49 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Brian Lilley:

    CBC’s bombshell claim that the National Security Agency (NSA) spied on Canadian soil with the support of the Harper government was blown to bits Monday after the state broadcaster released its source documents.

    Last Wednesday, CBC’s The National trumpeted a story of American spies targeting foreign leaders. “Stephen Harper’s government allowed the largest American spy agency to conduct widespread surveillance in Canada during the 2010 G8 and G20 summits,” the headline on CBC’s website read.

    The documents, released online Monday, don’t support that claim….Wesley Wark , a visiting professor at the University of Ottawa, said the claims made by the story and the words in the documents don’t match.

  2. From the Parliament website
    “The flag will be flown at half-mast on the Peace Tower from sunrise to sunset on Tuesday, December 3, 2013, day of the memorial service of the late Honourable Paul Desmarais, who passed away October 8, 2013.”
    Why the f**k is the flag being lowered by our federal parliament for Paul Desmarais?

  3. Seems that puritanism is on the rise in Germany given a bill to ban “flat rate” deals in German brothels.
    Considering that restaurants make a killing on “all you can eat” specials, one would expect that brothels would do similarly well on as many as you can f*** deals given that most satyr wannabe’s are just that. If the political correctness continues to progress without being derailed, it won’t be long before the “all you can eat” (in restaurants, not brothels for those whose minds are in the gutter) specials will be seen as exploitation of the morbidly obese.

  4. andycanuck–that’s the wrong link to Dallaire’s story..
    Try this one.
    What kind of Liberal bullshit story is this anyway? This is supposed to be the National Post, not the CBC. What the hell has his service in Rwanda to do with operating a vehicle while he’s asleep. The war in Rwanada ended in 1994. Just read the commnets after the story.

  5. Am I getting this story about Liberal Senator Romeo Dallaire right or what? A guy pulls up on Parliament hill–a place that is swarming with pedestrians and traffic. He slams his car into a post, claiming that he was asleep. Don’t they have cabs in Ottawa? Why is he driving in such a condition, while asleep?
    The conflict in Rwanada ended in 1994, that’s 19 years ago. Is that not enough time to recover?? And recover from what?? His duties there were no different than any other officer that was there with the UN peacekeepers. And perhaps if his Liberal friends in Ottawa would have provided him with the manpower and equipment they (UN Forces) needed, Dallaire may not have burned out.
    I can’t believe that the National Post would print such a BS story!

  6. It is what they do for kingmakers. God save the new kingmaker.
    I wonder if the food-for-oil thief came for the funeral?

  7. At this point it’s all water under the bridge you didn’t build, but…

    Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. The transcript from Occidental College shows that Obama (Barry Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship (scholarship) for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program – an international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government..

  8. LAS; Perhaps you’d like a Liberal/NDP government in 2015?
    I can hear all the Seniors on fixed incomes, not retired Civil Servants, crying to the moonbats who tax, tax, tax and spend, spend, spend. And a Carbon Credit industry, and oil exports shut down, and, and, and…. three people looking for each job vacancy, and American businesses who will not supply Canadian industry with vital parts, and…. Well, the good old days under Mr Critien.

  9. Your response is pathetic. The Conservatives are doing something evil-quick, whip out the BS hypotheticals! Make it scary! Make it ludicrous! Invoke a prime minister who governed to the right of the current one!
    What is it like to have no integrity?

  10. What is it like to have no integrity? Posted by: LAS
    I wouldn’t know, but I’m guessing you will tell us from your vast experience with it.

  11. Al-Mohammed’s payer space.
    “the Iranian-backed group quickly blamed on arch-enemy Israel.”
    “Hezbollah Commander Killed Outside Home in Lebanon
    ABC News”
    “Multi-faith centre at Carleton University helps to ease squeeze on prayer space
    Ottawa Citizen”

  12. I’ve been intrigued by Bitcoins since they started their sharp climb in value and have analysed and researched the concept at great length. My conclusions are that they have no inherent value and that before the dust settles, there will be massive fraud unveiled, the likes of which the financial world has never seen. The fact that they are currently trading at over $1,000/coin and even more puzzling, that people are still buying them up at this ridiculous value, tells me that there has to be insider manipulation at play. The volatility and the unknown makes Bitcoins a fool’s investment.
    In the end, there’s going to be far more losers than winners. JMO.

  13. PET Cemetery Report.
    Our Choyne & Chong Toilit Show.
    “The forces of inertia gather to halt a concrete plan for repairing our damaged democracy”
    “Andrew Coyne: The Reform Act, on which Chong has been toiling for 15 years will never pass, they say. Or if it did, wouldn’t make a difference. Worse, it might”
    “Read a full Q&A session between Andrew Coyne and Michael Chong”

  14. The following is an excellent essay by Peggy Noonan:
    “I think part of the reason he wasn’t careful is because he sort of lives in words. That’s been his whole professional life—books, speeches. Say something and it magically exists as something said, and if it’s been said and publicized it must be real. He never had to push a lever, see the machine not respond, puzzle it out and fix it. It’s all been pretty abstract for him, not concrete. He never had to stock a store, run a sale and see lots of people come but the expenses turn out to be larger than you’d expected and the profits smaller, and you have to figure out what went wrong and do better next time.”

  15. Kudos and applause for Mayor Eddie Francis.
    We announce the opening of Mayor Eddie Francis’ School of Civic Finance.
    School Motto: Civic Math is not hard*.
    “Across the river from bankrupt Detroit, Windsor boasts five years without a tax hike”
    “As Detroit finalizes the terms of the largest public bankruptcy in U.S. history this week, its across-the-river Canadian neighbour is boasting a fiscal record the envy of any city its size on the continent: five years without a tax hike, an eight-figure paydown of municipal debt, all while weathering the effects of Ontario manufacturing’s collapse.
    “We’ve broken with political tradition, obviously,” said Eddie Francis, mayor of the city of Windsor, population 210,000.
    On Monday, for the sixth consecutive year, Windsor City Council approved a budget that contained zero tax increases.
    Meanwhile, the city has reduced its debt from a 2002 high of $230-million to $110-million. City reserves have also swelled to $114-million from $42-million.
    Uncharacteristic for a city undergoing deep austerity, Windsor has also embarked on a $1.5-billion infrastructure campaign: bike paths, upgraded libraries, a new aquatics centre and the new WFCU Centre, home of the Windsor Spitfires, all paid for with cash upfront.”
    Meanwhile, gun math is hard* for egonomists:
    “Bank of Canada sticks to stimulus guns” (NP)

  16. You are absolutely right about Bitcoin.
    Google austro-libertarian economist Gary North’s piece ranking it as the second biggest Ponzi scheme in history.
    The founder of Dollar Vigilante, in an interview with Greg Hunter, praised Bitcoin and said that if you do back ups and encryption you should be safe.
    That same day I got a letter from world-beater Adobe telling me that my email and credit card info was one of millions hacked!
    A guy just lost $ 7 million when he threw out his hard disk.
    Bitcoin seems especially attractive to extremely bright IT types who suffer from a special form of idiocy.
    (See Bezos and proposed drone delivery to your front door).
    Finally, some idiot will reply to this along the lines of “you don’t understand ….” to which I’ll reply in advance, “I rest my case”.

  17. Has Our CBC investigated pipeline explosion/deaths in Mao Stlong Land, aka Red China.?
    “Runaway trains almost triple the reported rate, CBC investigation finds”
    “Number of Deaths from Qingdao Explosion Rises to 62”
    “(Beijing) – The death toll for the explosion tied to a leaked pipeline in Qingdao has risen to 62, the government of the eastern city said on weibo, China’s version of Twitter, on December 3.
    More than 130 people were hurt in the November 22 blast blamed on a faulty China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (Sinopec) pipeline. Fourteen people have recovered from their injuries, the city said.”

  18. Canola production rose by almost 30 per cent even as the amount of land seeded fell by 9 per cent, Statscan said in a report on Wednesday. Farms produced 38 per cent more wheat over last season as yields per acre rose by 25 per cent and the amount of land harvested increased by 10 per cent.
    “Ten years from now, it may be farmers who will drive the Lamborghinis and the stock brokers will drive tractors or taxis at best.” Jim Rogers circa 2009
    We don’t need no stinking wheat board.

  19. It’s a handoff to Major Mister Mayor Ford….
    (TO’s liberal elites: FUBAR!)
    “Mayor Rob Ford joining Washington, D.C. sports radio station”
    ““The Junkies were elated to announce Wednesday they’d be joined by Mayor Ford, an avid sports fan, on a weekly basis to talk sports and give his NFL picks,” read a story on the local Washington CBS website.”

  20. “(in restaurants, not brothels for those whose minds are in the gutter) specials…”
    I assume that was a reference to Rob Ford. 😉

  21. O’narcissist’s* support sagging.
    “Youth Break With President on Obamacare Support in Poll”
    “Among the youth population, the president’s approval rating is sagging, as is the case with the general public. The survey found 41 percent approval for Obama, a number that drops to 34 percent when the younger Americans are asked to rate the job he is doing on health care.
    Like their elders, the group is also gloomy about the nation’s direction, with 49 percent saying they think things are on the wrong track, compared with 14 percent who said things are generally headed in the right direction.
    Second Guesses
    Some young voters are second-guessing their support for Obama in his 2012 re-election campaign. The survey shows 55 percent say they backed him in that contest, while 46 percent say they would support him if they could recast their ballots.”
    “This is his sole legacy: a massive post-traumatic stress disorder.”

  22. We get it, MND, you’re a luddite who doesn’t understand BitCoin. You don’t have to site a member of the Christian Taliban like Gary Nutbar North to prove it.

  23. 1. Elon Musk
    Company: Tesla Motors
    Compensation: $78.2 million
    Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk made his first millions through developing the payment platform PayPal and his success and fame have only grown. The stock of Musk’s latest venture, Tesla Motors, spent much of 2013 soaring in value, helping to explain the visionary CEO’s robust pay package.
    10 highest paid CEO’s
    h/t Zerohedge

  24. Update: Kool-Aid Greenies beware.
    Neo-AGW PR has Paused: avid weather for all Red-Green Liddites, too!
    Watch wind turbines flop as the “cold snap” turns out to be an old normal weather feature; not a bug.
    “Gale-Force Winds: Germans Brace for Major Winter Storm”
    “Britain braces for stormy weather”
    “Forecasters warn of risk of worst storm of year so far, with severe weather, power cuts and major disruption to transport”
    “The jet stream is much farther south than normal, allowing the cold air to push in from the Arctic, Kines said.”

  25. Chaos, riots, looting as police go on strike in Argentine city (VIDEOS)
    De la Sota was on a trip to Colombia when the unrest started, and returned to Argentina to take charge and pull the region out of the crisis. “We repeat – send the Gendarmerie into Cordoba at once. What is happening in the city requires urgent attention,” he said earlier on his Twitter account, appealing to Buenos Aires to send reinforcements.

  26. Maz2, been having a hoot with some hard core Swedish CAGW believers over the past 24 or so hrs. They may be as tall as trees but some of them are as dumb as stumps. Sweden installed ‘special window glass’ with invisible metal strips to repel the sun’s heat, immediate consequence is that they have to go outside to use their ‘mobiles’. Just can’t make this stuff up.

  27. Audit finds London mayor Joe Fontana and friends pocketed $8M from charity
    Neither Fontana, who was chair of Trinity Global, nor his son, Ugo, its president, returned calls, referring the matter to Toronto lawyer Duane Milot who downplayed it.
    Trinity Global issued $152 million in charitable receipts to donors in its final fiscal year.
    The CRA said the foundation had strayed from its charitable purpose and had become overly focused on issuing tax receipts. And an audit found $8 million raised for hungry school kids and to fight HIV/AIDS went into the pockets of Joe Fontana and fellow directors of the charity

  28. EBD — Isn’t that the smoking gun re his missing birth records? There has been a lot of speculation about this. It should be big news — but of course it’s not.
