33 Replies to “Oh, Frack”

  1. While I agree that there’s something fishy about this so-called expert, he does state in the first line of his screed, that he is retired. Most retired engineers do not continue to pay the registration dues to professional bodies. Hence, his non-appearance on the list of APEGA members does not prove his non-existence.

  2. If he doesn’t continue to pay his licencse fee (Not ‘dues’), he’s not an engineer. Not sure about Alberta, but in Ontario the fee for a retiree is much lower if you want to continue to keep your professional designation.

  3. There’s no “Syd Peters” listed on the membership search on the APEGA (Alberta Engineer’s Association) website. Unless “Syd” is a middle name or perhaps he goes by some other first name.

  4. Professional Engineer is a title protected by the regulator agency. If he is/was an engineer, he would know this. If he is knowingly portraying himself, in public, as an engineer but is not one then he’s facing fraud charges. APEGA keeps an eye on things like this.

  5. David’s comments are good:
    The admission of an alleged “family connection” to Newfoundland doesn’t exactly enhance his objective credentials either. In fact, it would paint him as an outright hypocrite, overseeing activities in Alberta that he feels are not good enough for his beloved homeland (despite its 70% unemployment rate). Here’s a suggestion, Syd…in your next letter, why not supply some actual, specific credentials that you should be listened to….for example, some evidence that you aren’t just a spurned, bitter unemployed rig hand who now hates the oil industry. There are MANY more of those than fracking experts.

  6. Rex Murphy had the best line years ago when Joey Smallwood reigned:
    “Some say there is at least one honest politician in Newfoundland.
    I hope that is true. I have covered politics here for a very long time.
    And I have yet to meet him.”

  7. More gold from “David”:

    david @ December 04, 2013 – 09:27
    So it turns out —with a little digging from other posters —- that ‘Syd’ isn’t the person he clims he is. Surprise surprise! But the blind follwers that he so impressed were ready to block the roads after reading his completely fabricated words. And this is why they have zero credibility and should not be allowed to control the agenda in any way. They are easily duped fools, bell cows, intellectual zombies. They should be beet red with embarrassment over this latest spectacle, but instead are more fukll of themselves than ever. Shame on you for wasting the intellectual abilities God gave you….and shame for preferring a life of continued sloth over one of productive, honest work. As long as the government condones being leeches, this place will remain nothing more than a drunk driver’s Disneyland

  8. Thank God for Ezra.
    This is a long used tactic of the liars, invent an authority, argue from that authority.
    Shout down any questioner,” we have an authority.”
    The old media is still using the same game plan, but the internet defeats them repeatedly.
    Their response seems to be; “How dare you little people, doubt my honesty.”Presstitution is becoming a tough gig, what with an increasingly sceptical and hostile readership.
    Sorry A..Holes, that is what happens when you lie, prostitute yourself for your agenda, serve the cause before the truth.
    Looks good on them.

  9. “Peters” letter is clearly 100% bullshit. He states that “every” frac’ed well leaks, every one. He was pretty emphatic about it. Anytime a polemicist starts dealing in absolutes like that, you know they are lying. Full stop. Nothing in the real world is ever perfect, nor is anything ever perfectly bad.
    Also, anyone who had worked in the industry for 28 years, as claimed, most likely would hate the use of “k” in “frac” or “frac’ed”, for the simple and sufficient reason that “k” is not part of the original word, “fracture”, for which “frac” is a short slang form, industry jargon, if you will.

  10. The eco-freak who wrote the letter used too many “green” phrases,and thereby exposed his true face.
    His claim about protecting the tourism and fisheries industries is also standard boiler-plate for the green zealots who have no idea the cod are long gone and tourism in NFLD amounts to a miniscule percentage of their income.
    The letters at the link are skeptical,except for a few fools who believe whomever presents himself as an “expert”. Many posters call “Syd” an outright fraud.
    It’s gratifying to see that a lot of people are becoming more educated about the issues and are not swallowing the enviro-lunatics propaganda any more.
    Maybe the name “Syd Peters” comes from the comedian Russell Peters, who sold out the SYDney opera house in 2010,the first comedian to ever do so.

  11. “Through an editor’s error, the letter that follows did not go through The Telegram’s normal verification process, and we have subsequently been unable to reach the individual who sent the correspondence to The Telegram. The Telegram regrets the error but not the content of the letter because it fits our narrative”.
    There, fixed that for you.

  12. Why do so few in Alberta, whose population has miraculously survived tens of thousands of frackings, object to fracking while those who live in economic slag heaps object. Fracking is king where people like to work lots while those who live where working is objectionable protest it.

  13. http://yarnsfromtheancientmariner.blogspot.ca/search?updated-min=2009-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max=2010-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=1
    Apropros… I tried my hand at Blogging and spun a yarn about the Telegram, March 16th, 2009. This is nothing new for them, been going on forever. Be sure to check out the telegram article linked and the comments to the article by Tim, he sounds like Syd Peters. Took me a while to find it on Google but here it is. Had a life changing event later that summer and never went back to blogging. The telegram is nothing but a bunch or Marxist arsehole townies IMHO.

  14. As I’m sure the letter I just submitted to the TELEGRAM will never see the light of day…..I’ll put it here for SDA readers.
    The letter is clearly bogus, as has been pointed on on many occassions. Clearly, the Telegram is trying to backtrack, claiming to have gotten in touch with the writer.
    That shouldn’t have been too difficult, as I’m sure the letter writer was sitting in the common room with the other Editors of the Telegram when they pieced this nonsensical letter together in the first place.
    Other than that, I wouldn’t say people need to be too concerned about the “expert” who wrote this letter. He sounds about as credible as the Telegram itself.
    meaning: Not very.

  15. It’s OK for fake people to speak as long as they are progressive Gaia loving totalitarians.
    The Dems have been doing it for years; so what they can’t do it now – how racist!!!!

  16. “Also, anyone who had worked in the industry for 28 years, as claimed, most likely would hate the use of “k” in “frac” or “frac’ed”, for the simple and sufficient reason that “k” is not part of the original word, “fracture”, for which “frac” is a short slang form, industry jargon, if you will.”
    Thank you for this, Gord. I cringe every time I see the “K” used.
    It wasn’t too long ago that whenever you saw the “K”, you knew immediately that whoever used it, was an “anti-fracker”. It has become much more prevalent recently though. I’d say that now if you see the “K” being used, it merely means that the writer has never been involved with fraccing, but tells you nothing about their sentiments.

  17. No such person on Linkedin either.
    (Posted this earlier but didn’t go through for some reason)
    @Iowa Jim.
    [People who don’t exist are able to smell methane, I think.
    Posted by: Iowa Jim]
    Thanks for the belly laugh.
