88 Replies to “The Man Who Fell To Earth”

  1. A limited edition Justine Trudeau scarf? Honestly, I don’t think I could have come up with that on my own if I was trying to parody this thing. Perhaps they should try selling toilet paper with his mug on it. Will certainly raise more money, heck I might even be tempted to buy some of that.

  2. As tempting as it sounds to win a date with Justin, there’s no way I’d contribute even $1 to the LPC coffers to do so.

  3. I had a similar idea Shawn , I thought the only way I would wear that scarf was twixt my butt cheeks

  4. Tempting? They couldn’t pay me enough to eat with that effete snob.
    As far as the scarf is concerned, I prefer my Cabella’s scarf.

  5. “venturing into the unknown”
    “Where did the money go?” is the only unknown with Libranos, spaceman.

  6. Gone full Obama style marketing. Except Count Camp Councilor and Prince of Part Time Drama Instruction is even less qualified than the dog eater.

  7. Yes, how the mighty have fallen. Just goes to show that becoming a liberal is roughly equivalent to becoming a heroin addict. In other related news, Chris Hadfield has just accepted a position up the street from me at my alma mater U of Waterloo. Much smarter move on his part. I doubt he’ll be flogging scarves any time soon.

  8. Win dinner with four guests in your town.
    I suggest we all donate in the name of Ezra Levant & camera crew.

  9. When the libtards repay Canadians all the billions they have stolen and wasted from the era of Pierre The Idiot till 2006, I will consider donating.
    Considered it,…… No.
    Queer as a 3dollar bill. An old bit of slang that aptly describes our Libtards. Liberalism , not a political movement, more of a mental disorder.
    The longer the Liberal Party has True-dough the Lesser as its head, the happier the Harper Conservatives will be.

  10. Just “Change”? Shouldn’t it be “Hope & Change”?
    Or is it too early to go “The Full Obama”?

  11. the Space between Justin’s ears: The final frontier
    These are the voyages of the Starship Liberal
    Its 5 year mission
    To explore strange new worlds
    To seek out new life and new civilizations
    To boldly go where no man has gone before.

  12. It’s even worse than you think. If you go to their page, they’ve got a GIF with someone, I assume it’s their “Senior Director, Fundraising”, wearing the scarf and boxing gloves, boxing, or dancing, or something. Shudder.

  13. How about “The man Who Fell To Earth and Landed On His Head”.
    What constitutes a Justin Trudeau Scarf, do they have his picture on them?

  14. I’m bloody inspired. I’m gonna thunder my dozer into a frozen pile of soUth saskathewan river mud and rocks now. THUNDER ON O ALMIGHTY 850JOHN DEERE DOZER !!!THUNDER EVER ONWARDS !!!!!!!

  15. Don’t discount the $3 request. Ask a little to prompt the donation but more importantly the committment.
    Someone who even gives him $0.25 would be more more likely to vote for him. Its the Obama fundraising strat that was based on a bunch of psych research.
    It has merit. I wouldnt ignore, thr thought of another Trudeau as PM gives me the willies. So nothing from me.

  16. While painful to read, Trudeau had not ‘fallen to Earth’. The polls are clear: the Liberals are ahead by a mile and it’s not a blip.

  17. IF they said I HAD to have dinner with the Trudeau Jr. or pay, I’d be paying my three dollars… 🙂

  18. My how far Marc Garneau has fallen.
    A once respected astronaut & MP now reduced to wandering in the corrupt librano wilderness with his nose stuffed a mile up the dauphin’s butt.

  19. Makes me wonder if Garneau’s brain in still in space. Add more humour to this, on the same theme – living in the unreal world:
    The mediarazzi are showing they know Harper cannot be defeated electorally; all they can do is cling to their fantasy he will resign. Ivison has clearly spent way to much time at the pundits’ corner at CTV. Laughable, PMSH will easily win re-election, almost certainly to a majority in 2015.

  20. Laughable, PMSH will easily win re-election, almost certainly to a majority in 2015.
    ITT, technicolor fantasy and sublime overconfidence.

  21. Hahaha. I gave more than 3 bucks to the guy at the Sally Ann pot in the Beer Store yesterday. Money well spent compared to this nonsense.

  22. So LAS, you actually want a lucky Y chromosome winner with a minor in drams as the leader of the best performing economy in the G8?
    You can’t be serious?

  23. Ms. McMillan, you are a very naughty woman ! 🙂
    We can see how corrupt but also how seductive the central apparatus of the Liberal Party is.
    Marc Garneau has now humiliated himself, for them. They earlier lobotomized Michael
    Ignatieff, and I am not sure he even realizes it. Stephane Dion was better treated by
    Stephen Harper than by his own party, as I think his wife recognized in public.
    What has happened to this blog? LAS has actually made two postings which are comprehensible.
    For myself, I think that Justin is just what many Canadians deserve, just as Barack Obama is just
    what many Americans need. Obama is really rubbing their noses in it, as Justin will with
    Canadians if he becomes PM.

  24. Hey Garneau how about giving it to the taxpayers then you libbies will only owe us $39 mill from adscam.

  25. I never stated what I wanted, only what I observed in the polls. It’s clear that Harper’s brand is toxic.
    As for what I want: policy wise, the two idiots are not very different except that Trudeau wants to implement saner drug policy. He also wants a carbon tax, which is bad, but he will never be able to implement it so Trudeau basically wins by technicality.

  26. Apparently thundering into the heavens can cause serious mental dysfunction. I hope they can fix this.

  27. Dinner with Justin ? Good grief, he would have to pay me and it would have to be in another town where my friends don’t recognize me.

  28. If Harper free votes or maybe supports the reform bill and gives people the sense that he’s gone back to his roots, and the seeming tradition of stronger Tory votes than Tory polls in national elections goes on I think it’s close as things now stand. There are plenty of things he’s very different from Trudeau on but it’s hard to forget light bulbs and ethanol, his fun way of saying I totally oppose Kyoto and stuff while at least threatening to implement two of the top 5 worst enviro ideas.

  29. “I want you to venture into the unknown.”
    So, he’s saying that JT is an ‘unknown’. He wants us to vote for an ‘unknown’. He wants the leader of our country to be an ‘unknown’.
    Amazing. I never thought I would seriously doubt the intelligence of an astronaut, but it’s unavoidable.

  30. I would love to go to dinner with Justin. I would spend the entire time making fun of him. I suspect he would walk out in a huff in about five minutes to go cry in his limo.

  31. C’mon LAS. Mid-term polls mean nothing, and TSP is getting all the lapdog ink we expect.
    No one liked Mulroney in the middle of his first term, but he came back and whipped Turner like a dog. Don’t be counting L’il Stevie Harper out yet.

  32. Your analysis is probably in the mix of their thinking, particularly since part of their strategy seems to be to build up a database of contacts. And this effort might add a few names to their list, but overall to me it seems pretty amateurish, desperate and self-absorbed in trying to project the past personal accomplishments of one guy whom they didn’t even want as leader, as if that’s going to fool anybody.
    I’m guessing, by what is being presented here, that their fundraising has dried up again, after a spurt in the wake of the leadership race, or whatever that was. If their year-end goal is a paltry $1 million, to be gained with a series of $3 contributions, that would be indicative of a very big problem for them. Unlike Obama, whose party has no shortage of reliable sponsors of considerable means and which operates in an environment of campaign finance non-reform, essentially, the Liberals face a vastly different fundraising environment than they did fifteen or twenty years ago. And if this campaign is any indication, they haven’t learned how to deal with those changes.
    IMO, a big part of their problem — and one of the things that differentiates them from the Conservatives — is that they still haven’t gotten over the idea that they are entitled to the gravy-train of office: cash should be dispensed to them in exchange for whatever effort they make on behalf of the party; cash is not something one, you know, gives to support the party.
    The year-end numbers, and time, will tell, of course. But it seems to me that they still have a very long way to go.

  33. 1) Mulroney wasn’t past his sell-by date like Harper is 2) Mulroney actually had more achievements than Harper, which is incredibly damning of the latter
    Your comparing one mediocre statist to another. This comparison makes a good point but it’s not the one you want to make. The real lesson: Harper’s reign ends the same as Mulroney’s with no more to show for it.

  34. You use the term “statist” quite a lot, actually. I would be curious to know your definition of that term. Could you provide that, please?

  35. One who believes in the primacy of the state over individual rights. That’s my on-the-spot take.

  36. LAS
    Mr. Harper may be toxic to some,but you don’t mention how the Liberal party is toxic to many as well.Look for the NDP and Liberals to continue down the same vote splitting path.
