9 Replies to “Forward!”

  1. Party on!
    Dear leader Obamba pats himself on the back for being “really good at killing people”, so why not celebrate mass murder and the hopes of more murders in ever more gun free zones.

  2. If they get a chance to have death camps, the partying will really start than.
    This is the Death cult is the throes of joy when the grim reaper kills off humanity. Its why they so love serial killers.

  3. And of course the ‘progressive’ voices will rail against the detractors of the ‘compassionate set’; who need more ‘gun control’ notwithstanding the 2nd Amendment.
    Maybe if they spent less on gun control advocacy and more on mental health issues they would be the better for it…if it saves just one life, as they are wont to say.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. Depravity in the name of social justice (the common good). It just won’t go away and always ends badly.

  5. In Canada, its the annual National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, a remembrance perverted into an indictment of all men who refuse to acknowledge their complicity in Marc Gharbi’s crimes.

  6. Gamil Gharbi killed 14 women students at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal “for thinking they’re so smart and getting an education”. What we have here is basic Muslim extremism and yet most Canadians have no idea about what I’m writing about, to them it’s all about Misogyny. About men hating women…and exploited under those terms as a gun control meme and as fuel in the women hating men industry. Strange how the main stream media left out all the details about that hideous event.

  7. Marxizts are always looking for ways to disguise their agenda to disarm the public and claim a monopoly on the use of armed force – I delight in watching these thinly veiled attempts at public manipulation (essentially getting these fools to cut their own throats by denouncing constitutional ethics) – in the unenlightened days prior to pop American marxism, these attempts would result in public/media ostracization, but since the rise of the MSM-created zombie nation constitutional suicide has become chic.
