28 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. This guest essay at WUWT by Dr. Tim Ball is worth reading, especially if you enjoy seeing David Suzuki being raked over the coals..

  2. EBD, thanks for tonight’s selection. We are all made from the same clay.
    That was a great essay by Dr. Tim Ball. The truth of it. It does appear that the tide is turning against the false religion of AGW.

  3. Bill C-428 will allow recent immigrants to apply for OAS in 3 years instead of the existing 10.
    This bill had first reading in the house on June 18, 2009. It was seconded by Bob Rae! MP Ms Ruby Dhalla who introduced the bill represents the riding of Brampton.
    Right now you have to have lived in Canada for 10 years in order to qualify for Old Age Security. She wants the time reduced to 3 years. Thousands could come to Canada when they are 62 years old never having worked or contributed to this country’s tax system etc. and qualify for full Old Age Security benefits. 10 years minimum is reasonable – 3 is not!
    Look this up Google C-428 and you will see this bill has only one purpose and that is to ‘featherbed’ a select group of people for votes.

  4. Thanks, EBD, for ‘Why Me, Lord?’…Very *touching*! When I still had a record player I held on to the album put out by Kris and Rita with ‘Loving Arms.’ Some of the most talented people seem to have difficulty coping with everyday life.

  5. Great Moments in Socialism
    “It’s 10 degrees outside & 60 degrees in our house. We don’t have oil to heat the house, can’t afford it. We tried to apply for energy assistance but all the slots got full quick & the next time they will have openings for assistance is after January. Nobody will hire me. I’ve gone on numerous interviews & turned in countless application, nobody is interested. I’m freezing! Have nothing to sell like jewelry, only my laptop that I use for job search. Feeling hopeless.”

  6. Re: Gunney99 and bill C428, a few seconds on google shows the current concern is a hoax. Ruby introduced the bill, parliament session was dissolved, she was voted out and the bill is void. Never had a vote. Cons and lobs said they would not support it. Thankfully a dead issue.

  7. Thanks folks; I should have done the research myself. I just believed a email from a usually reliable source. Thanks for correcting me.

  8. I get emails like that frequently that have been forwarded so many times they’ve been circulating for a couple of years. I always doublecheck now.
    I asked a friend who it was that is sending her some of the emails she was forwarding to me. Turns out he is her grson’s father-in-law whose credentials for being a Harper-hating, polar bear loving, and AGW believer is that he’s a retired principal in Toronto. I’ve asked her twice to stop forwarding his emails to me, but she admits she doesn’t read them so has no idea what they say. ‘Course in her case, there is the excuse that she is 95.

  9. Neo-AGW PR.
    Green-Red’s No Retreat Kills.
    “The seemingly never-ending storm that coated parts of Texas in ice struck with unexpected force on the East Coast,”. (AP)
    “Snow falling. In Australia. In summer.”
    “UPDATE: A day after we posted images of fresh summer snow falling across the Australian Alps, we’ve updated our original story with new images that show the ground getting whiter… and whiter… and whiter.”

  10. I saw Kristofferson play the River Cree Casino in Edmonton a few winters back. For an old guy I’ll cut him some slack that the show wasn’t too bad. I always thought he was brilliant and under rated as a songwriter. The part I didn’t like was when between songs he always had something negative to say about Bush/Cheney. Shut up and sing already.

  11. Left-liberalism-socialism strung out, hung out to dry.
    The end result of Mandela’s miscegenation:
    “The main change is that the old white ruling class is joined by the new black elite.”
    “Family feuds air Mandela clan’s dirty laundry” (G-M)
    “If Nelson Mandela really had won, he wouldn’t be seen as a universal hero”
    “Mandela must have died a bitter man. To honour his legacy, we should focus on the unfulfilled promises his leadership gave rise to”
    “South Africa in this respect is just one version of the recurrent story of the contemporary left.”

  12. How many here have sent PMSH a letter letting him know what will be if he shames our nation by going to a communist terrorists funeral? Or is being the leader of the “pearl necklace” gang OK?

  13. Bloomberg smogged up their headline.
    However, we know what is meant, right?
    It’s for the children, right?
    “Shanghai Tells Childre to Stay Inside for Seventh Day on”
    “Shanghai warned children and the elderly to stay indoors for at least a seventh day this month, intensifying pressure on local authorities to control the worst smog since government monitoring began last year.”

  14. After finding out about the US Air Force’s Christmas display, Obama has ordered the Secretary of the Air Force, Eric Fanning, to have all members attend a more thorough islamic sensitivity training.
