Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 20 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car

Ottawa: Transit special constables have responded to 100 reports of assault and harassment either on buses or near bus stops so far this year. (h/t Ottawa MJ)

17 Replies to “Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 20 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car”

  1. Ah yes, Ms. McMillan! I wondered when your “Hitchhikers” meme would surface again. Sooner or
    later these hitchhikers wil get cars and will be out driving you off the roads.
    Of course ordinarily most of the bus passengers will be civil servants, and hence easy marks
    for evil doers. It is not likely to find an armed man among them. It’s a big change from my
    grandfather’s day – he told me that as a young man he once happened in to a diner in
    downtown Ottawa – a lumbering crew were eating breakfast prior to walking out to their work
    site in the Gatineau – the waiter served them with one hand, while his other hand held a pistol
    just in case.

  2. It’s so great to know that your kids who take the bus to university are sharing their belongings with packs of thieves who specialize in rifling bags for cell phones and wallets.

  3. It’s so great finding out that your kid was threatened at the bus stop by a knife wielding knob demanding smokes and money.

  4. “In this case a man attacked a random woman with a hammer.”
    That man would be – Nabil Benhsaien, 35, who appeared in court and was charged with attempted murder.
    We could go one all day, every day about the wonderful crime ridden cities Canada has become at the hands of racist white conservatives.

  5. Oh sure, sure k99, there are tons and tones of “racist white conservatives” attacking young women on our streets, just for the shear joy of doing it.

  6. John, the only way most of those “hitchhikers” will ever get a car is to steal it, because most of them are too stupid and too feckless to obtain a driver’s licence, and to be able to purchase a car and insurance. But, being on welfare, they can roam the cities on transit all day long, having nothing better to do. Happy hunting grounds!
    The problem with transit, as has been pointed out to you countless times, is that on the buses, and even worse, on the railcars, you don’t get to choose your seatmates, and many times cannot even bail out of the damn thing if some special snowflake goes postal on you. Predators there have a captive population upon which to prey.
    Yes, people in cars may be subject to carjacking, but if you maintain situational awareness, you can minimize your risk. And if some clowns try to box you in and force you to stop, you can put the pedal to the metal and bunt them aside, if you are driving a big pickup or a Suburban. The U.S. Secret Service lurves them their ‘burbs for exactly that reason.

  7. Just goes to show you stupid the criminal element really is. That first individual named, all he would have to do is add “much” to his surname, and he’d be a natural for the pr0n industry, and could make an honest living.

  8. Note description; light brown skin. Would this be a diligent muslim making sure women are properly attired?

  9. ldd >
    “Oh sure, sure k99, there are tons and tones of “racist white conservatives” attacking young women on our streets, just for the shear joy of doing it.”
    Of course not!
    But we MADE the rest of them do it, didn’t you know?
    Ergo – We White Conservatives have plagued our cities with gun crime and other violence, because we forced them to be that way, by silently opposing them in our thoughts and minds. Duh.

  10. And to think all this time I was avoid public transit because its a major vector for communicable disease.

  11. Yes it must be those mobs of “Youths” again. Those pesky “youths” who have been causing mayhem in the U.S.A with knockout game and flash mobs.
