Yes, Peggy.

Or, to put it another way, one of the women who helped guilt the American people into electing a transformative Marxist with a dubious background and no governing experience, a man who hang out with domestic terrorists, academic (and activist) anti-Semites, and got his religious counsel from a man steeped in hatred of Whites and Jews, as head of the free world — while simultaneously turning down her nose at figures like Sarah Palin, who has proven over the course of time to be every bit as prescient as Ms Noonan was bamboozed, hoodwinked, and gloriously conned — is now writing to tell us the President is not who he promised he’d be.

38 Replies to “Yes, Peggy.”

  1. Amazed how the Fem-Nazis allow an educated, intelligent, and articulate woman like Sarah Palin be ridiculed and crucified on the altar of liberalism. Now maybe if she was an ugly lesbian?

  2. helped guilt the American people into electing
    For the 10,000th time, BHO was elected because voters panicked when they saw their retirement savings lose half their value when the Bush admin deliberately caused a stock market crash by having Hank Paulson hold a presser in which he declared that the US financial system would crash unless he were given one trillion dollars to play with within the next 48 hrs.
    BHO was not elected because he was black or because he was “historic”. The US media and political class are obsessed by race and racial narratives in a way that most Americans are not.
    There are many narratives as to why BHO was elected, most of which place blame on anyone and everyone except the clowns running the Repub Party. The RP angered its base during the Bush admin by promoting big govt and the Bush admin crashed the stock market. That’s why BHO won and the timeline and tracking polls back me up. If I weren’t so lazy and had better graphics skills, I’d create a slick infographic showing so.

  3. David Burke over at Iowahawk has quite a way with words.
    He tweets:
    David Burge @iowahawkblog
    Good news! New improved queuing system makes sure you go straight to the Fuh Queue.
    6:47 PM – 2 Dec 2013

  4. It’s good to see Kate sourcing Jeff Goldstein. He is funny, insightful and has a great way with language. Thanks Kate. Oh yeah, Peggy Noonan is an idiot. Just sayin’.

  5. From the comments at Geraghty …
    “Canadian blog Small Dead Animals has approvingly noticed Jeff’s bons mots regarding crazy Aunt Peggy. What does it say when Canucks show more awareness than our home-grown dextrosphere?”

  6. In a just world, Jeff Goldstein would be a senior opinion writer for the WSJ, and Peggy would be the editor Martha Stewart Living.

  7. I saw that comment.
    A little late Peggy is right. Thanks to you and the rest of your media The One sycophants the American people have bought a real winner. He makes Jimmah look like a statesman.
    The sad part is that all Americans, not just the free phone bunch, will have to pay for decades, and maybe with their freedom, for this president.

  8. The only justice in the failures of Leftist mentally ill governance is that it is they that will suffer the longest and the hardest when it all unravels.
    It’s the minions of the Liberal elite not unlike Peggy that live at ground zero when REALITY erupts and the fantasy crumbles.

  9. She was just another victim of the political correctness disease. A great admirer of Ronald Reagan, who could not see the polar opposites in these two men and has now been mentally bitch slapped back to reality. The Obamacare gong show is waking many journalists out of their brainwashed stupor. Unfortunately it’s too little, too late.
    I read the book. Was very good. She was still logical at the time.

  10. The worst part about this whole Obamacare implementation fail is the fact that the guys in charge of it all are also in charge of negotiating with Iran.

  11. Poor Peggy, getting what you sold the voters, good and hard.
    The slobbering love affair of the media for Obama Bin Lying, is not over.
    These presstitutes are so merit of basic sense that they could not identify the Zero as an empty suit?
    What is their understanding of human nature?
    Funny how those who push the dumbest ideas are always the loudest in claiming the voters screwed up.
    More evidence liberalism is a mental disorder.
    After all, it is the liberals pushing CAGW who insist all who doubt their religion, are mentally ill.
    In the wisdom of the North American legacy media..
    All who see Emperor Obama as naked of experience and ability, are Racist.
    All who question the ability of bureaucrats, to run 1/6th of the US economy, with compassion and skill, were haters.
    Lberalism, buying unicorn fences and pixie dust , with your money.

  12. Your statements are untrue. I spent the late summer of 2007 and the fall of 2008 in PA and talked
    many Americans about federal politics. They blamed George Bush for everything, of
    course, but there was no panic about pension funds. And Obama was looked upon as a magic
    N****, the perfect man who would right the evils of a well-worn Republic. And no, George Bush
    did not cause the crash in the housing market. That is well documented, and at the federal
    level was due to major insurers being forced to take subprime mortgages, and the major
    banks being too clever by far in setting up CDOs etc. That system was more the fault of
    Democrats than of Republicans, much less George Bush, who seems to have been one of the
    Republicans who was aware of the improprieties of the situation.
    At a local level the crash was due to corruption in the small local banks, as documented so
    presciently by Aaron Clarey in his book on the (then-coming) crash, which appeared in the
    summer of 2008 before the crash.
    You speak of Republicans as being clowns. There we can agree – spineless clowns.
    For a democracy to function it is necessary for there to be at least two active parties with
    competent members. We are seeing this in the US, but also in Ontario where the hapless
    hopeless Hudak keeps the Liberals in power.

  13. Peggy Noonan -still- fails to understand the nature of Barack Obama and the DemocRats. Obama has gotten every single thing he wanted since November 2nd 2007.
    The Obamacare bill was written exactly the way they wanted it. This chaos and uncertainty around health insurance is what they wanted. Because now they have something to blame on the Republicans!
    The Middle East is frigged up exactly the way they wanted it. John Kerry didn’t make a deal with Iran to improve relations in the Middle East. Because the DemocRats DON’T CARE about the Middle East. John Kerry made a deal for the sake of making a deal, so that he can come home and the Media echo chamber can fawningly say what an awesome deal he made and how smart Obama is. Which is what’s happening.
    Cities are going bankrupt. By design. So that DemocRats can bail them out with Federal money, and paint the Republicans as pirates if they try to stop it.
    Et Cetera. Duh.
    Peggy Noonan has less political smarts than a semi-retired rural Ontario Phantom and a graphic artist from Saskatchewan.

  14. I agree John – SA has misread, badly, what happened. Yes, the Republicans were clown like in their behaviour, the post GWB Republicans that is. The implications of a single payer medical system were there for all to see – in Canada – with waiting lists, doctors not taking more patients, assembly line medicine, giant unfunded actuarial liabilities, etc.
    Obamacare is not about medical care, it’s about socialist ideology, that’s why the Dems want this. Hilary Clinton, as First Lady, tried socialist medical care and failed badly because the voters were smart enough to see its follies. Now that they have been dumbed down, bullied into submission and/or bribed with food stamps and other government largesse, it’s possible – until the voters wise up again, that is – if they do, that is.
    Maybe the worm has turned; the 2014 mid-term elections will give us a sign; don’t worry it will still be Bush’s fault – the question will be if the voters jettison this meme.

  15. John Lewis >
    “And no, George Bush did not cause the crash in the housing market.”
    Exactly, if anyone had a hand in the housing crisis it was slick Willy Clinton getting rid of the Glass-Steagall Act and signing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
    Not to be left out then Senator Attorney Barack Hussein Obamba then successfully sued City Bank amongst others on behalf of Acorn and others to force Banks to give Sub Prime Loans to minorities who could never repay their mortgages.
    Sadistic Eristic – Yes he was elected BECAUSE he was black.

  16. The Democrats will choose Hillary,then the Hollywood airheads will all got to bat for her, it’ll make for great fun to have Slick Willy back in the White house with time on his hands.

  17. I don’t worship Sarah Palin in any way. You have to admit though she has been right almost a 100%. While her Political adversary have been the exact opposite.
    This while being roasted by the Champagne Media with the Political class all in vapours over a maligned commoner. Under investigation by every apparatus of Obama’s regime.
    Mocked endlessly in every Media arena.
    She never gets apologized to or accorded her due on her prognostications.
    Peggy Noonan though being one of the Obama fan girls. As well as being part of the Political class club of social elite girl school snobs. Has been wrong constantly, in every way. Was shrewish towards Palin as only a débutante can be. Yet where all now expected to see her repentance at her finding out years latter ( when most people in 3 years seen the empty suit), the Messiah isn’t who she thought he was?
    It ain’t gonna happen. False prophets have a short shelf life. Even worse turn coats.
    Now to change sides when the wind is blowing the stench your way. Is unccouth.
    Finnaly people in America are seeing reality without Media blinkers. To borrow a phrase from Dune by Frank Herbert: The Sleepers have awoken.
    Noonan. When you failed to vet this poser at the beginning. You failed your readers. You failed your Nation.

  18. talked many Americans about federal politics. They blamed George Bush for everything, of course, but there was no panic about pension funds
    The panic came from people who generally paid little attention to politics. Seeing their investment portfolio plummet really woke the somnambulant up. I imagine you were talking to people who were engaged enough in politics to have opinions, not the people who panicked.
    The tracking polls back up my thesis. Months away from the election Obama was well ahead of McCain. McCain chose Palin and the polls reversed. Palin stumbled in the Couric interview and the polls narrowed with McCain still ahead, generally meaning a sure Repub win by that time. Then, Paulson gave his presser with Bush visible on camera just over his shoulder. Congress wrote a trillion dollar check and handed it to Paulson. Then the stock market started its precipitous plunge. Within a few weeks the market was way, way down and the polls showed Obama with a very strong lead. The stock market crash was in direct response to Paulson’s presser and the election lead change was a direct result of the stock market plunge. If voters were voting just for the “black” guy, Obama would have lead the whole time. The reason why I have thought about constructing an infographic is to, once-and-for-all, put to rest the arguments from people such as yourself who, perhaps out of blind partisan loyalty, refuse to acknowledge what really happened.
    George Bush did not cause the crash in the housing market
    I didn’t say that he did. I said that Paulson, with Bush’s blessing, held a presser in which he made statements which had the entirely predictable result of causing a stock market panic. I stand by my statement. Are you really suggesting that a treasury secretary can stand in front of a bunch of microphones and declare that the entire financial system of the U.S. is just 2 days away from complete collapse without having it affect the stock market? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
    … major insurers being forced to take subprime mortgages … That system was more the fault of Democrats than of Republicans
    True, but irrelevant. The stock market crashed because of the Bush admin. acting through Paulson. Quite trying to help the RP escape responsibility for its role in getting Obama elected. Of course, nominating McCain, a man who many in the R base had no enthusiasm for didn’t help and neither did Bush’s very low approval ratings which he earned through his own actions, not because of media opposition. The bulk of the media is always against Rs and not every R has low ratings. Bush’s big govt policies drove his support within the R base into the sewer, not Bush’s media coverage.
    George Bush, who seems to have been one of the Republicans who was aware of the improprieties of the situation
    Bush does deserve credit for repeatedly sounding the alarm about the housing market, but the housing market is not what caused the crash. Paulson’s statements did that.
    You speak of Republicans as being clowns
    Actually, it is the people who control the party, not all Repubs who are clowns and, actually, they are not so much clowns as they are statists who have the same political goals as that of the Dem Party.
    For a democracy to function it is necessary for there to be at least two active parties … also in Ontario where the hapless hopeless Hudak keeps the Liberals in power
    My sympathy. If only there were more true opposition parties to stand up for the interests of the people over that of the pols.

  19. Sadistic Eristic – Yes he was elected BECAUSE he was black.
    Please read the timeline in my response to John Lewis. McCain was ahead of Obama until the stock market crashed. How is that possible if voters were just voting for the “black guy”?
    Party loyalty can be taken too far. The RP should be held responsible for its own actions. The RP lost big in 2006 because the R base was punishing the RP for its “big government conservative” policies. After 2006, Bush acted as if he believed the Dem narrative that 2006 represented a craving amongst voters for liberal policies. Bush let the Dems run domestic policy after 2006 and willingly participated in the auto co. bailouts. Bush’s approval ratings in the 30s were only possible if he had lost the support of much of his party’s base just as Obama’s approval ratings in the 30s indicate that he has lost the support of much of his base.

  20. @Sadistic Eristic: Not certain I agree with everything you’ve said but I do recognize that what you say has truth in it. And I think you UNDER estimate the negative effect of John McCain as the Rep candidate. (“Of course, nominating McCain, a man who many in the R base had no enthusiasm for….”) Horrible choice!
    So anyway, interesting perspectives ……just what do you do for a living …. political analyst maybe?

  21. Read what Noonan writes, but substitute her for Obama. (brackets include my additional editing).
    “Mr. Obama’s problem now is that people think he is smart. They think, as they look at his health-care vows (or Noonan’s promise that Obama was best for America), . . . Or he knew, and deliberately misled everyone. If they thought he wasn’t very bright, they might give him some leeway on that question. But they think he’s really smart. So they think he knew. And deliberately misled. They think he knowingly quelled people’s fears when he knew they had every reason to be afraid. Which makes him just another dishonest pol, …”
    Until October 2008 I knew Noonan was smart. Since then I’ve been angry at her. Now that she’s reminded me of what she did, my anger just burns deeper.

  22. The giveaway line is this one:
    “Say something and it magically exists as something said, and if it’s been said and publicized it must be real.”
    Exactly what most of us were saying before the 2008 election. The TOTUS is a narcissist poseur, an amateur at everything and who never had to run anything in his entire life. Peggy is more than a bit of an idiot that it’s taken her five years to see the obvious.

  23. In that world Kate would have a regular column in the Post, and Heather Mallick would have to blog between shifts at a Kapuskasing greasy spoon because nobody who could afford to pay her would print her ravings.
    That would be okay, though. Nobody would begrudge Heather her national dividend cheque.

  24. sadistic…. bush crashed nothing. the bubble was about to break . barack the magic one as well as mclame were on board with the so called bailout. today obarma owns it not bush. the policies being pursued by the commies in the white house are perpetuating the economic problems and are actually making them worse.

  25. Well, Peggy, the adult thing to do would be admit one’s mistake and apologize. You, and gullible people like you, allowed this mistaken presidency. Sorry, but I can’t hear you.
