Department of Justice is being very quiet about Ms Pegeot’s appointment, declining to acknowledge it on their website’s News pages (or anywhere else, for that matter). As for the DFO, RestoreCSA requested confirmation of Ms Pegeot’s appointment on November 19th. We wrote as follows:
“We received a tip […] that Ms Pegeot has been appointed to the Department of Justice, as noted below. This appears to be an internal DFO email advisory. Can you confirm that Ms Pegeot is moving to the Department of Justice?”
The DFO refused to respond to our question. In consequence, we have escalated our inquiries.
We noted this week in our federal filings that because “the Department of Justice is likely to be involved in these investigations [of CSA activity], it is highly improper that a senior leader of the CSA should be appointed as the Special Advisor to the Deputy Minister who will ultimately be responsible for investigating her.”


4 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. A Kleptocracy knows no limits to its corruption.
    Ethics? Conflict of interest? Rule of law?
    Those are for us little people.
    Cover your ass and protect the collective, this is our bureaucracy and the taxpayer is not part of the collective.
    On the bright side, this gal is a fine example of why the civil service needs term limits.
    No citizen should spend more than 5 years in the bureaus, once they are assimilated,they become the problem.

  2. You folks just don’t get it! The purpose of all Government Dpt s to grow. And if they can promote from within they enhance their purpose. Once you just accept this reality everything makes sense.

  3. The Canadian Political Elite is just one happy incestuous family. Left or Conservative.
    all are above the Law it seems.
