57 Replies to “I Amuse Myself”

  1. I doubt if 90% of the people could relate to tires burning as Mandela’s past has been white washed to fit the image of black saint. Any negative history would only come from whites and you will not see it in the MSM as it is not politically correct.

  2. Very tasteless.
    As a conservative myself, I believe the right really needs to back off on Mandela. It appears extremely churlish to attack this man for things that happened decades ago, long before he changed his ways and became far more oriented toward peaceful reconciliation, etc.
    As for dragging Walker into this — I’ve seldom seen anything more tasteless and flat-out nasty from anyone on the Left.

  3. Steve ,wander over to any political article at the CBC and you will find comments that equate the Conservatives with the party of Adolph. Day in,day out,without fail,our taxpayer funded CBC makes it possible for the nasty and tasteless left to show their true colours.
    Suck it up buttercup.

  4. “I’ve seldom seen anything more tasteless and flat-out nasty from anyone on the Left.”
    Then you clearly weren’t paying attention when Margaret Thatcher died. There were labour party types who threw street parties to celebrate her death.

  5. Stephen Lewis disparaging Stephen Harper at Jack Layton’s funeral, which Harper was gracious enough to make a STATE funeral.

  6. There was plenty of dirty work done on behalf of Mandela’s cause but he was smart enough (and in jail enough) to stay pious and leave it to others. That was enough to ensure his canonization.

  7. Another holier than thou leftist flake. Do you still bow down to Lenin’s corpse, Phil? Pound sand.
    Oh by the way……I didn’t “mourn” for Layton either.

  8. I was at a classical music performance on Friday evening and before the concert the conductor dedicated their performance to Nelson Mandela. Normally, I wouldn’t care – in fact I would politely (and lightly) applaud the sentiment – but this was a performance of Handel’s Messiah. Even if he wasn’t trying to make a link between Mandela and Jesus, it was an asinine dedication. I did not join in the applause – and being a polite conservative, I also did not boo.

  9. Congrats Kate. You clearly struck a nerve there, getting the concern-trolls AND Pill out from under their rocks simultaneously.
    Hey trolls. The South African regime was a bunch of racist a-holes, but they did not invent the Nelson Necklace. Mandela was not chucked in jail for nothing, y’know.

  10. Well done Kate, this will get a few diapers in a bunch.
    I recall the ugliness from the lick spittles when that marine was murdered at a shooting range. The glee they displayed was beyond the pale.

  11. “As a conservative myself, I believe the right really needs to back off on Mandela.”
    That would be a lot easier if the media would back off as well. The non-stop panegyrics masquerading as news are getting tiresome.

  12. Mandela’s legacy = one corrupt and bankrupt nation.
    But it is all ok because he brought down a government that was “unfair”.

  13. Trust me, Mr. Macdonald, nothing Kate has to say can injure Mandela’s pride more than what Mandela is currently enduring in hell—to the delight, no doubt, of the vindicated Hendrik Verwoerd in the bosom of Abraham.
    If Mandela had been hanged when South African justice had the chance in 1962, South Africa might yet be a free nation, still governed in the best interest of the civilized men who built it and made it great—the last of its kind. As it was, it was Verwoerd who was felled by a communist assassin years before his time.
    Let the man rest in peace? Why? Thanks to Mandela no white South African still living there has had a good night’s sleep since 1994.

  14. And not all of the bad s-it is in the distant past. As recently as 2003 he was disparaging the US while praising Muammar Ghadafi, Fidel Castro, and Mao. Wonderful democrats all. He admitted to not being a saint, but hardly repudiated the hateful remarks he made regarding Israel and the US.

  15. When necklacing began, Mandela was on Robben Island and had been there for 20 years. There were none reported after his release. His vicious second wife, Winnie made a smart ass remark endorsing the practice but he can hardly be blamed for that.

  16. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not be attending the funeral.
    Security and cost concerns.
    can you blame him?

  17. Yes, the media outpouring has been overblown and generally insufferable. Even when they made a meal out of the passing of Mother Theresa (who, I am sure, Dick Slater loathes as much if not more than Mandela), the media made a point of resurrecting the hatchet job done on the poor woman by Christopher Hitchens. None of that with St Nelson.
    First, we need to recognize that history is written by the winners, and, in this case, Mandela and his supporters won. Second, as MikeM_inMD recognizes, we needn’t jump on the bandwagon but should abide by the adage of de mortuis nil nisi bonum; there will be time for revisionists to re-examine Mandela’s record. Finally, when every politician from Rick Santorum to President Obama is trying to compare himself to Mandela and journalists are grasping for risible comparisons, consider one of Mandela’s fellow Nobel Prize winners (who, unlike Obama, actually did something to win it), Menachem Begin. By all accounts, Begin was a “militant” and was implicated strongly in the terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem as part of his group’s efforts to get the British to leave Palestine. I don’t think he ever “apologized” for his actions; rather he made concessions in a search for peace in the Middle East. Mandela, whatever he had done earlier in the war against apartheid, grasped the hand of President deKlerk and worked with him to effect a transition to majority rule with better protections of minority rights than anywhere else in Africa.

  18. Okay, Phil, sheesh!
    We will have a party when YOU die too. I will buy a round for the house!

  19. What the two have in common is the adulation of the crowd. Ms. McMillan might have
    added Princess Diana for a threesome.
    Ah yes, Roseberry, you are correct. Not fun, but correct.

  20. “I’ve seldom seen anything more tasteless and flat-out nasty from anyone on the Left.”
    There was flat out dancing in the streets in the US by the Democrats when Tony Snow died of cancer.
    But, Roseberry is right, we should be better than the left. If you can’t say anything good, stay silent. This is the wrong sort of fight against the left.
    Apartheid was evil, but so is communism and any derivatives of it.

  21. This made me clap and no one else is around.
    The first thing i said to my coworker when I heard the news is “Lets go burn a tire in his honor”

  22. Not true. It was practiced as recently as 2008 against other African immigrants in South Africa. Also while Mandela did not participate neither did he disparage the practice. He never at anytime condemned the practice.

  23. Roseberry and Steve MacDonald are right. What most of you including Kate are forgetting is that the barbarism of the left does not excuse the same from the right, particularly from a gang which claims to be Christian.
    As for Dick Slater, words are insufficient to describe the utter vileness of what he writes.

  24. Does no one understand the slogan at the top of this site?
    In what aspect aside from the literal, does ‘”Not showing up to riot” is a failed conservative policy.’ mean only to gather in the streets.
    Does it need to say, “Treating your politics as you would prefer to be treated, but aren’t, is a failed conservative policy.” before some of you get off your high moral horses?
    There is no honour in politics. Deal with it. Save your niceties for your neighbours.

  25. I’ve read enough vile leftists comments over the past few years to wonder why we are supposed to stoop to their level. You want to have a bath after reading some of them.
    It’s possible to state your views without being as uncivilized as they are. And if that’s moral self-righteousness, I still stand by it. As a Christian, I can do no less. And, if that is also self-righteousness, then I answer for that to the Lord, and only him.
    It’s amazing that on this blog particularly, everyone must be in agreement.
    I’m quite sure Kate can handle it, or why are her followers putting her name forward for the Senate?

  26. Rev. Jesse Jackson, commenting on the late Nelson Mandela’s impact and comparing his work to Martin Luther King, Jr. in America, said forms of ‘apartheid’ linger in the United States.

    Yeah Jessie,
    you and your poor persecuted son haven’t lost the public’s trust-
    Jesse Jackson Jr. begins serving prison term,
    The former Illinois congressman was sentenced to 2½ years for illegally spending $750,000 in campaign money.

    These sons of a bitches stand on their white horses trying to get out of the knee deep bullshit..

  27. I’m reminded of Elijah in 1 Kings 18, who mocked the Baal worshippers. After they had gone through their various contortions and ‘special words’, their little god still hadn’t answered them.
    Elijah suggested perhaps their god was sleeping, or off taking a sh!t. The Baal worshippers wailed, and cut themselves making the blood flow…
    I guess some of these Christians figure they’re better than old Elijah, even though God was pleased with him.
    Mocking little leftist gods is quite okay with me.

  28. Lance, I’m not sure that I agree that there is *no* honour in politics, but it seems like there is precious little of it. But there are tactics and there is timing. I don’t think that Rick Santorum did himself any favours by characterizing himself as the Mandela of resistance to Obamacare, and even some liberals find the narcissism of President Obama’s response off-putting.
    Stephen Harper probably has done more to advance the conservative project in Canada by attending the Mandela funeral (even if he had to take several of his overstuffed predecessors with him)than has Rob Anders with his remarks, however accurate some of them were.
    That said, we need people like Kate and Kathy Shaidle to rain on the pride-parade-of-the-day, sometimes to speak the unspeakable, and inspire the resistance.

  29. “In the manner in which you respond ”
    phil brings “lickspittle” and “arse licking”, twice.
    Big tell, Loser!

  30. Poor old pill. Kate seems to have struck you squarely upon your last nerve. Poor old abraded nerve. And jeeze, what is it with you and the licking? Ew.
    And now, I feel I must vent a bit. (\rant_on\)
    In answer to those above who say “we must be Better than them!” I would like to answer with this video from Blazing Cat Fur.
    This is a crowd of ~17,000 self described “lesbians and pro-abortion feminists” attacking a Catholic cathedral in Buenos Aires, Argentina, one week ago. Monday, Dec. 2nd 2013.
    The men of the church linked arms and started praying the Rosary out loud, while the “lesbians and pro-abortion feminists” danced about in their underwear (or less), burned stuff and abused the men with spray paint, taunts, and when that didn’t get a rise out of them, punching, kicking (in the groin!), sticks rocks and bottles.
    That’s who we are dealing with in little pill here with his one lonely, abraded neuron. We’re not allowed to have an opinion, pill said. You can’t speak ill of the Lefty dead by bringing up bad stuff they’ve done, pill said. Y’all need to be good little Xtians and SHUT UP!!!!, pill said.
    Please forgive me if I don’t join you in the “rising above” tactic of shaming our opponent with my polite and moral behavior. Its a -stupid- idea. They have no shame. They recognize no moral code. They recognize only superior force, the kind where the cops come.
    In this case, the entire Leftist controlled media is anointing “Necklace Nelson” Mandela as the next Saint in the Lefty firmament, joining the womanizing Kennedys, the murdering Che Guevara and Ghandi of the repugnant personal habits. TV is telling me he was sitting at G*d’s right hand. Trolls are telling me to sit down and shut up.
    My response to that is the following quotes:
    “Not showing up to riot is a failed Conservative policy.” Kate McMillan.
    “So no more runnin’. I aim to misbehave.” Capt. Malcolm Reynolds of the good ship Serenity.
    “Come and get me, you fairies!” Kathy Shaidle.
    “Yore momma.” The Phantom.
    Here endeth today’s rant. (/rant/)

  31. Yep. The Loughner Left has poisoned the well of political discourse with lies for decades now. The sphacelated body politic has become a war zone in which most on the right have yet to wake up and begin fighting their side of the battle.
    Good faith have they none. They are not our fellow citizens with whom we have a mere disagreement.
    They are the enemy.

  32. Oh please! Sanctimonious Conservatives…Your enemies are everywhere surrounding you. In the media, in the education system, in movies, in pop culture. They are all in unison. United in their savage and constant attack via propaganda against our ways and beliefs.
    Someone even mentions God here…Well, Christians use to fight back I guess. Wrongly or rightly, Popes use to go to war.
    If they use vinegar, you cannot fight back with plain water.
    Are we going to stay silent until the vinegar turns to guns, handcuffs and gulags? Because we cannot stoop to their level?
    They have little moral to begin with so how is staying silent going to have any effect?
    Boxcar anyone? “Harold and Martha you’ve just turned 80 and you know the new environment law, time to go”…The way they brainwash kids today, this nightmare could become reality. It’s just a matter of a major economic crisis to start that plausible future scenario down the road.
    Mock them and belittle them I say. Use their own tactics I say. Because playing piety right now in this Godless world is not working and Barbarism is lurking right at the unattended gates.
    How is staying silent going to “educate” people to “think” when The enemy itself does not want people to think.
    This is Breitbart 101.
    Remember Andrew Breitbart?
    Nelson Mandela might of have his heart in the right place but Africa and Africans are still worst off to this day since whitty was removed from the equation and that’s a fact.

  33. Ha, what a great idea!
    Let’s take the gloves off and have a partisan battle-royale! Kill those hateful f^cks before they kill us! THEY are pure evil….WE are pure goodness. Forever live the CPL!(Canadian Parliamentary League)
    Hopefully afterwards, when all the hardcore, tainted partisans are lying dead in the streets, the rest of us can start to pull together and work to save western democracy while there is still time.
    BTW, I thank C. Hitchens and others for exposing Mother Theresa as every bit the untouchable media fraud as Mandela has become.

  34. The realpolitik of the era had the USSR siding with the ANC. SA was a nominal ally of NATO. Cuba and USSR were embedded in neighbouring Angola and Mugabe had managed to turn Rhodesia. Reagan and Thatcher were adults and supported the government of SA; the cold war was real and allowing important geo-political SA to fall to the ANC would have been stupid. Canada via Mulroney was dreamy eyed and was wishing for unicorns and rainbows. Luckily for us the adults in the room prevailed until the cold war was won, unluckily for white SA we put them under the bus shortly thereafter. It was their choice though: white SA was not willing to do what it took to impose their will.
    USSR exits Afganistan 1988
    Berlin wall falls 1989
    ANC ban lifted and Mandela released in 1990
    USSR collapses 1991
