28 Replies to “Forward!”

  1. I wonder how long before Japan crates its own Hydrogen bomb option?
    Canada should begin immediately.
    The Pax Americana is dead. All hands to the life boats.

  2. .. would probably take the Japanes a few weeks. Could you imagine the conniptions that would cause here?

  3. Is this one a case of it’s OK when the left do it:
    While some of its more ambitious members have found success in politics and business, this community is falling behind educationally and economically as a whole, self-segregating into ethnic enclaves, becoming increasingly prone to violence, rioting and substance abuse. More troubling, in recent years they have begun to vote for ethnic extremist parties that threaten to undermine basic British values.
    Who are these people? The English. Once a tolerant, welcoming people who thrived in scholarship and commerce, they have become a drag on British society. . . . .

  4. @Dystopian Optimist
    Parade armies are great for show, but not much else.
    I’ve no idea what the size of China’s effective military force is, though I recall complaints leaking out a while back about how the one-child policy had created generations of Chinese who were undisciplined and unsuitable for military life. Obviously, though, I have no firsthand knowledge.
    I suppose if Obama continues crippling our navy, we might actually have cause for concern. Sadly, community organizers don’t learn ‘Si vis pacem, para bellum’.

  5. Saudi Arabia, Japan. only the beginning. once all the former US allies realize they are no longer allies then their only hope is the old MAD military philosophy.

  6. Since when was the USA anointed as the ‘hand holder’ of the world? Japan has had free defense for decades and the Americans have fought how many wars in defense of the Saudis? The same Saudi government who financed world Islamic jihad that led to 9/11.
    The USA has legitimate defense and trade issues around the world and should pursue them. Japan has taken advantage of USA military presence by spending saved money on their economy and social services. They did that at the risk of their own security. Don’t get me started on Saudi Arabia. No use for that country as they have manipulated the world in pursuit of radical Islam. The current rebalancing of USA interests in the ME is long overdue. A working relationship with Iran (if legit) is far more preferable for USA interests. Time to put the Russians on more of a defensive posture which this move should allow.
    I have often thought that geopolitical imperatives should trump domestic politics in the USA. Developing a relationship with Iran proves that IMO. Progressives like Obama are actually quite reactionary as they defend their positions of power. This is evidenced by the number of conflicts the DEMs have led the USA into. The fact that the Iran talks progressed this far is a positive move.
    China is the up and coming challenger to USA power. Neutralizing Russian interference in the ME is necessary, Iran can do that. Any suggestion that the USA is abandoning their interest in the South China Sea is ignoring the American realignment of military positioning to the Pacific. Most of the ‘Tigers’ of SE Asia are paper tigers as far as military counters to emerging Chinese powers. They create wealth by manufacturing crap to sell to Wallmart and then expect the USA to defend them. I do not blame the USA for getting cranky about it. Perhaps Canadians should ask them selves if they are any different than the Asian Tigers?
    Time for Canada to start pulling more of its own weight.

  7. Obama plays the knockout game. His presidency has been understood by his ilk as a license for them to play it, too. It’s played on the streets, where the targets are America’s enemies—Whites and Jews. At the DOJ, NSA, IRS, EPA and the rest of the regulatory state, the targets are his political enemies and their values and beliefs that once made America great. Abroad, the targets are America’s interests and its historical friends and allies.
    Obama has only three years left to play knockout. Expect him to up his game. Don’t expect much to be left of a once-great nation.

  8. Putin is the OLD Stalin KGB INCARNATE, and for sure, never, never, not to be trusted.
    The Commie Chinese have bred hordes of horny males with nothing to do but seek carnal satisfaction outside their domain, China.
    Hey Mr. Harper, plant that Canadian flag on the NORTH POLE, NOW!!

  9. I’d say that the only inaccuracy in the cartoon is that the airplane is labeled “China-Policy”. Obama has no policy regarding China or anything else. He simply makes ad hoc decisions about things, based on no principles whatsoever, except possibly that of weakening the United States. That is not a policy.

  10. They don’t have to do much more. They do have to do it in the next 9 months minimum or 3 years maximum. Obama will not stand up for any ally, he will not stand up for The United States. He is making the prediction that Israel will stand alone and her friends will desert her. If China Really threatens the US or commits a REAL act of war, like sinking one of our carriers, obama will commit treason and accommodate them. Since Reid is a total and abject crook, and all the dhimocrapts will follow his commands, and boehner and the republicans will cave on any demand from obama and the press, we are lost. Buy more ammunition and remember who caused this. Remember the names. They will all be on the same side because they will perceive the consequences of their actions. Also remember, they are taking action to remember OUR names.

  11. Al_in_Ottawa said: “…they’re wargaming nuclear war with the USA. The world is getting scarier.”
    Naw, its just returning to “normal”. We all lived through this stuff in the ’60s and ’70s, watching the likes of Jimmy Carter and Pierre Trudeau suck up to the Soviets, and in the 1980’s watching the Soviets being revealed as a paper tiger, which then set itself on fire and burned away to nothing.
    The Chicoms will self-immolate in exactly the same way. As will the DemocRats, but hopefully the traditions of freedom and personal cussedness in the USA will burn them out before they crush everyone under heel.
    I must say though, I’d like to see a nuclear armed Canada with more than 18 fighter planes that work in the very near future. We might need that stuff.

  12. Yep … sometimes history is the perfect metaphor for the current situation.
    Still … pisses me off to see that twerp in Washington pull this crap over and over. Worse still that the media keep covering for him.

  13. Since when was the USA anointed as the ‘hand holder’ of the world?
    Well since the end of WW2 when the British Empire collapsed & power moved from London to Washington, as it did from Rome to Constantinople. One anglo power to another. That’s how history will see it. FDR hated the British Empire & wanted American hegemony. So it took up policing the World. The war had bankrupted England to the point it was only a few years ago they stopped paying for weapon they bough from the US.
    It was a seamless Power transfer.
    Of course the American people where never asked to do this. It was the Political elite that wanted this till now.

  14. “Since when was the USA anointed as the ‘hand holder’ of the world?”~CT
    Did you ever notice how Americans like to take credit for winning WWI?(despite not appearing until it was 3/4s over)
    The U.S.A. was one of the “Great Powers” who signed for the winning side of the Treaty of Versailles.
    One of the responsibilities of the “Great Powers” signatories was to put Germany down if they reneged on their responsibilities under or tried to repudiate the conditions outlined in the Treaty of Versailles.
    The United States turned their back on their Treaty of Versailles responsibilities, going through one of their regular ‘isolationist’ intervals which intersperse their hawkish empire building, and the rest is history.
    By the way, until Barack Obama became President, it was the policy of the U.S.A. that they didn’t want every government on the globe to obtain WMDs and nuclear weapons in particular.
    Now any small country that can’t field large enough ‘conventional’ forces to protect itself is obligated to obtain WMDs and nuclear weapons in particular because the U.S.A. has revealed itself to be an egocentric nation of flakes that can’t be depended on to shoulder it’s treaty obligations.(something we should have learned after WWI)
    I’m looking at you, NATO.

  15. “egocentric nation of flakes that can’t be depended upon to shoulder its treaty obligations…” I don’t know where you are from OZ, but you obviously don’t know The US Constitution any better than our presidential scholar president. The president can sign all the treaties he wants (re Wilson) but unless he can convince the Senate that they are good for the US, they AREN’T treaties with the force of law. So f..ck off. I think you fuzzie wuzzies are darned lucky that it is that way because our idiot president, who was elected by less than 40% or the population, could have really put you and your second rate country up for some real misery if the Senate had approved his idiot treaties. I don’t consider myself to be a flake, but I do consider you to be an A-O.
    I take great umbrage reading your indignation. Me and my fellow countrymen and fellow veterans, have pledged our sacred fortunes to defend your sorry a$$es all over the world. It is my observation, that unless the a$$ being defended is yours in particular, we are dirty dastards for trying to defend anyone else’s. We have pledged our fortunes and gone into debt, not particularly to buy new baubles, but to provide the best weapons and protection for our citizens that go into harms way to protect you. We have freely offered those products of our indebtedness to you so you can assist in your defense. Of course, if you are Canadian, receiving platform of draft dodgers and cowards, it is not out of character for your to berate us – you and your 18 F/A-18s designed and made in this terrible flaky country. If you think the US has become flaky, Canada has fallen so far from their grace of WWII, you are hardly recognizable as part of the anglo-sphere.
    We love our northern cousins, but we are sure tired of bleeding for insults and ingratitude.

  16. “Me and my fellow countrymen and fellow veterans, have pledged our sacred fortunes to defend your sorry a$$es all over the world.”
    Listen up, you Ugly American. The United States has never, NEVER defended Canada.
    You are insane to believe your own lies.
    Give me one single example, ONE, where the United States came to Canada’s defence with no over-riding interest of their own on the line.
    And don’t tell me that exploding BOMARC missiles with nuclear warheads over Canadian airspace to protect American cities was somehow in Canada’s best interest during the Cold War because the difference between Russians and Americans is vanishingly small when your supposed ‘Ally’ is exploding nukes over your country to protect their own.
    You assholes didn’t get into WWI until it was 3/4s over and didn’t involve yourselves in WWII until it was 1/2 over while England and the Commonwealth(Canada) were the only thing standing between Hitler’s Panzer Armies and Democracy from 1939-1942, while Americans sat on their isolationist asses, ignored their responsibilities to the Treaty of Versailles and played baseball while pretending American teams constituted the ‘WORLD’* series.
    Americans didn’t fight in WWII because it was the right thing to do like Canada did, they did it because they were attacked at Pearl Harbour, which as everyone knows, is right next to California because America isn’t an imperial nation./
    *America is the World? You flakey egocentric Sons of Bitches.
    No you didn’t invent telephones, No you weren’t the first to have powered flight, No you didn’t invent automobiles, Yes you helped invented the atomic bomb, with Canada’s help and the help of German refugees…and all done with borrowed money that now is obvious that you never intended to ever pay back, you scumbags.
    Yes, America is the Greatest-Money-Borrower in the History of the World, Yes America has the Greatest Psychosis about RACE and Skin Colour in the History of Mankind, Yes America is full of EGOCENTRIC FLAKES who pretend they’re beneficial to the rest of us while borrowing money to prop up their own twisted economy predicated on the excuse of helping others but because of their RACIAL PSYCHOSIS have destroyed the invested productivity of this entire international global generation who hoped and thought better of them but discovered they were ultimately conned to into investing in a nation of self-centered FLAKES in decadent psychotic decline.
    I used to love Americans and defend them on the blogs.
    I’m an Albertan and Americans invested in my province and made us rich, along with themselves, developing our energy resources when Eastern Canada slammed the door in our faces just to keep political power from moving west.
    But now Americans are ungrateful shits, just like yourself, who know nothing about Albertans selling our energy resources 30% below world prices because we were cousins(Anglosphere) who respected each other and now you would beggar us, stop our XL Keystone Pipeline because you’re a bunch of fecking FLAKES who elected the Village IDIOT to be your President just because he has extra melanin!
    Damn you arrogant, SOBs.
    You did nothing, NOTHING! to protect or defend Canada, ever.
    Everything America ever did, America did it ONLY for themselves and are still do so today.

  17. have pledged our sacred fortunes to defend your sorry a$$es all over the world. …for our citizens that go into harms way to protect you.
    protect us from what? Name one time that the US was doing any ‘protecting’ when Canada wasn’t there too. As noted above by Oz, Americans were still sitting on their a$$es for years at the start of both WW1 and WW2, getting rich selling weapons while Canadians and others were doing the protecting.
    The US spends more on military misadventures than the total military spending of the rest of the world. That’s not ‘protection’ that’s paranoia. If American ‘democracy’ was such a good thing the US wouldn’t have to ram it down other countries’ throats with a gun.
    The US is the only threat to Canada. Canada and Mexico only exist as sovereign countries because it makes the US look good to have democracies as neighbors.

  18. Oz and North of 60;
    As much as I advocate for a ‘grown up’ international agenda for Canada I would never make ill founded comments such as you have about America’s record. Sitting back and pointing fingers at mistakes is very easy especially as ‘Old Country Boy’ said when you have no skin in the game. America does not exist to defend or promote Canadian interests.
    America’s international power truly stated to ascend during WW I not II. Why should the USA have blindly entered a Euro War in 1914 just because those imperial powers were fighting? I certainly would not have wanted Canadians going there either. Anyone who suggests that WW II was not won because of USA efforts are more than naïve. No one paid USA war debt other than Americans starting in 1946. In actual fact American debt as a % of GDP exceeded that of today!
    As you study history you might also discover that the USA single handedly defeated the Japanese in the Pacific. Yes they fought a two front was while shipping millions of tons of equipment to the Russians as well.
    If I was ‘Old Country Boy’ my question would be what was ‘Canada’ doing when the Americans took on the British at Concord? Oh ya, they did nothing. They watched as the Colonies threw off the British imperial yoke and created a true democratic revolution. Canadians sat home and continued their servitude and top down governance.
    Right or wrong Americans have died for the benefit of people around the world for hundreds of years.

  19. He was not entirely right – when tha americans were trying to escape in Tehran after the muslim fanatics took over out embassy, Canada did help. The American people will be eternally grateful for that.
    Excerpt from Gordon Sinclair:
    America: The Good Neighbor.
    Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television commentator. What follows is the full text of his trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional Record:
    “This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth.
    Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States.
    When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.
    When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped.
    The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars! into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.
    I’d like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplane. Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC10? If so, why don’t they fly them? Why do all the International lines except Russia fly American Planes?
    Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles.
    You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon -! not once, but several times – and safely home again.
    You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everybody to look at. Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here on our streets, and most of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to spend here.
    When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke.
    I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don’t think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake.
    Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I’m one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not one of those.”
    So, for the rest of our northern cousins, don’t place too much faith in the motives and feelings of America haters in your midst. Remember, a lot of them left The United States to take their hateful mental crap to your country. You are responsible for them now.

  20. Oz said: “The United States has never, NEVER defended Canada.”
    Not meaning to be a jerk Oz, but America has been the -only- one defending Canada since Trudeau destroyed our military. In their self-interest of course, but still.
    How soon the Cold War is forgotten, eh? If it helps, consider Obama payback for Trudeau.
    And you’re right about the Keystone pipeline. 100%

  21. Phantom;
    No, Oz is not correct about Keystone XL. As much as most thinking Canadians realize that Keystone is a no brainer it is not our decision. If Americans want to go back to coal burning or whatever alternative they want that is their decision. They have no obligation to make Canada’s way in the world. It should be a national imperative in Canada that Canadian crude is shipped from both coasts. In typical Canadian fashion we quibble when decisive action is needed.
    For all the societal demands that Canadians place on our economy it seems that a certain pride is taken by many to throw as many roadblocks in the way of development as possible. We have not had a national government who honestly and clearly engaged Canadians on national priorities.
    Each day it seems another factory shuts down in Ontario. This massive failure in taxpayer subsidized industrialization is excused by suggestion that the Canadian ‘petro dollar’ is the reason. The fix is always more money for government initiated cures. The idea that government mistakes are the reason for this failure goes unaddressed. Eastern Canada plots and schemes on getting a slice of oil revenue and conveniently ignore the amount of ‘equalization’ monies that have flowed there for generations. In the meantime the industry suffers.
    The possible solution to future financial woes is obstructed at every turn. A world class production of 8-10 million bpd of Canadian crude is pushed back each year. Other than ‘me first’ Canadians who else fights Canada’s rise to financial power? IMHO it is OPEC, Russia and the USA. It is in none of the aboves interest to see a strong financial Canada. Canada’s absolute need to assert Artic claims and develop a diversified economic base should supercede any other national issue.
    Failure to achieve these desired national goals will be a failure of Canada to demonstrate a claim to be a partner in world leadership. Time to grow up Canada!

  22. “If I was ‘Old Country Boy’ my question would be what was ‘Canada’ doing when the Americans took on the British at Concord? Oh ya, they did nothing. They watched as the Colonies threw off the British imperial yoke and created a true democratic revolution.”
    Canadians were fighting on the side of King and country. As a matter of fact, the Americans were not at all hard done by and didn’t have any real grounds for revolting as those in Canada who didn’t revolt knew quite well.
    Only 3% of American colonists fought alongside the French, Spanish, and Dutch against Great Britain which resulted in Americans throwing off the English monarchy.
    Unbeknownst to you, as many Americans fought for King and country as fought for the revolutionists(it was truly the first American Civil War) and the revolutionaries would never have won if England had not been fighting a World War with France, Spain, and the Netherlands at the time on the opposing side.
    Old country schmuck can quote Gordon Sinclair to his hearts content. It matters not to me the opinion of some dead CBC talking head who was fired from his first 2 jobs before getting permanent employment with the Toronto Star.
    Canadians are as generous as Americans and always have been.
    Americans are not special, except for their swelled heads and flakey on-again off-again loyalties and principles.
    “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else.”
    ~Winston Churchill
    It didn’t escape my notice that neither the Ugly American nor anyone else could give a single example of America actually defending Canada.

  23. Reply to Oz.
    It is lucky for the great country of Canada that it is not filled with people like you. If it were, it would be indefensible. Please take this personally, OX (not the rest of you) but Canada isn’t exactly high ranking among feared nations. You are nicely isolated so for the bad guys to get to you, they must get through The US first. However, they are getting there, pretty soon, you will be under sharia law because of dummys like you. You are kinda like the little kid w walking down the school hall with his really big brother, shouting he can whip anybody in school. Because America is what it is and where it is, and who it is, she doesn’t have to make a big show of defending you.
    But please, keep using your asinine arguments, we might just let you start defending yourself. Signed Old Country Schmuck. By the way, I’m from Tulsa – do you think you can get all that oil and gas out by yourself. Nah! We don’t know nuttin.
