16 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Good thing that southern border is all secure and stuff. 50 bucks says it’s another Fast &Furious, cept for nukes this time.

  2. In related news, three Mexican men were admitted to a local hospital with a new condition the doctors are calling “Glow in the Dark” disease.
    Medical experts remain baffled.

  3. Probably a plot to set off a dirty bomb in New York so Obama can appear a great hero by thwarting it.

  4. Follow the green Mexican dude,
    Follow the green Mexican dude,
    Follow Follow Follow Follow,
    Follow the green Mexican dude!

  5. some people clueless.
    check it out for us, mon.
    report back in a month or so.
    from yasser arafat’s final resting place.

  6. Don’t be so hard on LASsie. Poor boy hasn’t finished high school yet.
    LASsie, go look up Cobalt 60 and get back to us, hmmm? Also radio isotopes of iodine. Its nasty.

  7. Or better yet. It’s been a few threads since you told us how great it’s gonna be once the Shiny Pony defeats the Evil Mister Harper Man in the game of polls. Do some more of that.

  8. Hmmm? I think you meant that little missive to go to LAS. He is the one always telling us how glorious the shining utopia will be when the empty suit is PM.

  9. Feel free to stand next to one when it goes off if it’s so harmless.
    First, it’s North Korea. Then the “peace in our time” deal with Iran and now this.
    The sh– will get real all at once, I think.

  10. No I just meant to add on to The Phantom’s message. But directed to Liberal Arse Sniffer. Is that what LAS stands for?
