10 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. ” now that strong government support isn’t a given”
    In simplified English, the operators will not get huge amounts of taxpayer’s money shoveled into their bank accounts.

  2. Yep, both wind power subsidy harvesters (I consider it inaccurate to call them energy providers) and government are recalculating their interests. Anyone of average IQ who took the time to read the reasons could understand why wind and solar are ludicrous even if you believe in CAGW. They’re expensive, unreliable, environmentally unfriendly via mining and bird/bat deaths and unfairly burdened rural people (land value drops, destroying natural beauty of the landscape and possible health hazards).
    Yet personal gain was able to override the public interest: big, well-connected landowners got rich, crony capitalism benefits both politicians and their cronies, bureaucrats got new departments and power. It’s quite possibly the biggest wealth transfer in history from the poor, working and middle class to the the ruling class and the rich. Now public anger about the costs is outweighing kickbacks and new tax revenue- time to cash in and move on.
    This change also explains why such ideas as the global climate fund, climate retribution for past emissions and payment schemes for loss and damage due to weather are going nowhere. And, yes, carbon taxes will suffer the same fate because of a rightfully cynical attitude that politicians and co. are dishonest crooks and/or incompetent at managing finances in the best interest of taxpayers. There is no upside for politicians from rich countries and little opportunity to feather their own nests or reward friends and family. Why risk the wrath of the voter if there is no personal gain to be had?

  3. Beautiful fantasy hits ugly reality.
    While everyone loves the IDEA of a green,clean world, no one wants to have to make the choice between buying food or paying their heat Bills,and that dilemma is exactly what is facing many Britons today.

  4. Another green waste hits the skids.
    Fisker, the company behind the Karma hybrid sports car, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy this weekend. The company hasn’t had very good luck these past few years. The company originally set out to make green cars sexy, but it has been floundering for the better part of two years due to car fires, faulty batteries, design flaws, missed milestones set by the US government, a terrible Consumer Reports Review, and Hurricane Sandy. See, no luck.

  5. Allbelyin’:
    – old Norse for “Land where greedy rent seekers can’t rely on crooked politicians”.

  6. You cant make double digit profit in the west anymore so the rich have decided to feed on the people.. Such a shame that our MSM and government were involved in the scam..

  7. Well who didn’t see this coming? Kate has been on the fore front in reporting on this scam for years and yet living in the lala land called Non-tari-owe the governments continues to spend on this sheit like drunken sailors.

  8. While we may and do smpathise with elderly Britons malnourished and freezing,
    they do have a government a majority voted for.
    Green kills; greens kill.

  9. Well said, don morris!
    Our environment today is vastly cleaner than that even of my childhood, and that
    is because of improved technology. And take a look at one of Monet’s London
    pictures: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Charing_Cross_Bridge,_Monet.jpg
    That was probably painted at high noon!!!! Smog from coal is picturesque but
    it is very unhealthy.
    If you are of a literary turn, you might look up one of H. L. Mencken’s
    descriptions of central Pennsylvania and Pittsburg even in the 1930s.
    The improved technology to a considerable extent is the technology of petroleum
    extraction and transport, and secondarily the technology of nuclear energy.
